Social Bees and Wasps


There are over 50,000 different species of bees and wasps. These black and yellow energetic creatures are actually our friends and a very important part of the earth’s subtle ecology. Honeybees are pollinators and contribute more than 100 million kilograms of commercial honey in North America each year. Wasps play a vital role in regulating insect populations. There are two different types of wasp, solitary and social wasps. Honeybees and Bumblebees are the only social bees. Only a couple species of wasp will sting without provocation, most bees and wasps avoid using their stinger unless a looming threat exists. If bees and wasps are a concern to your health; don’t wear scented perfumes and lotions, and keep food or drinks covered when you are outside. And remember the old adage: if you leave them alone they’ll leave you alone.