Yes it’s a Thing – Cars and cockroaches 


I’ve heard about cockroaches in cars but mostly in large hot cities closer to the equator. Recently I had a client call, claiming that there were cockroaches scampering about on the floor and seats of their car. Not one to say no to a customer problems, I approached the situation with a little scepticism. Well lo and behold; the car interior was a recycling bin for every fast food restaurant around. There weren’t just one or two cockroaches but dozens, so in short order I took care of the infestation. No secret here, cockroaches are food-lovers and leaving any food, crumbs, wrappers or pop cans is enough to attract them to your vehicle. So if you don’t want to be carrying around extra six legged passengers, then here are a few suggestions. 1) Avoid eating in your car but if it can’t be avoided then it is important to clean-up afterwards. 2) Clean, disinfect, vacuum and de-clutter the car often, especially the carpets and in-between car seats. 3) Avoid parking near sewage drains and garbage dumpsters. 4) Before leaving the car, ensure that windows, doors and air vents are closed. 5) Avoid using pesticides and gels for cockroaches rather cockroach traps are most effective and safer. 6) Cockroaches are active at night, so if you see them during the day then the infestation is likely extreme. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky