Staying Ahead of Spring Pests


Now that the winter is almost half gone, different pests will attack your home. More insects and rodents will be trying to make your home their home. These pests will be looking for sources of food, safety from the elements, places to breed, and safe sanctuaries to raise their young. Understanding where pests hide and breed is the first step to keeping them out of your place. For the spring, you will need to thoroughly inspect in and around your home for pest conditions, and design a plan for treatment of specific problems. Warm-weather pests are more than just an annoyance, as they present potential health risks for your family. Stinging insects such as hornets and wasps pose a risk for humans through toxic reactions to their venom and through allergic reactions. Spiders, such as the black widow and brown recluse, possess poisonous glands that can cause skin irritation, nerve damage and infection.  Pantry pests carry harmful bacteria that can contaminate food. Ants and mice will be moving inside and wildlife may be looking for potential harbourage areas; squirrels will be much more noticeable. House fly activity will begin and those dreaded spider egg sacs will appear. In many cases a protective barrier around the exterior of your home will keep crawling insects from entering.