The Spider Web

Spiders are excellent pest control agents. They do not transmit any diseases and rarely bite humans. Most spiders are nocturnal, shy, and avoid conflict by running away. Their web begins with a single thread, which begins the rest of the structure. The spider climbs to a starting point and releases a thread into the wind. When the thread catches onto something, it snaps up the thread and attaches to the starting point. It then walks across the thread, releasing another thread below the first one, attaching this thread on both ends and climbs to its center. They continue in this fashion to form the core support structure of the web. The spider then spirals in on the web, laying out sticky thread. The spider eats up the secondary spiral as it lays out the sticky spiral, resulting in a web with non-sticky radius threads, for getting around, and a sticky spiral for catching bugs. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky