Three blind Harvest mice

This agile family of harvest mice have acrobatic abilities as they attack fruit crops. Harvest mice are often pictured clinging onto hears of corn, they are one of the smallest rodents, measuring just two inches in length. With prehensile tails used as a flexible fourth limb, the tiny mice are able to swing and hang in the bushes.  The animals, which nest in woven nests made from balls of grass, weigh as little as 4 grams and with a diet mainly consisting of seeds, insects and fruit. They have poor eyesight and rely almost completely on hearing. It inhabits marginal habitats, but it is adaptable, intelligent and highly opportunistic. Harvest mice are active both during the day and at night, although most activity occurs at dawn and dusk. They do not hibernate, but spend most of their time in winter underground. Throughout the world, the harvest mouse is most common in wetlands and long grass.