The Mighty Mouse is Rearing Its Head


Once mice have invaded a home, the residences are on high alert for noises and the little messes they leave behind. It’s that time of year again. Rats little brother the mice are infesting homes across Delta and people aren’t happy about it. This fall, I have received countless reports of mice invading homes all around North and South Delta. Residents want to know how they can prevent this rodent problem. Homeowners all over are caught in a battle with their rodent enemies. The rodents sense that it’s getting cooler. They want to go to a warmer place, find shelter for the winter so they’ll go inside a home and get established. A lot of people are having issues with rodents, particularly mice, because of the warmer weather and the overall better environmental conditions favorable for mice to move around. So to stop the onslaught the best solution is exclusion and prevention.  Checking the perimeter of your home and sealing any holes or cracks, as well as clearing away any piles of wood, leaves or other debris near your foundation walls, will make it more difficult for them to gain entry. Caulk around doors, windows and wherever wires and pipes enter. Inside your home, store your dry goods (including cat and dog food) in hard plastic or glass containers with a tightly sealed lid. This will ensure your food does not get contaminated and help cut down on the risk of contracting a disease. Take garbage out frequently and don’t leave open food out on your counters as this can also attract mice. The worst time of the year for mice is late summer to early fall and early spring, so we might have peeked out until spring, for now.