The Black and White of Skunks

Delta has seen a surge in the skunk population this last year like no one has seen before. Why, climate change or just too much food and lodging available. As we know, skunks like digging under foundations to set up their homes, be it your deck or shed. But how many people know that, skunks are second only to the raccoon in reported rabies cases in Canada. Skunks are mostly flesh-eating and eat chickens (domestic animals), chicks, moles, voles, squirrels, rats, mice and other things that go squeak in the night. In a pinch, they will also consume insects such as bees, beetles, worms and grubs or raid your summer garden. I could talk about their nasty spray and how long it takes to get off of live traps and equipment but I will only mention what works well to dissipate the stench. Stock up on peroxide from the drug store. Therefore, mix 1 liter of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 50 ml. of baking soda and 5 ml. of liquid soap. Mix and spray. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky