Spider Facts -strange but true  

Winter solstice 2017 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 8:28 AM on Thursday, December 21. For most of us in Delta, that means getting out the big coats, scarves, gloves, hats and waterproof boots. Also, in the late fall months, male spiders leave their isolated nesting areas and explore our homes in search of a new mate. So in light of this interesting point, here is a list of fascinating facts about spiders.

-The male peacock spider does a dance that looks very similar to the Village People’s YMCA, if the female recipient doesn’t think the performance is up to par, she will kill and eat him.

– While most spiders we know are solitary animals, there are some that form communities in the thousands that work together to incapacitate prey trapped in their webs and share the meal.

-Spiders come in all different shapes and sizes and there are over 30,000 different species, and at any given time there is a spider as close as 3 meters from you.

-In the spider kingdom, the females are the ones with the big appetite – regrettably the female spider will eat the male spider before, during or after sex- apropos for the #1 sexual cannibalistic spider, the black widow. Also, male spiders like to serenade their potential partners with silk wrapped insects – again if the gift is not up to par, the female will kill him.

– The silk in a spider’s web is five times stronger than a strand of steel the same thickness and is actually a liquid. Engineers believe that if a strand of the silk webbing was 2 cm thick it could stop a tank in it tracks.

– Spiders blood is blue because the molecule that oxygen is bound to contain copper, which gives their blood the blue colour.

– The muscles in spider legs of spiders can only pull their legs inward but can’t spread them out again. A liquid is pumped into their legs to help push them out again. When siders die the liquid dries and the legs then curl up.

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