Your Self-Storage Facility- You need more then a lock!!


If you have been storing family valuables in a self-storage facility, there are a few things you should know, a pest infestation can damage your stored valuables in more ways than one. Rats, mice , cockroaches, bed bugs and ants are all on the list of offending pests. These type of storage facilities are susceptible to pests for many reasons from the types of materials stored to the items packed inside units, and of course the time between visits. Though there are many pests that can plague a storage facilities a regular inspections of your personal storage area can be one of the first most important things and use plastic/reusable boxes. In your self-storage unit you might want to use insect and rodent sticky pads and don’t store food and perishable goods. Ensure the facility has adequate waste-management systems inside and out and has a licensed pest-control provider that can help eliminate infestations.…more-then-a-lock/ ‎ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF