Ants swarm in the summer heat?

Flying ants are taking to the skies as the seasonal climate marshals in pleasant sunsets. The winged insects are ants that are sexually mature queens and males. This time of the year, they leave their nests and swarm looking for mates. Known as the nuptial flight, male and female insects join together in the sky. Ants mate in the summertime because the conditions are just right to fly and dig new nests.  The ants leave their nests in hordes because it protects them from predators and they are more likely to find a mate. As usual, the males die after mating, the queens shed their wings looking to build a new colony. These queens can live as long as 15 years remaining fertile after they have mated. Ants improve the quality of soil by burrowing to create a new nest and help to pollinate flowers. Flying ant days can stretch over a month and provide a feast for local birds.