So here is what is happening to our Bees


The world’s most widely used pesticides, neonicotinoid insecticides, may be acting as birth control for male bees, leaving drones with less sperm for their queen. Neonicotinoids kill pests by messing up their nervous systems. Male honeybees called drones, only purpose is to mate with a queen. Poor mating can tax the productivity of a queen bee and the success of a colony. Drones exposed to two insecticides, thiamethoxam and clothianidin produce 40 percent fewer living sperm. They also have about 10 percent lower sperm viability, which takes into account the percentage of living versus dead sperm. Bees are exposed to a number of chemicals as they forage for honey and nectar. One recent study found 30 different pesticide residues in pollen stored in beehives.