The Ladybug


The ladybug (Ladybird or Lady beetle or coccinellids) has an average lifespan of 2 to 3 years in the wild and hibernate in the winter? Adult ladybugs are round, semi-circle shaped insects with stumpy legs and antennae. Their dots and the amount can vary from species to species. In some the colouring is reversed making them black with red splotches. Most adult ladybirds and larvae are valued by farmers since they are natures natural pest controllers; eating a variety of plant-damaging insects, including aphids. Ladybugs have a few defenses against predators. Their brightly colours warn potential predators that it is poisonous, even though these beetles are not. Ladybugs discharge a nasty tasting fluid when attacked which makes them an undesirable victim. Ladybugs will play dead until danger passes. The main predators of Lady beetles are usually birds, but they are also the prey of frogs, wasps, spiders, and dragonflies. Oh, they will bite you!