The best organics to buy


The best organics to buy

Some scientists say organic produce is more nutritious, helps you build more muscle mass and it burns more fat than conventionally grown food. I don’t believe any of that but one benefit of organic farming is that fewer pesticides go into your body and the environment.

Best organic foods are:

 Strawberries are totted as superfoods. Because of the structure of the strawberry they retain the most pesticides of all fruits. So you may want to put extra money into purchasing organic.

 Celery tops the list of the dirty dozen that contain pesticides. Celery stalks are very porous, so they retain a proportionately larger amount of pesticides. So make sure the next time you pick up celery from market it is organic.

Apples continue to be near the top of the list of fruits and vegetables that are most contaminated with pesticides. If you’re really concerned about pesticides then consider buying organic apples. The wax coating used on apples to keep them fresh is considered by some health food enthusiasts as quite harmful for the body.  

 Grapes have been shown to retain upwards of 50 % of pesticides sprayed on them. So selecting organic grapes is the safe choice.