Spring Cleaning Against Pests


Mid-march is a busy time for pests as they leave their winter hiding spots in search of food and water. In the pest control industry, we use what’s called Integrated Pest Management to be effective and environmentally responsible when dealing with pest control issues because it focuses on eliminating the conditions that attract pests through proactive sanitation, maintenance and reducing the need for chemical treatments. To help prevent pest activity this spring around your house, consider these tips:

1) Make waste inaccessible, as pests are attracted to leftover food and trash odors. To restrict smells, line trash cans, cover them with tightly sealed lids. Wash down trashcans regularly to clean up any food debris.

2) Keep the dining room and kitchen spotless by immediately wiping away any crumbs and clearing away meal leftovers. Make sure counters are cleaned regularly and that floors are vacuumed and washed at least once a week with an organic cleaner. Cleaning spills and sanitizing surface areas helps prevent pests from coming in the first place.

3) Patios attract pests such as flies, wasps, mosquitos, ants, birds, rodents, skunks and raccoons. Ensure outdoor dining areas are kept clean and tidy, wipe down tables and sweep-up any food waste left on the ground. Play close attention to what lands just outside the patio edge or under a deck as well, while those places are out of sight, overlooked morsels can entice your neighbors pests to become yours.

