Don’t poison rats in your home



Tier 1 Bait Station

I’m often asked about putting poison inside ones house to kill vermin. Rats will get into your attic and walls then burrow into the insulation and begin making their nests. Once people hear the scratching sounds many people go straight to their hardware store to get poison to kill them but this may lead to those rodents dying in the house. If you use poison you have no control where they’ll die, if the poison even works and this could result in you trying to find the source of a rotting carcass smell. Sometimes we have had to break through walls to remove dead rats. They could end up anywhere. Poison should always be used outside the structure, in Tier 1 bait stations with solid blocks, not the through bags that can be purchased at the local hardware stores. I’m beginning to use wireless technology on locations which sends an alert as soon as one of the bait stations has been entered. The sensor on the bait stations activate a message to be sent to my smart phone. Normally you check a bait station every 2 weeks, but this system takes away the need to constantly go back and forth to see if the bait stations have been working.