Christmas Insects with a Sweet tooth.


Are you guilty of having a sweet tooth? I know that I am! But that’s okay, there’s no shame in chowing down on Christmas cookies or candy this season. With the furnaces cranked up now, the insects are coming inside and literally coming alive. But if you are leaving crumbs behind or those seasonal treats are on display there are a few common household pests you will want to keep an eye out for.

1. Odorous Ants 2. Pharaoh Ants 3. Cockroaches 4. House flies  5. Mice  6. Rats

These are just some of the insects that could be living in your home, undetected. The old saying, if you see one there are another hundred behind the walls, applies here. Crumbs falling beside the kitchen table, spilled hot chocolate mix from where you made your treat, and even your pantery can all be target points for these hungry pests. No one wants to share their food with these unwanted guests. So a friendly reminder, keep your floors clean this holiday season.