The Northwestern Crow  

Among the most intelligent of birds, the Northwestern Crows can pose a major problem to property owners. The black birds often gather in enormous flocks, creating noise and leaving their waste behind. They damage roofs and their droppings can eat into and deface a variety of building and vehicle surfaces. Crows often feed in exposed areas and eat grains, fruits, insects, carrion (the decaying flesh of dead animals) and whatever is in the garbage. They will travel as far as 25 km from evening roost sites to daytime feeding areas. They can spread waterfowl diseases such as avian cholera and histoplasmosis. To get rid of crows keep crows off roof lines and ledges, remove any bird feeders, remove leftover food on the floor and tables in the outdoors, tightly close all trash containers and discourage the feeding of crows. Scare tactics include hanging visual deterrents with reflective surfaces to scare the birds and sound deterrents that alert crows of nearby danger by broadcasting predator and distress calls. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Bilesky