Spare the Sparrow?

Gardeners and property owners consider the house sparrow a pest. Being an invasive species, they are somewhat responsible for diminishing populations of native birds. Sparrows damage gardens by pecking seeds and seedlings, buds, flowers, vegetables, and maturing fruits. They also disfigure buildings with their nests and droppings. Although not that common, they have been known to spread diseases affecting humans, pets and livestock. House sparrows are also known to destroy the eggs of competing species while threatening or even attacking the adults. House sparrows have adapted well to humans and our structures to which they find security from their natural predators.  To help prevent and control sparrows around your home you need to follow a few simple guidelines. Eliminate bird feeders intended for other species, repair and seal the exterior of buildings where they can build nests, cover vents and other openings which cannot be sealed with wire mesh.