Introduction to Silverfish

November is the month of the silverfish, as we get the most call-outs for these creatures than any other month of the year. They are one of the most common household insects in homes throughout B.C. The name silverfish is somewhat misleading, as they can’t live or swim in water but they do skitter across the floor like a fish and are attracted to moisture. They feed on mold and mildew, which grows in high moisture situations, and organic matter (starches). Houses with cedar shake and shingle roofs are more prone to silverfish infestations because mold can easily form on the under sides of the shingles. These pests are frequently seen in bathrooms and will often crawl into the bathtub or sink and once there, they can’t escape because they can’t climb up the smooth porcelain sides. Silverfish are more of a nuisance than a threat yet the exoskeletons they shed can sometimes cause allergic reactions. They can damage household items including paper, books, wallpaper and bookbindings. If you spot silverfish in your home, contact the pest control professionals at for help handling these insects. & Exterminators Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy L. Bilesky BsF CPA RPF