Weevils wobble but rarely fall down


Weevils are one of the most destructive pests in the lower mainland causing damage from the agriculture industry to our kitchens and back yards. Weevils like our warm, moist coastal weather. The main reason why weevils live in our homes is to escape cold weather conditions, and feed and breed within stored cereal grain products. Infestations in the kitchen take place almost entirely inside packages of stored foods. Weevils can be hard to detect so look for the presence of small, lightly coloured grubs in containers of cereal, flour, and other similar dried food products.  If packages of grains look wet or moldy this is a good indication of weevils. Keep all grain based products in tightly sealed containers. These pests also have an enormous impact on agriculture and ornamental plants. Weevils are capable of defoliating or severely damaging entire crops.

