The new Kid on the Block for Ants – Go Green

We have been anticipating the arrive of this new weapon again our local ant problems for some time. The product is called Scorpio, a dual action ant bait which is extremely appetizing feeder with spinosad, an active ingredient that is made from naturally occurring bacterium – that is toxic to ants. It is a commercial product that works extraordinary well for indoor and outdoor applications. It kills most, if not all, the ants we experience here in Delta including carpenter ants, fire ants, pharaoh ants, pavement ants, thatching ants and odorous house ants. The key to this new solution is ants are attracted by the bait, they consume it, carry it to their nest where it is fed to other worker ants, larvae and the almighty queen(s). The colony is controlled within 1 to 2 weeks. It can be used in and around family residential buildings, institutional, commercial, schools, hospitals and on decks. Now here is the kicker, it is safe around kids and pets.