Well stocked real estate can be a squirrels jack pot

In the nutty world of squirrels, one squirrel can influence the genetic influence to the population of another squirrel by hoarding food and increasing the chances of survival of the other squirrel that takes over its territory. In the squirrel world, the previous squirrel that had a particular territory can significantly impact how well off the new owner is. Squirrels collect cones in the fall and store them in the ground for winter. A squirrels hoard can contain as many as 10-20,000 cones which can be used for 30 plus years. If a squirrel inherits a territory from a male it will have on average enough extra cones to survive for an extra couple weeks. Squirrels in their prime, around three years old, hoard more cones than older or younger squirrels. If a female squirrel takes over a males territory, that was in its prime,  she will inherit a lot of extra food and be able to breed earlier. Her offspring will then be able to leave the nest early and they in tern will have better survival rates.  A young squirrel that happens to take over a male squirrels territory will increase its opportunity to produce over fifty percent more pups.


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