PHD in Fire Ant control

The red imported fire ant arrived from South America in the port of Mobile in the 1930s. Early attempts of extermination efforts failed due to the ant’s ability to rapidly reproduce and their biology. Imported fire ants disrupt native habitats and our homeland, and have created an enormous impact on our economy. Autumn is the best time to control fire ants around your house. Fire ant colonies have been growing all summer and will have reached their greatest size by the end of summer. It is best to attack these colonies before cooler temperature sends them deep into the ground. Ant baits work when worker ants pick up the bait and transport it back to the colony. The active ingredient is moderately slow acting therefore it has time to reach the queen. Baits are also effective at controlling fire ant mounds.



♦ do not apply baits directly to the mounds.

♦ apply bait over entire yard.

♦ treat the yard in the late afternoon.

♦ if everything else fails call go green pest