Save a Bee – read the labels


Hotter temperatures are arriving earlier this year, moving up the schedule for planting gardens and flowerbeds. As we are creeping ever so closer to summer, gardening here in Delta is picking up. You are reminded to be mindful of bee populations. A few simple steps as a homeowner can make us “bee” friendly to pollinators. To protect bees and other pollinators, read the pesticide labels, especially the ones that are neonicotinoid pesticide products that can adversely our flying pollinators.  A lot of the manufactures that are marketing to homeowners have responded and they’ll even say ‘bee-friendly’ and provide some directions for use. Bee populations have been in waning in recent years, which many attribute to certain pesticides used by farmers and homeowners. Timing of pesticide application can help bees. If you must apply pesticides, apply them only to the affected plants, and preferably when the plants aren’t in bloom. Apply them late in the evening when bees aren’t active. Spray pesticides during dry conditions, if possible, since dew can retain the toxins.