Raccoon Live Trapping

Raccoons invade your property in search of food, water and…

Pantry Moths

Pantry moths (and caterpillars) are small insects found indoors…

Rat Rage and COVID-19  

The perfect rodent infestation storm is now upon us, with…

Carpenter Ants – In the Fall and Winter

  Carpenter ant infestations usually occur during…

Rat Pandemic

Since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, there has been…

De-Skunking Your Pet

  Skunks are not armed with long claws and nasty…

Asian Giant Hornet – It’s Here For Good

  The Asian giant hornet is the world's largest hornet…

Weevil – In Your Home?

  Sometimes plant-feeding weevils invade homes for…

Dragonflies a.k.a. Mosquito Hawks

Dragonflies are large flying insects that are considered…

Amphipods – Yard Shrimp

  These individuals are not insects, but are crustaceans…

House Spiders – What to do?

Do you squish spiders when they see them indoors or trap…

Squirrel Baby Season -Again

In mating season, females will build several nests called…

Skunks Exclusion

Fall is the perfect time of year for addressing skunk worries…

Western Hemlock and Phantom Looper Moths  

These Looper moths that we are currently seeing are native…

New Ant Queens attracted to Soil Microbes

Soil-dwelling ants are at risk of pathogen infection so when…

The Season of the Spiders  

It’s that season again where spiders start coming inside…

Rats living in Sewers

Rats can make their homes in the most filthy parts of any…

Wasp Season – going- going

As we end another summer wasps are on their last push for…

Summers out - Mice and Rats come in

  As summer fades, why do rodents want to get into…

Rodent Awareness Week

  The National Pest Management Association (NPMA)…

Delta’s Creepy Crawlies

The top creepy crawlies that are often spotted loitering…

Bamboo rat

The bamboo rats are four species of rodents of the subfamily…

Oh, just another Squirrel Splooting

  If you see a squirrel sprawled spread-eagle on…

Ants – Some Interesting Facts

Ants play a vital role in our environment and eco-system,…

Trap-Shy Rats and Mice

  When a mouse or rat is trap-shy, it means that…



Cuckoo Wasp

Cuckoo Wasp

Termites - Home Destroyers

  Termites’ diet consists mainly of wood, termite…

Cucumber Beetles - Garden Insect Pests - Series

There are two main types of cucumber beetles, the spotted…

Rabbits - Garden Pests - Series

They may look charming and furry, but rabbits will eat all…

Cabbage Worms - Garden Insect Pests - Series

  The larvae of cabbage worms can rapidly destroy…

Aphids - Garden Insect Pests - Series

  Aphids are small sap-sucking insects, common names…

Garden Insect Pests - Series

  The key to success against garden pests  is to…

Mud Daubers

  Mud daubers or wasps are altogether different,…

Paper Wasps

  Paper wasp nests don’t have a protective envelope.…

Yellowjacket Nests – Nesting Series

    Yellowjackets are aggressive pests that…

Hornet and Wasp Series

    Hornets and Wasps are a immense part…

Darth Varroa Destructor have Bees shaking in their Hives

Varroa destructor is an external parasitic mite that attacks…

Protect Wood From Water, Rot and Carpenter Ants

  Insects, especially Carpenter ants need to draw…

How The Pests Get In

Outdoor and indoor walls appear to be solid but many can…

A new Mouse Trap

Okay, there isn’t a new mouse trap, but the old style snap…

Raccoons – Send them Packing

  Raccoons are omnivores so they will eat virtually…

Moles -Tearing up Your Yard?

Moles can eat their weight in worms and grubs every day,…


There are more than 200 squirrel species worldwide, ranging…

Coronavirus Myth Busters  

With Coronavirus slowing down across Canada, I thought I’d…


  Muskrats are rodents, much smaller than beavers…

Skunk Issues!!!

  Skunks are typically wary, shy animals, but given…

OMG – The Sting of a Wasp

Wasps and hornets, are equipped with a stinger for self-defense…

South Delta Raccoon

South Delta Raccoon

Asian Giant Hornet Part 3

There are other wasp species that look like the Asian giant…

Sugar Ants vs Pavement Ants Debacle

  The debate rages on about which is which and are…

How bad can Carpenter ants possible be?

  So, carpenter ants aren't as bad as termites but…

Asian giant hornets Part II

These insects are large and distinctive, they will defend…

Carpenter Ant Issues?

  These insects usually build their nests in damp,…

Rats and Mice are adapting to Covid 19 lock-down

Rats and mice are nocturnal animals but the Corona Virus…

Giant Asian Murder Hornets

There back, murder hornets, with a sting that can knock down…

 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Garden Insects

  Your garden is a home for both plants and insects.…

Fleas test positive for Yersinia Pestis plague  

    Health officials report that fleas collected…

Fire Ants Season is back!

  Fire ants can inflict painful stings and create…

Does the Virus come from a Raccoon?

  Virologists believe other animal species other…

COVID-19 Pandemic make Pest Control Essential

Many businesses and organisations are supplying a wide range…

Bed Bugs? Fleas? Or Carpet beetle Larvae!!

  Carpet beetles can be an annoyance in your home.…

The Scorpion Fly

These flies are called scorpion flies because their enlarged…

Rodent populations to grow during COVID-19 lock-down

  Restaurants shut down and the lack of food and…

Covid 19 Transmitted by Bat, Rodents and Primates

  Coronaviruses generally have a varied range of…

Neophobic Rats are coming to Town

As Delta’s rats face a growing food shortage, with the…

Getting Rid of House Mice  

Mice aren’t just annoying, they are disease carrying rodents.…

Mason Bee Season

Mason bees are a little smaller than a honeybee and blue-black…

COVID-19 and Resurgence of Cannibalistic Rats

With Covid 19 in full swing, all restaurants are virtually…

Slugs and Snails

  Slugs and snails are soft-bodied animals but snails…

Asian Long Horned Bush Ticks

  These tick adults look like most other ticks found…

Hantavirus is back – Just avoid Rodents

  Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome is spread by contact…

New Orleans is sinking - with Rats

  New Orleans rodent control teams are putting poisoned…

Cotton Rats

  Cotton rats are farming pests that are not usually…

Spring Gardens and Rodents

  In Delta, none of our more problematic rodents…

Your Pet and COVID-19

  So did this coronavirus spread from animals to…

Uptick in rats and mice invading Delta homes

Colder winters usually mean fewer rodents, but milder weather…

This virus making you feel more antsy?

Ants usually come indoors in search of food or nesting. Even…

New Rat and Mouse Control

  The first rodenticides were short-acting anticoagulants…

Rat Coronavirus  

  The group of the newly recognized group of viruses,…

Keeping the Stink out of the Skunk

  We have two skunks in BC the most common is the…

As We evolve - so do Rats.

Researchers have found that humans and rats are now susceptible…

Baby Silverfish

It is estimated that 25% of all houses in the lower mainland…

Yellow Jackets

  So you ask, how did I get yellow jackets? Yellow…

Norway Rats and Seoul virus

  A type of hantavirus called Seoul virus is carried…

Signs of a rodent infestation

Rats and mice are nimble rodents and can easily climb pipes,…

Skunks – the smell of Spring

  The rotten smell of skunks is returning to the…

Ant acid used for defense and cleaning food

  Many ant species produce acid in a poison gland…

Cleaning rodent-infested areas.

  We have all run into a situation where rats or…

Norway Rats – the crepuscular creatures

  The Norway rat is a large, robust-bodied rodent…

Temprid SC

Temprid SC -suspension concentrate insecticide has a double…

Biological Pest Control for your garden

Biological pest controls include predatory or parasitic insects,…

Rat Lungworm Disease

The rat lungworm, is a parasite of rodents that can infect…

Sugar Ants and How do I get Rid of Them

  Ever leave behind the tiniest crumb a counter top…

Rat whiskers use the Euler spiral

  Rats have up to 70 whiskers - that vary in size,…

Rats – A Formidable Opponent

Rats have a variability of qualities that make them challenging…

Ambidextrous Squirrels are Smarter

  Squirrels that favour one side of their body are…

The Opossum -top notch in pest Control

  Like spiders and ladybugs, the opossum is your…

Rats play tit-for-tat

Rats play quid pro quo with each other, a form of tit-for-tat…

The House Mouse

Active all year round, mice are one of the most common pest…

Nutria -the Invasive Swamp Rat

Nutrias have been in North America for over 70 years and…

Book Lice a.k.a. Psocids

What is a psocid you ask, well they are also called book…


The firebrat is a small hexapod (six legs) that are grayish-brown…

Toys in the Attic – Or is it Pests

Okay, you keep your house clean and uncluttered, you maintain…

2020 - Year of the Rat

In the Chinese zodiac calendar, the rat is the first of the…

Edible Insects - Entomophagy

Insect, those edible ones, are chocked full of protein, vitamins,…

Rabies in Skunks and Raccoons

Any warm-blooded mammal can carry or contract rabies, but…

Our Raccoons - Procyon lotor – Dog Like Washer

  Raccoons are typically unsociable creatures except…

Ants – peeking behind to move forward

Ants use several ways to find their path and recognize familiar…


Mayflies (shadflies and lake flies) are aquatic insects that…

Blog: Head lice bites can cause a tickling sensation

Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist DECEMBER 23, 2019 12:05 PM Photograph…

Empathetic Rats

Rats have been found to sense danger and navigate around…

Head Lice - Pediculus humanus capitis

Head lice out breaks can be rather random but often transfer…

Blog: Feral cats have rat-killing prowess

Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist DECEMBER 16, 2019 03:35 PM Photograph…

Roaches – Number One Worst Pest

Okay, roaches are the out-and-out worst, they spread germs,…

Blog: Sugar ants like the sweet stuff Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist

DECEMBER 17, 2019 02:05 PM Photograph By CLKER-FREE-VECTOR-IMAGES…

Kudzu Bugs – the globular stink bug

Kudzu bugs are a true bug because of their piercing sucking…

Delta’s Sugar Ant Crisis

  The last couple years, Delta has really seen an…

Feral Cats – Apex Rat Predator

Feral cats are the offspring of house cats, often confused…

Super Duper Rats

  In the world of pest control, one of the main pests…

Our Skunks and their noxious spray

  Skunks only have one effective way of defending…

Termites – what a life

One astonishing capacity that termites have is that they…

Spot the early signs of Bed Bugs 

  In order to successfully detect the presence of…

25,000 bugs live in every Live Christmas Tree  

  Nothing compares to filling your house with the…

Delta’s Commensal Rodents

  In Delta, there are three principal commensal (they…

Your Self-Storage Facility- You need more then a lock!!

  If you have been storing family valuables in a…

Bats - Dispelling the myths

Our evening skies are filled with these tender, enigmatic,…

The Danger of Moths

So are moths dangerous to humans and pets, and the answer…

Squirrels – fussy tailed rats ready to invade your home  

  It starts with a clatter in the attic and then…

Blog: Silverfish have been around for millions of years Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist

Blog: Silverfish have been around for millions of years Randy…

House flies and why you should be concerned

House flies are responsible for transmitting at least 65…

Mice - and What They Leave Behind

  Now that we are in the colder wet months, mice…

Silverfish – how did it get in there?

Silverfish have been around for over 400 million years, making…

Odorous Ants – A smelly situation

  The most obvious characteristic of these ants is…

More Facts about Mice

As the fall is ending, mice have been looking for accommodations…

Winters Coming- Clean up time

  It’s that time again to do some preventative…

Blog: Vole population seems to be peaking Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist

Blog: Vole population seems to be peaking Randy Bilesky…

Meet Your New Neighbors – the Raccoons

  It’s the time of year when reports of raccoons…

October set a new record for Vole issues

  Home owners and local farmers hope that populations…

Cannibal Ant Colony

  A cannibal wood ant colony was discovered in abandoned…

Body Lice and what you should know!

  Randy Bilesky President at Go Green 909 articles So…

Halloween Costumes and Creepy Crawlers

  Real-life creepy critters can give homeowners a…

Halloween’s Creepiest Pests

  Happy Halloween! - Ladner and Tsawwassen are gearing…

Blog: Rodent-borne diseases spread easily

Blog: Rodent-borne diseases spread easily Randy Bilesky…

Scary Rat Mauling

  Rats are generally pretty shy -they don’t like…

Scary Pests Halloween Pests - Rats, Spiders and Bats

  The Joker, Pennywise, Trump, witches and other…

Rodent-Borne Diseases

  Rats and mice are far from being harmless creatures…

 Delta Optimist OCTOBER 23, 2019 06:12 AM #DeltaBC Blog: Stink Bugs

 Delta Optimist OCTOBER 23, 2019 06:12 AM #DeltaBC Blog:…

Introducing the Antlion a.k.a. the Doodlebug

  Antlion or the doodlebug are named for the rapacious…

Stink Bugs and How to Get Them Gone

  Every year when the weather starts to turn chilly,…

Which rats do you have?

As temperatures drop, rats move indoors in search of food…

Real Creepy Halloween Creatures

They're creepy, scary and spooky - They're spiders, rats…

Insects in Your House

  Common bugs we find here in our Delta homes are…

Super sized rats to invade Delta Homes just in time for Halloween

Act now, as it is time to prepare for a real Halloween invasion…

How to get rid of Sugar Ants

  There are a number of home “google” mixtures…

SUGAR ANTS – Tsawwassen & Ladner  

  Ever leave behind the smallest crumb or drip of…

A Squirrels Pantry – your car!   

  It's autumn, when leaves turn orange, red, browned…

Insects – Pest or Dinner

  Entomophagy describes the exercise of eating insects…

Electric Ants

The electric ant a.k.a the little fire ant has been called…

Carpet Beetle Larvae Dermatitis

  So you think you may have bed bugs, so you ask…

Honeybees no match for the Asian Mite

  Facing the plague of a parasitic Asian mite, beekeepers…

The insatiable River Rat

  The swamp rodents, called nutria (coypu or river…

How to manage Rodents yourself

  To stop or control rodents effectively, you must…

Mosquito Neuroinvasive Diseases

  There are several diseases that can be transmitted…

The Voles are back!

  Voles can be serious problems in lawns and gardens,…

Sowbugs aka Woodlouse aka Yuck

  I know its not just me because this year ever house…

Mouse-pocolypse – the year of the Mouse

  If you're seeing more mice around your home, you're…

Go Green Pest Control

https://gogreenpestcontrol.ca/go-green-pest-control/ ‎ gogreenpestcontrol.ca…

Good deeds lead to rat infestation

  In the pest control business we often run into…

Is it a beach-ball or a Paper Wasp Nest?

  So you just discovered a beachball sized paper…

Fruit Flies Invasion

  Late summer every year, fruit flies invade homes…

Squirrels use bird chatter as early warning signal

Published on September 13, 2019 Randy Bilesky President at…

When squirrels attack your trees

  Squirrels will attack trees that are in stress…

Why Rodents Love Your Car Wires and What You Can Do to Prevent it.

  If you park your car outdoors at night, be wary,…

Autumn -the time of the year for Pumpkin Spice and Mice

You know that fall is almost here when every coffee shop…

How do you get rid of ants.

  Over the last year, I have collected a list of…

Carpenter Ant Damage

  Carpenter ants are capable of damaging any wood,…

Carpenter Ant Damage

If you see carpenter ants crawling into your house then this…

Ants in the nature - Myrmecochory

  Ants aren’t your enemy or at least not in gardens…

Mosquito season is Upon Us

  Mosquitoes thrive in warm, damp areas and only…

Wasp Nests in Delta, like never before

  Wasps play many ecological roles as predator and/or…

Hantavirus, its back!

Hantavirus, its back! Hantavirus is a type of virus that…

Eating insects can protect against Cancer

Eating ants and other insects could soon be recommended to…

Raccoons, how to keep them away!

Are you looking for a guaranteed way to get rid of raccoons?…

Bed Bugs – Weird and Wacky but True

  Yes, they feed on us while they sleep (like vampires),…

How to avoid the business end of a hornet or wasp.

  Mid August onward, wasps are particularly troublesome…


Crickets are insects related to grasshoppers. They occur…

House flies: carry and spread diseases

  House flies and filth flies spread over 65 harmful…

Skunk spray can now be neutralized

  Skunk spray is the nasal equivalent to stepping…

Delta’s three main Rodent

  Rodents are cagy, vigilant, in-obtrusive and nocturnal…

Delta’s three main Rodent

  Rodents are cagy, vigilant, in-obtrusive and nocturnal…

Perennial Super Wasp Nests

  A typical wasp and hornet nest can contain as many…

Delta Squirrels

  Squirrels feed on seeds, nuts, acorns, tree buds,…

I just got stung by a what!?

As the days continue to get hotter, wasps and hornets continue…

What makes a good squirrel proof bird feeder? 

  When it comes to selecting between the best squirrel…

The Ticks are here

  Disease-carrying ticks have increased their topographical…

Fire Ants

  So where did these nasty ants come from because…

Rodent droppings and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Virus

  Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Virus (HPS) is a…

Non-toxic pest control -go green

Recently, numerous serious issues have motivated the pest…

Honeybees - largest winter die-off in 50 years.

  A recent survey on honey bees reveals that the…

Six interesting things about our ants

Six interesting things about our ants The ants of Delta…

Blog: Flying squirrels? Just the facts Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist

Blog: Flying squirrels? Just the facts Randy…

Moles, Voles, Shrews and Pocket Gophers vs Your Lawn

What really is going on down-under. If you are one of those…

Flying Squirrels? Just the Facts

  The flying squirrel is a type of squirrel known…

Oh - those summer time ANTS

  Small black pavement ants, thatching ants and the…

Declining insects change our ecosystem

Insect numbers are declining at an extraordinary rate and…

Ticks, Why so many!

  This year has seen a surge in tick sightings and…

Ladybug Bloom

  “Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home” (children’s…

Honey Bee Swarms

  Its that time again when new honey bee queens kick…

Ants 101

  Here in Delta we have roughly 6 distinctly different…

Summer and the Stinging Pests

Stinging pests come in a variety of shapes and sizes that…

Bed Bug Season – don’t unpack them

  As spring comes to a close and summer travel season…

Carpenter bees- building a home in your home

  Carpenter bees are large, fuzzy bees that look…

 May Day Parade Ladner B.C.

May Day Parade Ladner B.C. Parade is a highlight of Ladner…

Sowbugs -land living crustaceans

  Okay I know its not just me, is there a billion…


  Now that summer is almost upon us and ant season…

Japanese Giant Hornet is Here

  A giant Japanese hornet was discovered here in…

Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist

BLOG: Pollen, grass and pests can trigger your allergy symptoms Randy…

Wasps – real logical invertebrates  

  Insects often learn fairly rapidly, but the levels…
BLOG: Gypsy Moth and the B.T.K. insecticide Randy…

Delta - The grey long tailed silverfish is here

Lately, a new variation of a regular household pest has been…

Pollen, Grass and Pests can trigger your Allergy Symptoms

  May is the peak season for allergy sufferers and…

Gypsy Moth and the B.T.K. insecticide

  The Gypsy moth caterpillar consume tremendous amounts…

Zombification -Wasp turns spider into incubating zombie

  Different parasitoid wasp species are know to lay…

Swarming Bees: What is really going on?

The sight of swarming bees can alarm just about anyone but…

Climate change – Rats are the Winners

Warmer winters allow rats to breed into the previously too-cold…

And so another Wasp season begins

The most familiar wasps we encounter live in large cooperative…

The common House Flies

House flies are major carriers of disease transferring…

Suicide Aphids Explode to save their Nests

The colonial aphid fixes its house in a stunningly fatal…

Conditions are ripe for rats in South Delta

Factors include everything from open compost piles and bird…

Why do we hate Rats

The rats that reside in Delta for the most part are Norway…

Delta gets ratted out!!

Now that we are weeks into spring and the rain has forgotten…

Baby animals !! In your Shed!!

  As the season for spring cleaning, gardening, lawn…

Fleas vs Ticks

  No they are not super hero’s or villains but…

The Bottle Fly

Bottle flies or blow flies, are the large flies we see in…

Skunk Season is back again.

  Skunk season is here again and words of wisdom…

The Raccoons Are Coming

  The raccoon is a native animal to Delta, and is…

Delta’s most hazardous spine-chilling insects

Spring has sprung and the biting and stinging insects are…

Delta Optimist - Go Green Blog


Ultrasonic deterrent for rodents  

  A new gadget has been designed to prevent damage…

Mason Bees Season Begins

Its officially mason bee season and its time to get last…

The Malodorous Dual – the Skunk and the Striped Polecat

  Here we have two somewhat similar looking stinky…

Carpenter Ants Damage

  Carpenter ants have become a widespread problem…

Odorous Ants

  These insects create nests in wall or floor voids…

Rats – the secret sensory world

  Everywhere rats go they leave a steady stream of…

Blog: Big spike in grease ant cases Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist

FEBRUARY 23, 2019 03:35 PM #DeltaBC Well…

2019 Grease Ant Epidemic in South Delta

  Well I’m calling this year a total epidemic of…

Silverfish – bite like sharks or sting like eels?

Silverfish are the same length as the carpenter ant, these…

Insect Extinction maybe coming

Insects are at the bottom of every food chain yet at the…

Well stocked real estate can be a squirrels jack pot

In the nutty world of squirrels, one squirrel can influence…

Delta Optimist - Blog: Bird feeders – a neighbourhood smorgasbord

Blog: Bird feeders – a neighbourhood smorgasbord Randy…

A rat, a mouse - what really is the difference?

  Your watching tv your living room and something…

Bird feeders – a neighborhood smorgasbord

If you own a bird feeder (we call them rat feeders in the…

What makes a good Pest Control Company – the service technician

  A lot of home-owners are frequently challenged…

Pigeons on the pill: TransLink tries birth control to tackle bird problem - Home Invasion

Now a local pest control expert says pigeons aren’t just…

Are you ready for mouse season

  Mice reproduce at an disturbing rate; a litter…

Spider Mites- a winter epidemic

Spider mites can be a winter epidemic in the lower mainland…

Hear ye hear ye - the Subterranean Termites are here

The new evasive insect to hit the lower mainland is the subterranean…

Silverfish Update

Go Green Pest Control is warning that there has been a massive…

Meet the new pollinators: Cockroaches, Crickets and Wasps

Wasps, crickets and cockroaches play a dynamic part in the…

Oh, The Smell of Skunk Mating Season

As mating season approaches, we’re more likely to find…

Skunk and Raccoon Latrines

Skunk and Raccoon Latrines Believe it or not, skunks and…

Earth Friendly Mole Control Options

There are several earth-friendly mole control options for…

Beneficial ants in Naramata near Penticton BC

  Several people have taken to social media to express…

Rating the Stinging Pain of Hymenoptera’s

  The spring is just around the corner now and I…

Venomous or Poisonous: Its all in the delivery

  Bugs and insects use toxins to hunt prey or help…

Delta Cockroaches

  Cockroaches, next to rats are the nastiest creatures…

Delta still teeming with Rodents

  A longer milder spring and a warmer winter so far…

2019 and Rodent Free

  Mice, rats and squirrels are some of the most communal…

Carpenter Ants In The Winter?

So we are in mid January now and carpenter ants are popping…

Rodents attacking your car?

  Your car is a warm, dry and undisturbed ideal shelter…

Understanding Rodent Chit-Chat

  Rats language is all about whistling, chirping…

Leaf- Cutter Ants add to Global Warming

  A new study has discovered that Leaf-cutter ant…

Christmas holidays are over check your luggage for bed bugs

  If you are returning from a trip, you should follow…

Roof Rats

Roof rats, also called black rats or ship rats, get their…

Go Green Pest Control acquires Insect and Rodent Exterminators

http://insectandrodentexterminators.com/go-green-peat-control-acquires-insect-and-rodent-exterminators/ http://gogreenpestcontrol.ca/insect-and-rodent-exterminators/ ‎ gogreenpestcontrol.ca…

Four simple swaps to make a greener home

Chances are, there are toxins loitering around the corner…

Santa has left the Building

  Santa is long gone now, but those Christmas pests…

The 12 Days of Christmas Pests

Here are the 12 things that you may want to ask Santa for…

It was one night before Christmas

It was one night before Christmas, and somewhere in the house The…

Bread Bug / Biscuit Beetle / Drugstore Beetles

The bread bug, biscuit or drugstore beetle is a stored products…

Christmas Traveling

School is almost out for the Christmas holidays and many…

And the Pest of the Year is…Bed Bugs

New statistics released puts bed bugs as the 2018 Pest of…

Winter Pest-Proofing tips

  Pests are often thought of as spring-summer weather…

Not your average Termite

Termites, termites, termites, yes we have them here but not…

Christmas trees may cause Hay Fever Symptoms & Insomnia

Yearly, those true believers in real Christmas trees head…

Synurbic Pests

Synurbic pests (live predominantly within an urban ecosystem)…

Holiday Decorations and other surprises

  Christmas is coming and it’s time to get the…

Winter Rodents

Some pests like rats and mice are in fact more active in…

Coyote season is here

Now that winter is almost upon us, people can expect to see…

How to Remove Pests from a real Christmas Trees

Christmas is coming and if you decided to purchase a real…

A Spider that looks like an Ant suckles its young

Strange things in the world of insects often crop up but…

Rats in Your Car?

Here is an example of a real story I hear far too often.…

Winter Is Coming – are you prepared?

Just like the notorious saying by the members of the House…

Happy Grease Ant Season

You know that the holiday’s or Christmas season is almost…

Fear changes how Rodents reproduce

Rodent females create extra offspring after smelling odors…

What are causing all these bites?

Often the first thing people think when they get itchy bites…

Packrat aka Bushy-tailed Woodrat

The bushy tailed woodrat is the only native rat found in…

Shape shifting Fire Ants

Fire ants are legendary for their skill to swarm together…

Can Cayenne pepper get rid of rodents?  

Keeping your home clean by getting rid of things that attract…

The Rat Patrol

For Delta residents, rats can be a threat to your property,…

Venomics - nature's pesticide

Nature can play a major role in future technologies in agriculture,…

Introduction to Silverfish

November is the month of the silverfish, as we get the most…

Why Honey Bee Colonies are dying off

Bee populations around the world have been in decline for…

Not 1, not 2 but 3 kinds of bed bugs

  So if you thought that there was only one kind…

Horseplay for Rats

Similar to human teenagers, young rats like to play fight.…

Rat urine – yikes

Often I encounter rat infestations where the rats have gotten…

Global Warning – Larger Rats in Greater Numbers

  Researchers caution that global warming will certainly…

What is a raccoon - cocoon?

So what is a raccoon cocoon, well it’s a crocheted and…

Randy Bilesky talks to CBC, City News and The Weather Network about the recent SPIDER APOCALYPSE

Pest control specialist Randy Bilesky, owner of Go…

It's not your imagination, spiders are getting bigger

CLIMATE | Creepy Crawlies It's not your imagination, spiders…

Going Squirrelly?

Yes, squirrels are just large rats with fuzzy tails, or are…

Insect Armageddon

Around the globe there is a significant change in populations’…

Halloween - Creepy, Crawly, Spooky and Scary

It’s no wonder that Halloween haunted houses are decorated…

When will Spider Season Reign End

https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/spiders-bigger-and-more-numerous-this-fall-1.4880720 'People…

'People panic:' Expert says massive spider season upon us

  CBC Meteorologist predicts when this season's frightful…

Bees, Bumblebees and winter vacations

  Although bumble bees are thought to be the big…

Jack-o-lantern and rodents –Trick’em or Treat’em

Well we are bearing done on Halloween now and if you haven’t…

How do Ants Communicate?

How do ants communicate, first we must ask, why do they crawl…

Cockroaches: Do you have them??

Cockroaches are normally nocturnal, active at night, unless…

Brown Recluse Fiddler Spider

Although these spiders aren’t aggressive, and rarely bite…

Life as a Groundhog

The average lifespan of a groundhog is quite short, three…

City Rats are the Real Fat Cats

  Over the last millennium, rats have become one…

False widow spiders, what not to fear?

The false widow spider (Steatoda Nobilis) can be spotted…

Mice Infestation Session

Those inquisitive petite mice that spent the summer scavenging…

It’s a tough life for Silverfish

The average lifespan of silverfish is between 3 months and…

Animals Hoards

In this business, we occasionally get called out to a house,…

The growth of Soldier Ants

In most ant colonies, the ratio of worker ants to soldier…

Evict unwanted Pests this Fall

Along with the cooler wet weather, autumn tends to generate…

Rodent Bumper Crop

Delta homeowners should steady themselves for an assault…

Why are dead cockroaches always belly-up?

Have you ever noticed that most insects that you find dead…

A little Batty in your Attic?

So you hear noises in your attic, okay you have squirrels,…

Autumn Stink Bugs

Well now that autumn has set in, you may have noticed that…

Raccoon Zombies

Raccoon zombies are actually raccoons that have distemper,…

Dragonflies and Damselflies

There are 87 species of dragonflies and damselflies in B.C.…

Cat–Rat Quandary

So does having a cat reduce the incidence of rats on your…

Body Lice - Infestations

Being in the business that takes you a lot of homes, we encounter…

Just in time for school, Booklice

Booklice are tiny insects, not true lice, usually found around…

Taking the sting out of Wasps

Yes it is fall now but those nasty wasps have not given up…

Why We Dislike Wasps

Now that fall is almost upon us, the remaining wasp nests…

Queen Mole Rat has automatic babysitters

The naked mole-rat or sand puppies, are the only known “eusocial”…

Fall for Fruit Flies

Fall means ripe peaches, apples, pears, figs and other fruit…