Rodents and Your Home

Mice and rats harbor 35 diseases which transmitted to humans, including rat-bite fever and HPS (hantavirus pulmonary syndrome). When you spot rodent droppings or other signs of a mouse or rat, help is needed immediately.  You need to be very careful when it comes to your home, as a mouse or rat only needs a small gap or hole to enter the home. In fact, if their nose will fit into a hole or gap, they can enter a dwelling. Although one can take numerous precautions to prevent rodent infestations, one or more creatures may still get in.

Rodents can to all kinds of damage to your house or building including chewing though insulation, electrical wiring, wallboard and more. Traps and baits help to catch the animals but contaminated insulation needs to be removed, the area sanitized, disinfection and a bactericide applied. Exclusion remains the first line of defense, however, and this is why the focus is always on preventing animals from entering in the first place.

This is where pest control professionals come in, they are trained in pest biology, activity, damage and diagnose conditions favourable to pest problems before any pest control materials are applied.