When the Doodlebugs come marching two by two


If you haven’t seen these little armadillos, a.k.a. sowbugs, crawling around wet areas of your house and garage, you will soon. These little crustaceans breathe through trachea-like lungs in their paddle-shaped hind legs, called pleopodal lungs. These “cheesy bobs” are usually nocturnal and are detritivores, meaning that they feed mostly on dead plant matter and other insects. Similar to earthworms, they are useful in gardens for their ability to control other pests, producing compost and overturning the soil, but they also feed on ripening fruits such as strawberries and many tender seedlings. These “hog-louse” also invade homes en masse in search of moisture and their presence can indicate dampness issues. They are generally regarded as nuisance rather than household pests, as they do not spread disease, damage sound wood or structures. Sometimes chemical control treatment is required if all other attempts fail. We would be happy to advice your next move against these “granny greys”, just give us a call at go green pest control.ca.


gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky