Raccoons 101


Raccoons can be found throughout southern BC and along the coast in a wide variety of habitats including forests, marshes, and farmland.  They are opportunistic omnivores, eat just about anything edible. Some preferred foods include nuts, insects, berries, clams and bird eggs. Usually solitary animals (except for females with young) but they will congregate if there is a good food source. In the wild they have life expectancy of 3-5 years, raccoons in captivity can live upwards of 15 years. Primarily nocturnal, but may be seen foraging during the day. Den sites vary widely and can be found in hollow trees, stumps, and abandoned burrows as well as in buildings such as barns and attics. Raccoons can breed from January through to June: usually give birth to 2-3 young called kits, which are ready to leave the den by 7 weeks of age.

Raccoons are excellent swimmers and very capable tree climbers, with several predators including coyotes, cougars, wolves, and Great-horned Owls.

Warning: They can also carry a roundworm parasite that is potentially dangerous to humans and our pets through contact with raccoon feces.


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