What’s in your Shed – pesticides ?


As the weather cools and days lengthen, your attention may be turning to cleaning up the leaves and re-organizing the shed. It’s time to take inventory of all the pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. You should check the labels for expiry dates (to toss out) and take note of the all the chemicals with multiple formulations designed to be specific and potent jobs. The one that you will need up front and center now is insecticides for household insects that can take a hold of your house. Modern poisoning insecticides include synthetic pyrethroids that have low toxicity to humans. And then there are the neonicotinoids; synthetic insecticides that mimic nicotine, which is toxic to insects. Unlike pyrethroids, these insecticides target a pathway in the insect nervous system shared with humans, so could possibly harm us. Any pesticide that is minimally toxic to humans that does not mean you should apply it by the gallons. Chemicals you use can cause adverse reactions if you don’t use it as directed. Always use a certified mast, gloves, follow the directions, understand the risks, and proper storage procedures.

