Black Widows a.k.a. the tangle-web spider


Rules #1, if you see a chaotic, twisted web, do not stick your finger in it or you may lose it. This spider is one of the most infamous spiders.

The female Black Widows are the ones with the plump black abdomen with a red hourglass (or red spot) on the bottom. These widow makers are one of the strongest spiders, living up to three years, creating sticky messy webs. Their venom is very powerful causing immobilization and finally the demise of their victims. The venom is a neurotoxin that is 4 times stronger than a rattlesnake’s causing pain, nausea, and difficulty breathing.  Yet, the actual damage depends on the amount of venom injected by the spider and the vulnerability of the individual. The very young, very old and those that have a compromised immune system are at the greatest risk. Females live dark places such as woodpiles, outhouses, or under rocks and car seats. The males are small, brown and harmless to humans. Bilesky Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C.