September – the month of the Hornet

Wasp and hornet numbers are now beginning to rise after a slow start this summer due to the cold winter that led to some confusion among the stinging pests. A delay of about a month changed their usual pattern of appearance and now they are on the search for sugary indulgences. We are now seeing wasps and hornets focusing less on building nests to feeding the queen and her lair with sweeter items. This point in their lifecycle is when they are most troublesome to us and it is anticipated that they will be around until October. They are targeting sweet fruit on trees, sugary pops and alcohol, and most items on the bbq. A single wasp can discover a source of food and then go back to their nest over a kilometer away to inform and return with dozen in tow. A professional pest controller can help minimise wasp activity with a range of techniques to protect households, gardens, schools, restaurants, pubs and offices. “Sometimes the flight path of wasps needs to be studied to see if a nest is nearby. Many times just standing and watching the wasps enter the nest is enough to threaten and agitate them enough that they will turn on you and begin stinging”. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. randy Bilesky