Ant hills and what you can do


I took a call from a lady who had ant hills popping up in her backyard. As it turned out, they were fire ants. Fire ants are difficult to exterminate although these ants can be controlled and managed. They can be controlled by following two steps: baiting in April – May and insecticides in September – October.

Step 1: Broadcast bait should be used when the ants are forging. This may take a couple weeks but it can be upwards of 90% successful. Baits should be fresh and applied when there is no rain in the forecast.

Step 2: Insecticides come in many forms, as dusts, granules or liquid drenches. The ant hills are treated with the insecticide but the ants need to come into contact with the insecticide to be successful.

Home remedies that are not effective and harmful to the environment include baking soda, vinegar, club soda, gasoline, diesel fuel, bleach, ammonia, brake cleaner, carb cleaner and drain cleaners.