Mice Invasion


Delta’s human inhabitants aren’t the only ones looking at the thermostat and wishing to hunker down in a warm place for a while — the tri-city’s (Tsawwassen, Ladner N.Delta) rodents are on the hunt for a cozy place to snooze, too.

Until last month, Go Green Pest Control in Delta has been fielding on average four calls a day about mice in people’s homes. That’s up from a couple of calls a week at this time in a typical year, said Randy Bilesky, owner of Go Green Pest Control. “When the weather had been as warm as it was, mice continue to travel into October and even November, but this year it’s been until up to last month,” Bilesky said. “We expect a lot of rodent calls in fall and spring but not January.” The mice are just trying to find a warm place out of the cold, and that means sneaking into holes in the foundation, exposed pipes or gaps in soffits. When the weather is warm, the breeding cycle continues, and it’s had been warm. On warmer nights, mice stay around, hang out under leaf piles or under garden sheds, and then when it gets cold they try to get into the homes. This January call volume is about 45 per cent higher than it would normally be at this time of year.
