Vole Damage  

Voles are active all day and night. These rodents are a nuisance because they attack our lawns and gardens to feed on plants.  Their entry and exit holes are merely round holes in the ground, where a mole will push up soil in a mound when it comes to the surface. Voles build a system of burrows that are typically located on the ground surface, but are usually concealed and protected by a ground-level deck, storage building or pile of debris. They create serpentine-shaped surface tunnels that connect their burrows and feeding sites and appear to twist through the surface foliage. An active surface runway will have small pieces of cut vegetation and also contain vole droppings.  Many adult and immature voles may live in a one burrow system.  Some vole species will use underground tunnels that were evacuated by other voles or moles.  Voles are preyed upon by owls, hawks, eagles, cats, raccoons and coyotes, in part explaining why voles survive from a couple months to a little over a year.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky

