Liquid aluminium ant control

Need ant control, try pouring molten aluminum (temperatures of around 1300 degrees) into an ant hill. You’ll get an aluminum sculpture and eliminate those pesky ants. The procedure begins by melting 19 or 20 pounds of scrap aluminum to create a bucketful of shimmering liquid then start the process of creating nature-inspired sculptures.  The creation of the art serves a secondary purpose, too: pest control. The invasive Argentine red imported fire ant makes excellent live tunnels for the molten aluminum to fill.  The insects, found on every continent except Antarctica, force out local insects and harm both humans and livestock. The creation process comes with risks: burns, spouts of molten metal hitting wet spots underground and of course ant bites. After pouring in the metal and letting it cool for several minutes, the new aluminium structure can be dug up.SnipImage