Oh Canada – Goose

Our majestic goose can pose a costly nuisance for many property owners. Canada Geese are large water birds with a long neck, large body, large webbed feet, flat bill, black head with white cheeks and chinstrap, black neck, tan breast, and brown back. The birds graze on submerged aquatic vegetation by reaching under the water with their long necks. When grazing in fields and lawns, they can leave large amounts of droppings and destroy a lot of grass. With the labor, time, and resources needed to simply reseed a lawn, owners are not hesitant to deter these local birds. They can quickly lay waste to urban and suburban lawns, city parks, and recreational fields, which provide excellent forage for resident and nonresident populations of these birds. To help move along these geese to other pastures, clear away reeds or plants that are used for nesting, remove tall reeds or vegetation to help decrease a goose infestation and increase the angle of an embankment near water which can help discourage geese from entering your property.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Bilesky

