Those Bed Bug Vampires  


Bed bugs are mostly found in your bedding, the mattress, on the headboard and in the bed frame and box spring. Due to their size and night-time nature bed bugs can easily go unnoticed. Dark spots and small blood stains may show the manifestation of bed bugs. They also give off a sweet mouldy smell and will often leave their eggs and molted skins near areas they have infested. And don’t be alarmed but good housekeeping will not eradicate these vicious blood thirsty mini vampires. Five star hotels are not immune – bed bugs can thrive in a spotlessly clean room. Bed Bug infestations aren’t too hard to deal with yet success depends on how meticulousness the preparation is, treatment and the follow-up. Once you have accurately identified the presence of bed bugs then the treatment can begin. Home remedies, available in your local Rona or hardware store, are not very effective getting rid of a bed bug infestation. Over-the-counter insecticides can be effective but always read the labels as many can be poisonous to you, and your family and household pets. If all else fails, then contact your local pest control company for an inspection, consultation and treatment.