Your new lawn, here come the raccoons


In the pest control business, we come across raccoons that think that a newly sodded lawn is open season on worms and grubs, underestimating their abilities can result in extensive damage to client’s property. When sod is laid, regardless of the time of the year, the fresh soil underneath coupled with high levels of moisture attracts worms and grubs to the top of the surface, right under the sod. Raccoons are very clever; they roll-up large chunks of sod in order to eat the worms and the grubs. The key for resolving the problem is the use of several methods, deployed on the day when the new sod is installed. Here are a few suggestions:  

  1. Lighting up the area – 100 Watt bulb for every 250 square feet (motion detectors are great).
  2. Using a Scarecrow Sprinkler.
  3. Distributing Moth Ballsalong the perimeter
  4. Sprinkling pure soap flakes and watering thoroughly.

The methods described above are designed to make your lawn less attractive and much less accessible source of food. Raccoons will strive to find an easier source of food elsewhere, allowing your fresh sod to take root, and grow uninterrupted!

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