Nit-picking Biting Insects

I’m often asked which insects that we have, that actually bite us. So here are the four main insects that may get into your house and bite you and your pets.

1) Bed Bugs – The adult bed bug are reddish brown, oval, flat and grow to 3 cm long. Bed bugs at night will crawl in search of blood. They use a piercing, sucking proboscis to pierce the flesh of their victims.

2) Fleas – The most common is the cat flea, they are small dark parasites that feed on the blood of you and your pets. The best option to protect your household is to have your vet treat your pets for fleas.  

3) Human Lice – There are two distinct species, the hair and body lice. Hair lice are found in the hair on the head, and their eggs, stuck to hairs, are termed nits. These are difficult and time consuming to remove. Then there are the body lice. Body lice can carry diseases such as relapsing fever, typhus, Zika, Louse-borne disease and trench fever.  

4) Sucking Lice – These little devils have piercing mouthparts, which they use to suck the blood of you and your pets. They hang on to hair with a single large claw at the end of their strong legs. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy bilesky