Black Furniture Carpet Beetles


Adult carpet beetles are often carried into houses on plants and flowers. Black furniture carpet beetles cause the most damage during the larval stage, and the first signs of an infestation are adult beetles on windowsills. Their larvae can be detected by irregular holes found in carpets, fabric, clothing, and furniture. Carpet beetles tend to eat a single, large area of a fabric while moths create tiny holes all over garments. These beetles leave larvae cast skins while molting, which may cause allergic reactions in some people. Black furniture carpet beetle larvae prefer dark and secluded places.  Air ducts, lint under couches, dry dog food, wool, and stored grain products are sources of shelter and food while larvae grow indoors. Vacuuming removes food sources of larvae and removes any beetles already nesting in carpets. Check window screens, doors, and vents so there are no cracks and crevasses. Also, cleaning rugs, draperies, upholstered furniture, closets, and stored fabrics can reduce an infestation. If it appears that a carpet beetle infestation is occurring, give a pest control professional a call.