Pepe Le Pew Skunk

Skunks don’t actually hibernate but remain inactive in their dens for days to weeks during extreme cold as we are experiencing. Skunks typically mate around this time of the year, and the kits are born in mid spring. They are mostly nocturnal carnivores and feed on rodents like moles, voles, squirrels, rats, mice and other small mammals. They also help keep insect populations in check as they feed on beetles, ants and other types of insect larvae. Unfortunately, they like to eat garden vegetables and fruit and can do damage to lawns when foraging for insects. Skunks will attack beehives eating adult and larval bees. Skunks like digging under foundations of homes and other less trafficked buildings and burrowing under low decks. The skunk is second only to the raccoon in number of recorded rabies cases. The skunk odor is a repellent for predators, with two internal glands at the base of the tail which can produce a thick, volatile, oily liquid containing sulfur compounds. Before discharging, they do a war dance to let their opponent know they mean business but once the tail is raised, things get stinky. The fluid they discharged can reach 6 meters with accuracy up to 3 meters. The skunk can fire up to 3 times when needed, temporary blinding its opponent if struck in the eyes.