Ants in your…. Car? Oct 6 2015



Yes, ants can invade your car. Twice this past summer I have sprayed customer’s vehicles because carpenter ants have set-up shop. When ants get into your vehicle, they become a nuisance and become dangerous. The distraction of ants crawling across your gas petal foot can drive you to stomp – the gas petal – the brakes?  Eliminate the six-legged menaces in your car with these tips from go green pest control’s owner Randy Bilesky.

For starters, give your car a bath, from the undercarriage, to the interior, to the trunk and engine compartments. Vacuuming the nooks and crannies of your interior could illuminate the ants and the food supply. For those hard to evict ants, use non-toxic baits and traps to get rid of those pint-sized pests. Ants make their way into your car because you left it somewhere near their colony or you transported some old wood that contained an ant colony. Don’t park under trees or low hanging trees.  If all fails, give me a call and I’ll spray your vehicle, problem solved.