Rat vs Mouse – Who’s who

So was it a rat or mouse – look at the feces, mice produce rice sized feces and rats have ½” – ¾” feces. Mice and rats are very different in terms of their behavior, eating habits and obviously their size. Rats like to gorge on available food and cause more damage by chewing bigger holes and chewing through plastic pipes, wires, brick, aluminum, wire mesh, cinder blocks, and even concrete. When it comes to eating, mice are nibblers, they are inquisitive and like to roam around, even if you are standing there watching them and therefore are easier to catch. Rats are smart and really scared of anything new i.e. human made traps, therefore it takes longer to trap them – if at all. Rats and mice will eat everything but mice will eat other mice and even their own tail. Both vermin are nocturnal, social, and territorial in their nature.

