Spider webs – trick or treat?

Yes, it is almost Halloween and the spider webs are hitting the street lamp posts lights like a graffiti artist sees a newly painted wall. But wait, those webs are real. Thanks to a wet fall, insect activity has increased and brought with it a plethora of araneaes – spiders. Webs can be found adorning 56th avenue in Tsawwassen this week and are thought to be from young spiders traveling via wind to find their new homes. These spider webs are arriving just in time for the spooky holiday. A variety of spider species are responsible for the sticky strings adorning anything they contact: light poles, bus poles, trees, shrubs, cars and fences — during autumn. Spiderlings ( baby spider) hatch, release their webbing and disperse. They catch the wind with their webbing and they float away. To keep spiders out of your house, you need to be aware of what spiders need to survive –  food, water and shelter, so that makes a triangle and if you break that triangle, you break the cycle.
