Spring Moles


Spring is here and next to the damage that the raccoons do to your lawn the moles are worst.  Moles tunnel under the lawn and landscaping opening up the soil and allowing air and water to penetrate deeply, promoting plant root development. Of course when they tunnel they create ditches in the lawn and mounds of soil where they come topside for a look see.  Moles are with us and active throughout the year. During winter they tunnel deep in the soil to avoid frost, while in summer they burrow deeper as soils dry out. Their food sources are earthworms, ants, grubs, and other insects that live in the soil. In spring, when all the insects are waking up, moles spend their time close to the surface. This results in surface tunnels or runs, which cause raised ridges in lawns and landscapes. Treating your lawn for grubs will not control moles as they eat many other types of insects in the soil including earthworms. Once the mole problem has been eliminated, vacant tunnels should be filled as this is an open invitation to the next mole entering your yard.

