Trash pandas: raccoons

In early 2014, Redditor had a brief comment on a photo of a raccoon: “Raccoons = trash pandas.” The description stuck, and now the term “trash pandas” has permeated across RedditImgur, and Instagram alike. There is now a subreddit devoted entirely to “trash pandas.” The online community members include owners of domesticated raccoons as well as obsessed fans of the new word for raccoon. Let’s dive into the weird world of “trash pandas.” “Trash panda I found in the garbage bin at work…I let him out.” The term “trash panda” was likely derived from the name Red Panda. Despite their name, Red Pandas are not related to panda bears. They actually belong to their own taxonomic category called Ailuridae. “Trash Pandas” makes sense because raccoons share the black and white coloring of panda bears, but are similar in size and shape to a red panda. They also love trash.

2015 Tsawwassen Sun Festival
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