Entries by Randy

Queen Ant – The loyal culinary menu

The feeding process of a queen ant by worker ants is crucial for the survival and reproduction of the colony. Here’s an overview of how ants feed their queen: Royal Treatment: From the moment a queen ant establishes her colony, she is tended to by worker ants. Initially, when the colony is small, the queen […]

Holes in Your Shirts and Carpet?

Dealing with carpet beetles and moth damage in your closet can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to address the issue: Professional Help: If the infestation is severe or persists despite your efforts, consider contacting Go Green Pest Control professionals for assistance. We can provide targeted treatments and advice on preventing future […]

Hearing Noises in The Walls?

Hearing scratching noises in your attic or walls can be unsettling, but there are steps you can take to address the situation: Contact Go Green Pest Control: If you’re unable to identify or handle the issue yourself, consider contacting Go Green Pest Control, we inspect your home, identify the pest problem, and recommend appropriate treatment […]

Is Pest Control a dying business?

Although you might think that pest control companies perform one main function, to control and or eliminate pests. The pest control industry now appears to be even more cardinal, indispensable in safeguarding public health, agricultural productivity, and property from the impacts of pests in a changing world, particularly in the context of climate change: Increased […]

Where do the rats go when spring comes?

In urban areas like Delta, rats tend to remain active year-round rather than hibernating. However, their behavior might change with the seasons. In spring, rats may become more active as the weather warms up, increasing their foraging and breeding activities. During spring, rats might continue to inhabit the same areas they do during other seasons, […]

Got Wasps or Hornets? Here is what you need to know!!!

Seek Professional Help: If you’re dealing with a wasps or hornets, it’s best to seek assistance from Go Green Pest Control. Wasps and hornets play important roles in nature as predators and pollinators. Here’s how they contribute to the ecosystem: Predators: Wasps and hornets primarily feed on other insects, including pest insects such as caterpillars, […]

Do you have fleas in your house and how you can rid yourself of them

Having fleas in your house is bad for several reasons: Consult a Professional: If your flea infestation is severe or persists despite your efforts, consider consult Go Green Pest Control for assistance. Health Risks: Fleas can carry diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to humans and pets. These can include typhus, tapeworms, and cat […]

What are ants contribution to the ecosystem

Ants play numerous essential roles in ecosystems: Seed Dispersal: Many ant species are effective seed dispersers. They collect seeds and carry them back to their nests, where they consume the nutrient-rich outer coating. Some seeds are left to germinate, contributing to plant diversity and regeneration. Soil Aeration: Ants tunnel through soil, creating networks of tunnels […]

Is using a local family owned pest control company better?

Using a local, family-owned pest control company can offer unique benefits: Personalized Service: Family-owned businesses often prioritize building relationships with their customers. You’re more likely to receive personalized attention and tailored solutions to your pest control needs. They may even remember your preferences and specific concerns from one visit to the next. Local Knowledge and […]

Pavement Ants and the demise of your driveway!!

Pavement ants are small ants commonly found in urban environments, hence their name. They are typically dark brown to black in color and measure around 2.5 to 4 mm in length. Pavement ants build their nests in cracks and crevices in sidewalks, driveways, and the foundations of buildings, hence their association with pavement. These ants […]

Brown Moths in your closet?

Addressing a Brown House Moth infestation requires a systematic approach. Cleaning the affected area is indeed the first step to eliminate the source of attraction and breeding grounds for these pests. Removing damaged clothing, stored food, and any organic matter they might be feeding on is crucial to halt their destruction and prevent further spread. […]

Do Ants Bite? Yikes!!!

Yes, ants can bite, and while most ant bites are relatively harmless, some species can inflict painful stings or bites. Certain ants, such as fire ants, can deliver stings that cause a burning sensation and may lead to allergic reactions or secondary infections if not treated properly. Additionally, some ants can transmit diseases. For example, […]

MOLES – in the lawn and how can you prevent and get rid of them.

Moles in the lawn can be a nuisance as they create unsightly tunnels and mounds, damaging the grass roots and potentially causing tripping hazards. Here are some methods to prevent and get rid of moles: Preventive Measures: Maintain a Healthy Lawn: Moles are often attracted to lawns with abundant insect populations, as insects are their […]

Skin Rashes and Bug bites ? Carpet Beetle Larvae not Bedbugs !

Carpet beetle larvae can cause skin rashes primarily due to their tiny, bristly hairs called setae. These setae can irritate the skin, leading to an allergic reaction or contact dermatitis in some individuals. Irritation: The setae of carpet beetle larvae can physically irritate the skin upon contact, similar to the irritation caused by fiberglass. This […]

Identifying Ant Type Is Crucial

Identifying the type of ant you’re dealing with is indeed crucial for effective ant control. Different ant species have varying behaviors, preferences, and nesting habits, so knowing which species you’re dealing with can help you implement the most appropriate management strategies. Here are some common types of ants you might encounter: 1.Sugar Ants: These ants […]

Spring Time Ant – Be – Gone Strategies

Ant-proofing your home in springtime can help prevent infestations as ants become more active during this season. Here are some steps you can take: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/spring-time-ant-gone-strategies-randy-bilesky-tcpgc  

Why do sugar ants like my cat and dog food?

Sugar ants, not known as pavement ants or odorous house ants, are attracted to a variety of food sources, including pet food. There are several reasons why they might be particularly drawn to your cat and dog food: High Sugar and Protein Content: Many pet foods, especially those in dry kibble form, contain significant amounts […]

What do I do with all these spiders around and in my house?

Dealing with spiders in and around your house can be managed through several strategies: Professional Pest Control: If you’re dealing with a significant spider infestation or are concerned about venomous species, consider contacting Go Green Pest Control Corp. We can provide targeted treatment and advice on managing the issue. Preventive Measures: Seal Entry Points: Spiders […]

Why so many ants now?

An increase in the number of ants could be due to various factors, including environmental conditions, food availability, and reproduction cycles. Here are some reasons why there might be more ants around: Weather: Certain weather conditions, such as warmth and humidity, can encourage ants to become more active and visible. Warmer temperatures can speed up […]

How do you get rid of these small black sugar ants in my kitchen and who should you call!

To get rid of small black sugar ants in your kitchen, you can try several methods: Identify Entry Points: Look for cracks, gaps, or holes in walls, floors, and windows where ants may be entering your kitchen. Seal these entry points with caulk or silicone to prevent ants from coming inside. Clean Thoroughly: Ants are […]

What is Seclira WSG used for?

 Seclira WSG can be sprayed directly into the nest entrances or the trails and areas where insects are foraging. Seclira WSG is a highly effective insecticide that can be used for both indoor and outdoor use to control a number of insects including ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, mosquitos, wasps and more. Seclira WSG is a […]

Do it yourself pest control and why it rarely works?

Do-it-yourself (DIY) pest control can be tempting for homeowners looking to save money or address pest issues quickly. However, there are several reasons why it often fails to effectively eliminate pests: Lack of expertise: Professional pest control technicians undergo extensive training and have a deep understanding of pest behavior, biology, and control methods. Without this […]

Rats under your crawlspace, in your attic or under your bed?


Why so many carpenter ants in my house?

The presence of a large number of carpenter ants in your house could indicate several potential factors: Moisture: Carpenter ants are attracted to damp or moist environments, as they prefer nesting in areas with high humidity levels. Check for any leaks in plumbing, roofing, or areas with poor ventilation that might create dampness, as these […]

Pests In Your Lawn

Overall, maintaining a healthy lawn through proper cultural practices like mowing, watering, fertilizing, and soil management can help prevent and mitigate pest problems. Go Green Pest Control can help you with an effective control for: Black Turfgrass Ataenius (Ataenius spretulus): Larvae feed on grasses, causing yellowing and patches of dying grass. Control by maintaining healthy […]

Nematodes – Grubs – Raccoons

Nematodes are microscopic roundworms that can play a role in controlling pests like raccoons. However, they don’t directly stop raccoons from digging up your lawn. Instead, nematodes can be used to control the population of grubs, insects that live in the soil and are a food source for raccoons. Here’s how it works: Application: Nematodes […]

Crows and European chafer beetle (Rhizotrogus majalis)

Crows are known to eat a variety of insects, including grubs. Some of the grubs that crows commonly consume include: Beetle grubs: Crows often feed on the larvae of beetles, such as June beetle larvae (also known as white grubs) and Japanese beetle larvae. Moth larvae: Crows may also eat caterpillars and larvae of various […]

Managing Skunk, Raccoon and Crow Damage to Lawns

To manage skunk and raccoon and crow damage to lawns, particularly caused by their search for grubs there are several strategies you can employ: Assessment of Grub Population: Start by assessing the population of white grubs in the soil. You can do this by inspecting nearby undamaged areas or areas that have previously shown signs […]

Grubs and raccoons and skunks and crows, and oh what a mess.

Grubs and raccoons and skunks and crows, and oh what a mess. Chafer grubs are the larvae of chafer beetles, which are common garden pests known for feeding on the roots of grass and other plants. Raccoons and those other two, on the other hand, are omnivorous mammals known for their scavenging habits. By consulting […]

Rats and Warm Weather

Indeed, warmer temperatures can significantly impact rat behavior and reproduction. Rats are known to breed more frequently in warmer weather conditions. This is because warmer temperatures create a more favorable environment for reproduction and survival of offspring. Warmer weather provides rats with better access to food, water, and shelter, which are essential for successful breeding […]

Spider Farming For Pest Control

Spider farming for pest control involves breeding and maintaining populations of spiders that are effective predators of various pests, such as insects and other arthropods. This approach can offer a natural and environmentally friendly alternative to chemical pesticides. Here’s how spider farming for pest control might work: Species selection: Different species of spiders have varying […]

Why Seeing Ants In Your Home In The Winter Could Mean

Carpenter ants typically become more active in the spring and summer months when the weather is warmer. However, there could be several reasons why you’re observing carpenter ants in January: Mild Winter Weather: If the winter temperatures are unusually mild, it could trigger early ant activity. Carpenter ants are more active in warmer conditions. Indoor […]

Small Flying Sugar Ants

Small flying sugar ants are likely referring to a species of ants commonly known as sugar ants or flying ants. It’s important to note that “sugar ant” is a general term that people use for various ant species, and the appearance and behavior can vary. If you’re dealing with small flying ants in your home, […]

Why are Skunks in your Yard ! ? !

  Skunks may be attracted to your yard for various reasons, and keeping them away involves addressing those factors. Here are some common reasons why skunks might be in your yard and ways to deter them: Remember to check local regulations before attempting to trap or relocate skunks, as it may require a permit in […]

Do You Hear Rodents in the Walls, Attic or Crawlspace?


Raccoons, Skunks and Crows TEARING up your Lawn

Raccoons, skunks and crows can be a nuisance when they start digging up lawns. They usually do this in search of  grubs. Thankfully, there are several methods you can try to deter them from tearing up your lawn. Here are some effective solutions: Make it difficult for them to dig: They won’t waste a lot […]

Rats in Your Garage !!!

If you have rats in your garage, it’s essential to address the issue promptly to prevent potential damage and health concerns. Here are some steps you can take: Identify Entry Points: Inspect your garage for any openings or gaps that rats could use to enter. Seal these openings with materials like steel wool or caulk. […]

Rats under your hot tub?

Dealing with rats under your hot tub can be a nuisance and a potential health hazard. Here are some steps you can take to address the issue: Identify Entry Points: Inspect the area around your hot tub for potential entry points. Rats can squeeze through small openings, so check for gaps or holes in the […]

Moles in your lawn?

If you have moles in your lawn and find their presence bothersome, there are several methods you can try to control and reduce their population. Keep in mind that moles primarily feed on insects and earthworms, so addressing the mole issue may also involve managing the insect population in your lawn.  A green lawn is […]

When do the wasp nest die-out for the year?

The lifecycle of a wasp nest typically follows a seasonal pattern. In Delta and similar regions with temperate climates, wasp nests often start to decline in the late summer and fall. As the days get shorter and temperatures drop, the production of new workers decreases, and the focus shifts to producing new queens and males […]

Rat Poison – Corn Husks or Snake Oil

While corn husks, certain uses originally proposed are not supported by the PMRA because value has not been adequately demonstrated. themselves are not typically used as rat poison, some people may mistakenly believe that they can be harmful to rats and those retails that sell it are modern day snake oil suppliers. However, it’s important […]

How do you get rid of bird mites?

Bird mites are tiny parasitic arachnids that infest birds, and occasionally, they can bite humans. They are often associated with birds such as pigeons, sparrows, and starlings. These mites can become a problem when they leave bird nests in search of a new host, which can include humans. Here are some key points about bird […]

How do you know if a bite is a bed bug?

Bed bug bites are skin reactions resulting from the bites of bed bugs (Cimex lectularius). These insects feed on the blood of humans and animals during the night. Bed bug bites often appear as small, red, itchy welts on the skin. The bites are usually arranged in a cluster or a line and can be […]

Recognizing bed bugs and preventing infestation

Bed bugs are known for their ability to move through small spaces and can easily travel between rooms and different locations. They are often found in cracks and crevices, making it challenging to eliminate them completely without proper treatment. To minimize the risk of spreading bed bugs, it’s crucial to take swift action if an […]

YIKES Silverfish everywhere!!!

Silverfish are small, wingless insects known for their silvery, metallic appearance and distinctive wriggling movement. They are often found in damp, dark environments and are attracted to starchy substances. Here’s some information related to silverfish in the specified locations: In Cardboard Boxes: Silverfish are attracted to the glue used in cardboard boxes, as it contains […]

Rats vs Mice – What’s worse

Both rats and mice can be considered pests, and their presence can pose health and safety risks. However, the severity of the issue can depend on various factors such as size, behavior, and the specific species involved. Generally, rats are larger than mice and may cause more damage due to their size and strength. They […]

How to get rid of woodpeckers – pecking your house?

Sure thing! To deter woodpeckers from pecking your house, you can try a few methods: Reflective objects: Hang reflective objects, like old CDs or aluminum foil strips, near the affected area. The movement and reflections can scare away woodpeckers. Visual deterrents: Install scarecrow-like devices or decoys of owls or predatory birds. This might make woodpeckers […]

How to Get Rid of Rodents in your BBQ Grill

Rats can be quite the unwanted guests, especially around outdoor spaces. To keep them away from your barbecue grill, try these tips: Cleanliness is key: Regularly clean your grill and the surrounding area. Remove any food residue or grease that might attract rats. Store food properly: Don’t leave food scraps or leftovers around the grill. […]

Are Raccoons pests?

Raccoons can indeed be considered pests in certain situations. Here’s some information about raccoons as pests: Nuisance Behavior: Raccoons are known to rummage through trash cans and can create a mess. They may also damage gardens and crops in search of food. Property Damage: Raccoons can cause structural damage by tearing holes in roofs and […]

It’s Skunk Season – Hold your Nose!!!

Skunk odor is a strong and unpleasant smell produced by skunks as a defense mechanism. If you’re dealing with skunk odor, here are some helpful tips to address the issue: Stay Calm: Skunk spray can be powerful and overwhelming, but try to remain calm to address the situation effectively. Ventilate: Open windows and doors to […]

Why are rats so disgusting? Easy, humans associate rats with illnesses, dirty environments and taboos

The perception of rats as “disgusting” is subjective and can vary from person to person. There are several reasons why some people might find rats unappealing: Disease Transmission: Rats are known to carry and transmit diseases such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, and salmonellosis, which can be a health concern for humans. Leptospirosis: This bacterial disease can […]

Sugar Ants in Your House – How dare they !!

If you’re dealing with sugar ants in your house, you’ll want to take steps to eliminate them. Here are some tips and ultimately the only real solution to help you with this common pest problem: Professional Pest Control: If the infestation is severe and the home remedies suggested below aren’t working, consider contacting Go Green […]

Halloween pests

When it comes to Halloween, people often look for ways to create a spooky and creepy atmosphere. While there are real “Halloween pests” in the traditional sense, you can create a scary ambiance using various decorations and props. Here are some real spooky Halloween pests: Spiders: Many people are afraid of spiders, especially larger or […]

Mice – Rats and Colo Colo – a giant malevolent rat creature.

Pests, including mice, rats and the Colo, can be a common nuisance in many households. If you’re dealing with a pest issue, it’s essential to take appropriate measures to address it. Here’s some information on dealing with these pests: Mice and Rats and the Colo: Identification: Mice are small rodents with long tails and large ears, […]

Pest Control and Hoarders

Pest control and hoarding (covetous) can be interconnected issues, as hoarding can create an environment conducive to pest infestations. Addressing both hoarding and pest control issues requires a comprehensive and empathetic approach to help individuals improve their living conditions and overall well-being. Understanding Hoarding: Hoarding is a mental health disorder characterized by the excessive accumulation […]

What nasty pests arrive in the fall  

There are several types of pests that can become more problematic during the fall season. Some of these pests include: Stink Bugs: Stink bugs are known to gather in large numbers during the fall as they search for shelter to overwinter. They can become a nuisance as they invade homes and emit a foul odor […]

Why do Wasps and Hornets Sting so often?

Wasps are known for their ability to sting multiple times, unlike honeybees that can only sting once. This is primarily due to differences in their stingers and venom sacs. Stinger Structure: Wasps have smooth stingers that are not barbed like those of honeybees. When a wasp stings, its stinger can easily penetrate the skin and […]

The wrong way of controlling HORNETS

tempting to remove these pests without proper knowledge and equipment can be dangerous and may lead to stings or other unwanted consequences. For your safety, it’s advisable to consult with us at Go Green Pest Control 778-886-4111 to handle hornet and wasp infestations. Here are some wrong methods that people might attempt: Remember, hornets and […]

Wasp – Hornet Nests

By Randy Bilesky BSF CPA RPF Wasp and hornet nests can be found in various locations, including residential areas, gardens, parks, and forests. Wasps are commonly encountered during the spring and summer months when their populations are at their peak. If you have a wasp nest on your property or in a location that poses […]

Go Green Pest Control – Who we are!!

Go Green Pest Control & Exterminators is a company that specializes in environmentally-friendly pest control services. As an eco-conscious pest control company, Go Green Pest Control & Exterminators employs sustainable and non-toxic methods to effectively manage and eliminate pests while minimizing harm to the environment and human health. Services provided by Go Green Pest Control […]

spider extermination

  Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF If you’re dealing with a spider infestation and want to exterminate them, here are some steps you can take: Identify the species: It’s important to know what type of spiders you’re dealing with since some species are harmless, while others can be dangerous. If you’re uncertain about their identification, […]

Fruit Flies

Fruit flies can be a nuisance when they gather around the dinner table. Here are a few suggestions to help you deal with fruit flies: Remove attractants: Fruit flies are attracted to ripe or decaying fruits, vegetables, and other sugary substances. Make sure to keep your dining area clean and free from any exposed or […]

Slugs – are they pests

Slugs can indeed be considered pests, especially in gardens and agricultural settings. Here’s some information about slugs as pests: Plant Damage: Slugs are known for their appetite for plants, and they can cause significant damage to crops, vegetables, flowers, and other plants. They feed on leaves, stems, and fruits, leaving behind large irregular holes and […]


Raccoons can be fascinating creatures, but they can also cause problems when they come into close contact with humans. If you’re experiencing raccoon issues, here are some common problems they can cause and potential solutions: Property damage: Raccoons are known for their dexterity and curiosity, which can lead to damage to your property. They may […]

Go Green Pest Control

“Go green pest control” refers to pest control methods and practices that prioritize environmental sustainability and minimize the use of harmful chemicals. It involves adopting eco-friendly and non-toxic approaches to control and manage pests while minimizing the impact on the environment, human health, and non-target species. Here are some common practices associated with go green […]

Rats In Your Attic?

Getting rid of rats in an attic can be a challenging task, but it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage and potential health risks. Here are some steps you can take: Identify the entry points: Inspect your attic and surrounding areas to locate any openings or gaps where […]

Chimney Squirrels

Squirrels nesting in chimneys is a common problem faced by homeowners. Chimneys provide squirrels with a warm and protected space to build their nests, especially during colder months or when they’re seeking shelter. Here are some important points to consider if you’re dealing with squirrels nesting in your chimney: Identify the presence: Squirrels are typically […]

Silverfish & Madagascar (ugliest dinosaurs)

How do we get rid of the ugliest insect – silverfish?   Here are some common approaches Go Green Pest Control will do for silverfish: Inspection: We will conduct a thorough inspection to identify the extent of the silverfish infestation and locate their hiding places. Silverfish tend to prefer dark and damp areas such as basements, […]

Why do pavement ants push up sand and swarm

Pavement ants (Tetramorium caespitum) are a species of ants commonly found in urban areas, where they nest under pavement cracks, sidewalks, driveways, and other similar spaces. They exhibit certain behaviors that involve pushing up sand or soil and swarming. Here’s why: Nest Building: Pavement ants push up sand or soil as part of their nest-building […]

Bed Bugs

Here’s some information about bed bugs What are bed bugs? Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are flat and oval-shaped, about the size of an apple seed, and are usually brown or reddish-brown in color. Where do bed bugs live? Bed bugs are commonly found in […]

Black Box – Rodent Control Bait Boxes

Rodent bait boxes are used as a method of pest control to manage rodent populations. They are typically used by homeowners, property managers, businesses, and pest control professionals who want to eliminate or reduce rodent infestations. Here’s why and who needs rodent bait boxes: Pest control: Rodents, such as rats and mice, can cause various […]

What is an Ant Colony

An ant colony is a social structure formed by ants, which are small, eusocial insects belonging to the family Formicidae. Ant colonies can vary in size from a few dozen individuals to millions of ants, depending on the species. The structure of an ant colony typically consists of different castes or classes of ants, each […]

Oh No!! Silverfish

Silverfish are not harmful to humans and do not pose any significant health risks. While they may look a bit unsettling, they are generally considered nuisance pests rather than dangerous creatures. Here are a few key points about silverfish: Not Harmful: Silverfish do not bite or sting humans. They lack venom glands, and their mouthparts […]


Spiders, in general, pose very little threat to humans. Most spiders are harmless and play a beneficial role in controlling populations of insects. However, there are a few species of spiders that can potentially cause harm if they bite a human. Here are some of the worst things spiders can do to you: Venomous Bites: […]

All about moles and how to get rid of moles

Moles are small, burrowing mammals that are often considered pests due to their ability to create unsightly tunnels and damage lawns and gardens. Here’s some information about moles and methods for getting rid of them: Identification: Moles are typically small, cylindrical mammals with velvety fur, small eyes, and powerful front limbs with large claws for […]

Why are City Raccoons considered to be Pests

Raccoons are considered pests primarily because of their behavior and the problems they can cause when they come into close proximity with humans. Here are a few reasons why raccoons are often seen as pests: Property Damage: Raccoons are known for their ability to cause damage to property. They can tear through roofs, siding, and […]

List of the worst pests in Delta

In Delta, several pests can be considered problematic. Here’s a list of some of the worst pests commonly encountered in the area: It’s important to note that effective pest control often involves a combination of preventive measures, such as sealing entry points, proper sanitation, and professional pest management services.  

Why we dislike rats

 The dislike or fear of rats is a common sentiment found in many cultures around the world. There are several reasons why humans tend to have a negative perception of rats: Disease Transmission: Rats are known to carry and transmit various diseases, including plague, leptospirosis, and salmonellosis. These diseases can be harmful or even fatal […]

Rat vs Muskrat

rat vs muskrat ChatGPT A rat and a muskrat are two distinct species of rodents with some notable differences. Here’s a comparison between the two: Physical Appearance: Rats (Rattus spp.): Rats are small to medium-sized rodents with long tails, pointed snouts, and large ears. They come in various colors, including brown, gray, black, and white. […]

Sugar Ants – All You Need To Know!!!

The sugar ant is a species of ant that is commonly found in various parts of the lower mainland. Sugar ants are small in size, typically measuring about 1.5 to 2.5 mm in length. They have a dark brown to black coloration, making them easily distinguishable. These ants prefer to build their nests indoors particularly […]

Everything you need to know about ticks

Ticks are small, blood-sucking arachnids that belong to the order Ixodida. They are external parasites that feed on the blood of mammals, birds, reptiles, and sometimes amphibians. Ticks are known for transmitting various diseases to humans and animals, making them a concern for health and veterinary professionals. Here’s everything you need to know about ticks: […]

Carpenter Ants and why retail ant solutions don’t work

Retail  products, which are typically environmentally friendly and non-toxic, can be effective at controlling many types of pests. However, they may not always be effective at controlling ants, particularly carpenter ants. There are a few reasons for this: Ants are highly adaptable: Ants are able to adapt to changing conditions quickly, and this includes adapting […]

Carpenter Ants and The Dreaded Satellite Nest

A carpenter ant satellite nest is a smaller nest that is established by carpenter ants in addition to their primary nest. Carpenter ants are social insects that live in large colonies, which typically consist of a primary nest and one or more satellite nests. The satellite nests are established by worker ants, which are responsible […]

What is this ” imidacloprid”

Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide belonging to the neonicotinoid class of chemicals. It is widely used in agriculture, as well as in residential and commercial settings, to control a variety of insect pests, including aphids, whiteflies, termites, and fleas. Imidacloprid works by binding to specific receptors in the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and […]

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a pest control strategy that uses a combination of techniques to manage pests in a way that is effective, economical, and environmentally sensitive. IPM is based on the principles of prevention, monitoring, and control. The goal of IPM is to minimize the use of pesticides and other chemicals, while still […]

What You Need To Do “Preparing for an ant spray”

If you are planning to have your house sprayed for ants, there are a few steps you can take to prepare: Identify the type of ant: Different types of ants may require different types of ant spray or treatment methods. Make sure you know what type of ant you are dealing with or take pictures […]

How do you control rat populations

There are several methods that can be used to control rat populations, including: Professional pest control: If you’re having trouble controlling a rat infestation on your own, it may be necessary to hire a professional pest control company. They will have the knowledge and equipment to effectively control the rat population and prevent future infestations. […]

Rats and Mice – Keeping them out.

Seal all openings that are bigger than ¼ in. A mixture of steel wool and caulking may be used for smaller holes.  Regularly inspect and repair entry points by covering with heavy gauge screening or 5 mm hardware cloth or metal mesh, ideally woven and galvanized to prevent edges from being gnawed and to prevent […]

Bed Bug Service Preparation Steps

Be prepared to leave the home during treatment and for 6 hours afterward. Remove all pets from the home during the time of treatment except for fish tanks. Fish tanks are to be covered with plastic wrap, and pumps turned off until you are allowed to reoccupy the home. Remove all sheets, covers, dust ruffles, […]

Tips to Get Rid of Ants

Ants are showing up all over, invading homes and gardens and annoying people who see them crawling everywhere. “They’re looking for sweets; they’re looking for carbohydrates, they’re looking for crumbs. Anything they can take back to their nest and store it for the winter time.” explained Randy Bilesky of Go Green Pest Control in Delta […]

Rodents and their Health Risks

Oh those rats and mice and other furry creatures can give you all kinds of nasty issues: Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome is a serious illness caused by a virus that may be transmitted by rodents. The virus is only found in one type of wild mouse – the deer mouse – that can spread the virus […]

Keeping It Local

Often when a issue comes up that we can not handle ourselves; we turn to the computer to find a solution, run down to the local hardware store and purchase what needs to fix the problem. Then there are the more complicated problems: ” I have rats in my attic”  Back to google to find […]

Raccoons, Skunks & Crows – Turf Turners

Raccoons and Skunks and Crows  are turning up the turf again, and its because they are hunger and your lawn is loaded with chafer beetle grubs.  It’s a common sight in Delta—lawns decimated by birds and animals that desperately dig for chafer beetle grubs. Damage is done during the grub, or larvae, stage. The grubs feed […]

The Aloof Wasp – The Unfriendly Solitary Chalybion Californicum

It’s that time again when working in the garden looks like it’s about to begin, have you ever noticed small blue black wasp flicking its shiny wings as it dashed across the dirt, searching here and there, looking for a spider. The chalybion californicum is an impressive wasp, which can be identified by its blue […]

RATS – Everyone has Rats

Do You have RATS? You’ll need to check your property for problem areas at least 4 times a year- seasonally. Look for entry points into your house, shed, or garage. Food and water sources such as pet food and water bowls, and bird feeders that may lead to rodent problems. Watch out for signs of […]

Car Problems – Rats Squirrels Mice – Getting Under Your Car Hood !!!

Here is a complete list of how-to’s for rodent proofing that you won’t find on google. The number one piece of advice I give, empty out your garage of storage and use it to hide your vehicles from rodents. Next, call us and get professional grade Tier 1 Rodent Bait Boxes to eliminate the pests. […]

Human Rat Arms

Scientists have grown an entire rat arm in the laboratory for the first time.The incredible lab-grown rat forearm limb has blood vessels, muscle tissue, skin and it even moves. This involves taking organs from donors and stripping all the soft tissue away, leaving just the collagen scaffold. They even attached the lab-grown arms to healthy rats and […]

Household Pesticides

A study shows commonly used household pesticide with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and young teens. This is why the government is trying to stop the sale of pesticides to the public. Pesticide exposure and ADHD, particularly in terms of hyperactivity and impulsivity, rather than inattentiveness is associated in boys more than girls. […]

Head lice – Symptoms and causes

Misconceptions, along with the burden of head lice itself, can lead to great discomfort, anxiety and embarrassment for those affected. Often, individuals feel embarrassed just talking about the condition, not realizing that having head lice is not an indicator of poor hygiene. The need for education and awareness regarding the condition and treatment options is […]

Rats and Chickens

Chickens and their coops are very attractive to rats for food, water, and a warm home. Keeping rats and other rodents out is important to prevent disease spread and potential infestation to other nearby areas, especially in denser urban neighbourhoods. To reduce the appeal of your chicken coop to rodents: 1- Build the chicken run […]

Happy Holidays – Pest Free

If you are going old school, like we always do, buying a real Christmas tree is tradition. But, before you bring the softwood tree indoors give it a shake. Check for ticks, beetles, flies and spiders around the base of the tree. And when using bug spray, never apply it on the tree because it […]

Rodents 101

Get rid of places where they can hide or live. Remove unused clutter in and around buildings. Demolish old or unused structures. Clean up interiors, especially cluttered areas like garages, attics and basements. Move items off the floor at least 19 cm  and away from the walls at least 35 cm. Keep building perimeters clear […]

Rodent Problems – Here is how to Fix Them

Seal all openings that are bigger than 6 mm (¼ in). A mixture of steel wool and caulking may be used for smaller holes. » Regularly inspect and repair entry points by covering with heavy gauge screening or 5 mm hardware cloth or metal mesh, ideally woven and galvanized to prevent edges from being gnawed […]

B.C. Trappers License


Rats & Mice – Rodent Baits or Traps

Want to do your own rodent control, you you have a choice between trapping and baiting methods. Baiting is quicker, especially for pest control novices, but there is also a chance that a dead smelly rodent will die behind your walls waiting until the carcass decomposes. If there is potential that the rodent will get […]

Best Of South Delta – Go Green Pest Control – Annual Readers’ Choice Awards

Best Of South Delta – Go Green Pest Control – Annual Readers’ Choice Awards     A 25-year Tsawwassen resident, Randy Bilesky at Go Green Pest Control. After many years in the forest industry, long-time South Delta resident Randy Bilesky decided to start a new venture – and Go Green Pest Control was born. Over […]

Keep It Local

Let’s Talk About Keeping it Local. We all talk about buying things locally, buying produce that has been grown locally but do we apply this to everything we do? Often when a issue comes up that we can not handle ourselves; we turn to the computer to find a solution. If I’m having problems with my […]

Raccoons and Skunks are turning up the turf again

Raccoons and Skunks are turning up the turf again, and its because they are hunger and your lawn is loaded with chafer beetle grubs.  It’s becoming a common sight in Delta—lawns decimated by birds and animals that desperately dig for chafer beetle grubs. “Overnight they could destroy somebody’s lawn—the whole lawn,” said Richard. “You have a […]

  Mice & Mouse – Get’m Gone

The serious first step to getting rid of mice and rats is to find their runways and feeding areas for proper placements of rodent  traps and rodent baits. They are active in dusk so using a flashlight would be handy to see into corners and recessed areas. Look for tracks, feces, gnawing damage, urine stains, […]

Bed Bugs OH NO !!!!

How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs My page on how to get rid of bed bugs will walk you through the extermination process step-by-step, but in general, you’ll do a lot of cleaning and then apply the mixtures I provide on that page and apply it everywhere bugs might hide. Wash all your linens […]

Obese Rodents Produce More Diseases

Obesity may be tougher on male immune systems than females. Male mice may have the tendency to produce higher levels of white blood cells that encourage inflammation, which contributes to the negative health consequences of obesity. Male mice are most often studied because their risk for developing these diseases. Obesity does not trigger inflammation in female mice […]

Blame the ‘impressive fire ant’ Delta

  Last summer, several planes hit birds feeding on the fire ants at YVR, forcing a series of short runway closures. And the pest problem is no longer confined to the common European fire ant. “We’re talking of two different types of fire ants,” noting both fire ants appear to be on the move. “We’ve […]

Randy Bilesky Talks about rodents getting into your Car

Do to continue Government pressures, north American car companies are “going green” by using biodegradable components to build their cars. Unfortunately for many car owners this has come at a cost: the expensive repair bill resulting from rodents chewing the wire coatings and other electrical parts under the hood! Randy Bilesky of Go Green Pest Control […]

Keeping Pests at Bay

All the wet weather and now the warming season are going to bring the bugs out. Pesticide applications need to have a target pest. In most situations, that means treating cracks, crevices and voids where the pests live. That is how it should be done. Some labels give the authority to spray baseboards and other […]

Pest Control – Some Facts and Fabrications There’s lots of fabrications spun out about pest control and google is the source of most. All of these are fiction: Mosquitoes will attack all day long not just dust and dawn, and Bug zappers use ultraviolet (UV) light to attract insects but not mosquitoes. Cheese attracts mice, no but they are more attracted to foods with sugar and peanut butter. Cockroaches will burn-up like anyone else in a nuclear blast. Bed bugs live in dirty spaces as well as clean environments. Bees only sting once but wasps and hornets can sting multiple times. Bed Bugs can not be eliminate with DIY techniques. Termites can’t damage brick or concrete slabs but they will chew through wood beam structures that can damage and brick and concrete slab homes.

There’s lots of fabrications spun out about pest control and google is the source of most. All of these are fiction: Mosquitoes will attack all day long not just dust and dawn, and Bug zappers use ultraviolet (UV) light to attract insects but not mosquitoes. Cheese attracts mice, no but they are more attracted to […]

Where are all the Wasp / Hornets this Year?

The number of wasps and hornets is really down from what we normally see this time of summer. At this point in late June, wasps are typically a common sight and nuisance. This year, however, the wasp and hornet population is hardly noticeable. The cool wet spring weather has not been favorable to their survival, […]

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

  Mosquitoes can transmit infectious diseases like the West Nile virus and are a health risk. Their hungriest at dawn and dusk, so be warned. Getting rid of mosquitoes means keeping them out your yard and using a mosquito repellent. So what else can you do, well here are a few examples: 1. Eliminate standing water, […]

What you can do after your house is sprayed for insects.

  Eliminating insects takes a lot of time and effort for it to be successfully done. After every application of pesticides, you always want to clean your home, but you should be patient before cleaning. Sometimes you have to wait a week or 3 weeks before you can clean your home so that pesticides will […]

When do wasps and bees fly

  Wasps and bees are unable to feed their nests if they cannot collect nectar and protein, and if the temperature is 12 degrees Celsius  or less foragers cannot fly. Cool night temperatures prevent them from flying at night and if the they do they usually fly towards lighted windows at night. They can generally […]

What Google tells you the fastest way to get rid of Carpenter Ants?

“Soapy water solution or window cleaner can successfully get rid of ants on contact and removing the ants’ pheromone trail using the same solution.” No !  No ! No ! For every one ant you see there is another hundred or a thousand ants near by. So How do you get rid of carpenter ants […]

Yuck Flies on my Food – Should you chuck it out?

Houseflies can carry a lot of different infectious germs because they eat and lay their eggs in feces, decomposing flesh, and other putrefying matters. These germs stick to many areas of flies as they feed and reproduce. Flies also use regurgitating enzymes from their bodies to break down their food into a fluid that they […]

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management, a series of escalating methods to control bugs and weeds. Various methods from hand weeding to biological and chemical controls are all part of the plan.  Alternatives to pesticides; goats and ladybugs. While the goats are perhaps the most visible pest control method used, eating the seed heads off of weeds in parks. […]

Carpenter Ant Infestation

Delta is a large sand pile that ants love, especially carpenter ants. These ants prefer to invade wet and rotting wood that has been softened by fungus and are often associated with moisture problems. When you have carpenter ants the only external sign of an infestation other than the presence of workers (all female like […]

Pest Extermination

Pest control can be exasperating and while you might consider doing it yourself, it is best left to the professionals. Delta bugs can be a unrelenting problem with property owners. Instead of grabbing a handful of pesticides, insecticides and rodenticides from your local hardware store, consider this first, the government has restricted the use of […]

How Destructive Can Squirrels Be

Squirrels, those over-sized fuzzy tailed rats can be both dangerous and destructive in your house, garage or shed. Squirrels can jam themselves through a hole the size of a Oreo cookie. They have to relentlessly chew in order to grind down their constantly growing teeth so they will chew through: metal  and plastic pipes, electrical […]

Squirrels Vs. Rats – Their Diseases and Who’s Worst

Some people call squirrels – big eyed rats with fussy tails, others call rats – baby squirrels that haunt the night. I say they are rodents that transmit diseases. Both rodents can carry the plague – yes the one from the medieval ages, the deadliest infectious disease. Squirrels are also know to transmit tularemia ( […]

Effective Pest Control – In a Couple Easy Steps

  In Delta, year around pest issues are common because of our mild winters, insects like: sugar ants, silverfish, cockroaches, flies, spiders and bed bugs just don’t go dormant.  Pest control specialists don’t just resolve current pest problems, they can also foil future problems with a treatment program. First, maintain an outdoor barricade. You should […]

Germ-Free Home – Eliminate Pests

  Regardless if you clean your home like a pro or have someone else do it, it still helps to hire a pest control company to inspect your house for mice, rats, squirrels, and insects. Silverfish, spiders, ants and other bugs can hide under baseboards, cabinets and in the crawlspace or attic. Our chaotic weather […]

Do Birds Spread Disease?

  Birds are super-spreaders of diseases because they travel over large distances, and their bodies are hosts to infectious diseases. Birds such as pigeons, sparrows, crows, and seagulls nest on our buildings, eat our food, and live in our backyards, school, buildings and parks. These birds pose a momentous health risks mainly spreading it through […]

Oh, the Sugar Ants

  When it comes to food favourites, sugar ants are often attracted to protein and carbohydrates, sweets, grease, or everything. In Canada, “sugar ant” can be a generic term for any type of sweet-seeking ant. The sugar ants we get in Delta are also described as the “little black ant”.  But, the banded real sugar […]

Pest Control – Will Home Insurance Pay For It?

  Pest control is considered regular maintenance, like normal wear and tear of your home, and your home insurance policy won’t cover it. If you notice droppings from rodents, sounds in your attic or crawl space or gnaw marks on garbage bins, its best to hire a pest control company. Pests can cause major damage […]

Pests and Home Insurance – Preventable and Unexpected Damage

  Preventable damage is damage that occur over time and can be avoided by pre-emptive action. This can be a large Douglas-fir or Hemlock tree root slowly growing under or through your foundation, or raccoons living in your attic. So when you see the risk of pest damage in advance and take action to prevent […]

 Homeowners Insurance and Preventable Pest Damage

Preventable pest damage plays a significant role in whether or not pest damage is covered by your homeowners insurance. This is the fundamental position that your insurance company takes when denying coverage. Preventable damage is damage that takes pre-emptive actions or repairing damage that occur over time. For instance, cracks in the foundation getting wider […]

Pest Preventable and Unexpected Damage – Will Your Homeowners Insurance Cover them.

Homeowners insurance policies are not cut and dry when it comes to pest issues and the damage they can do to your property. Basically, insurance companies don’t cover the damage caused by pests and the removal of pests or their bodies, dropping or urine. So the quick answer is  “no” to the damage from rodent, […]

Does Your Home Owner Insurance Cover Rodent Damage?

Damage to your home from insects, rats, mice, squirrels, skunks, birds and raccoons birds is usually not covered by a standard homeowners policy (although a window broken by a bird may be an exception).  But, unexpected damage can be covered in homeowners insurance policies, even if it was related to a pest infestation. Regular maintenance […]

Termite Damage ?

  Some termite species can grow into a colony of ½ million strong and most homeowners are not aware of the physical signs of a devastating termite infestation. Termites will inflict chaos on your wood structures causing wood surfaces to feel soft and or hollow, – there may be termites loitering inside, chowing through the […]

Yes, Wasps in the Winter!

As another usually mild (for the most part) winter continues, some insects have their own form of hibernation – a pseudo hibernation if you please, many continue to hang around bothering us from December to March and beyond. A couple of these pests can be handled with a quick zap with a fly swatter or […]

Flea Infestation

Fleas are common insects that can infest your home, and you don’t even need a dog for this to happen. A lot of homes with flea problems come from other pets like cats, ferrets, gerbils, and rabbits. If your pet is showing signs of fleas, always scratching, inspect their coat under their arms or behind […]

Travelling without Bed Bugs

  If you are a frequent flier, your prospect for picking up a bed bug increases significantly. Yes they bite, leave blood and their “stuff” behind but they also totally infest carpets, beds, drapes, furniture and clothes. So here is where you pick them up: planes, hotels, motels, taxis, uber, lift, trains, buses, and your […]

Carpenter Ants – Again – In the Winter

Carpenter ants are not a welcome sight in your house, especially in the winter. Cold wet weather in the winter is the ideal time for carpenter ants to get the upper hand in your house; using the studs, plywood, o.s.b. and insulation to tunnel and make their satellite nests. So why in the winter, well- […]

Salmonella Risk from Rat Infestation

A recall was issued on foods produced by a Saskatoon company that produce and/or distribute a variety of foods from beans to milk powder. Salmonellosis infection is mainly transmitted in rats through ingestion of food and water contaminated with infected feces, urine and bedding material. Rats can carry this germ and not appear to be […]

Germ-Free Pest Control

Even if you clean your home like it’s a hospital, it worth it to hire a professional pest control company to inspect your property for hidden bugs and rodents. Spiders, silverfish, ants and other bugs may hide almost anywhere, including crawlspaces, attics or right under your nose in a soap dish! The cold weather drives […]

Stop the Insects from Bugging You

Although we are bug experts and we know that it’s impossible to keep every bug out of your Delta home – even with the help of an knowledgeable pest control professional. If you have more than your share of insects, it’s because of something you’re doing – or not doing like postponing or ignoring home […]

Pestiferous 2022

Pestiferous in British English ADJECTIVE  informal troublesome; irritating breeding, carrying, or spreading infectious disease  corrupting; pernicious pestiferously (pesˈtiferously)  ADVERB pestiferousness (pesˈtiferousness)  from Latin pestifer, from pestis contagious disease, pest + ferre to bring   https://gogreenpestcontrol.ca/pestiferous-2022/ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pestiferous-2022-randy-bilesky/?published=t  

 Dead Rat?

Rats, you have rats and one died in the walls, so what happens then. In general, it will take around three to five weeks for a rat to completely decompose. The biggest issue when it comes to decomposing rats is the fact that they can smell extremely badly, and that smell can actually last for […]

What is that SMELL – A Dead Rat?

If you haven’t smelled the rancid odor of a dead rat, then consider yourself lucky. You will never forget it or the saturated stench that lingers in a house. The smell comes from a mixture of methane, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons and other chemicals that emanate from the decomposing rat body. The most effective way to […]

 Flea Problems??

A flea invasion can cause serious stress on your pets and family’s lives. Dogs, cats, or other hairy pets that spend any time outdoors can pickup fleas and hitchhike a ride into your house. To protect pets, your vet can also prescribe an oral pill or skin medication that will reduce your pet’s risk of […]

Do You Have Ants? Offer them a Soda – Baking Soda

In Delta, 50% of every home has ants indoors and 100% outdoors. When you have these irritating ants in your home, there is one quick fix to temporarily get rid of these mighty six legged homewreckers. You don’t have far to go to get it either, it’s with all your baking goods – baking soda. […]

Roaches and Roach Allergies

If you see one cockroach, then there is likely ten to a hundred hiding in your house out of sight. Roaches can trigger allergies from their saliva, skin and droppings, and is the leading trigger of allergies and asthma attacks in Canada. Children with asthma are most vulnerable. Keeping your home clean is the number […]

The New Normal – Bugs Year Around

It seems now with climate change or the new normal is causing longer, hotter summers and mild winters, that there are more bugs around all around. It’s not like there are hundreds of them rather just a few that a flyswatter can usually take care of. But sometimes, they don’t go away such as bed […]

Pest Food a.k.a. Pet Food

One of the questions I often get is, how do you keep the pests outside? If you know what to do its easy!  If you’ve googled it and still get insects indoors then it could be the food you feed your pet’s that’s enticing them indoors. Indoor pets should be trained to eat at a […]

Sugar Ants – Maybe?

Proper identification of the species is critical to correctly manage and develop an effective strategy to stop and eliminate ants. If you’ve discovered ants in your kitchen and cannot find the source, you may be dealing with sugar ants, these guys are attracted by multiple foods changing daily. There are a number of home remedies […]

Pantry Insects

Pantry pests infest stored foods and can carry diseases that can make you sick. When you think of pantry insects, moths might come to mind but did you know that there are several other pests that can be in your pantry, like the cigar beetle, drugstore beetle, merchant grain beetles, flour beetles and rice weevils. […]


Centipedes do have a lot of legs, they can actually have anywhere from 15-177 pairs of legs with one pair per segment, always have an odd number of pairs of legs, and they can be 10 cm long. Nocturnal by nature, the house centipede searches for food during the night. They have little mouths and […]

Sugar Ant Infestation

Sugar ants are attracted to fruit, sweets, spills, stains, other food  and are usually found in your kitchen, pantry, and food containers. So how did you get them inside? Well they can bubble up from sandy soils or sometimes sugar ants are not content to only live outside and they invade and become bothersome situation for […]

Thatching Ants

  Some ants are common and harmless, but others can be treacherous and you need to get them out of your home. Thatching ants may seem like trivial insect but they can be very challenging. They are drawn to moisture (like almost every insect), and their nests are usually found near flowerbeds that have mulch. […]

Preventing Flea Infestations

A flea infestation can cause chaos on your family and house. Any furry animal that goes outside can pick-up fleas, so a trip to the vet for topical flea and tick prevention should be done periodically. Maintaining your landscaping outside can protect your pets from fleas by cutting back tall grass, weeds, and shrubbery. Beds […]

Winter – Carpenter Ants

We often don’t think about carpenter ants in the cold wet months but they still exist and continue their never ending destruction of your house. Their role in the environment is waste processors as they tunnel through dead plants, trees and soil, aerating it. Regrettably, these ants see our homes as piles of sticks that […]

What You Should Know About Indoor Insects

  Indoor insects can do many things to you, including nasty bites to contaminating your food. Read on and discover what lurks under your bed. -Spiders are in and under your furniture, appliances, the attic and craw space. When a spider bites, it can cause allergic reaction – to necrotic wounds to… -Silverfish can ruin […]

Delta’s mild Winters usually need Spring Pest Control

Although winter weather is heading our way we only usually only get a few really cold freezing days and the rest of the season is just wet and miserable. Mild winters allow insects and rodents breeding season to be longer and more successful. And, over the last couple years a lot of pests have been […]

Is your Pet bringing Pest Indoors

  Everyone deserves to be pest free and it’s easy if you know what to do. When pests get out of control and all the retail products you try from Rona and Dunbar lumber don’t sort out the problems, it just might be your pet’s food that’s enticing them into your house. If you have […]

Protective Cold Weather Pest Control

Now that its getting closer to freezing at night, you know who is looking to keep warm in your house? insects, spiders, squirrels, rats and mice ! Here are a few DYI fixes to keep them out. Look for cracks, crevices and holes on the outside of your house. Areas that most people miss are […]

Do It Yourself and Dr. Google

  I heard a line the other day that relates to Dr. Google and pest control “ reading what you like to believe is not research”.  Many if not most suggestions for DIY pest control on google don’t actually work or they are one-offs. If you do try a google fix make sure it is […]

Oh No – Bedbugs  

  You wake up in the morning with a itchy back and immediately google what has happened and oh NO….. bedbugs.  Like most people you freak-out and as soon as humanly possible head to Canadian Tire to buy any can of insecticide that shows a bed bug on the label. You have read on Dr. […]

Rat vs Mouse – Who’s who

So was it a rat or mouse – look at the feces, mice produce rice sized feces and rats have ½” – ¾” feces. Mice and rats are very different in terms of their behavior, eating habits and obviously their size. Rats like to gorge on available food and cause more damage by chewing bigger […]

DIY Pest Control – Here are the risks

So it’s windy and raining, you hear creaks in the attic, leaking roof? something being banged around by the wind ? or what you are afraid of the most – rodents. If the creaking-scratching noise persists at night and there is no wind or rain then it’s time to call a professional pest control company. […]

Know your Rats and Mice

Okay, rats and mice are nasty common urban and suburban vermin, yet they are a relatively smart animal. They seem to prosper regardless of all our attempts to eliminate them. Two things you can do if you have them in your house: contact Go Green Pest Control and a read the rest of this blog. […]

Tips Tips Tips to no more Rats and Mice

  Rat and Mice prevention, and control some times involves extreme measures around your house. Firewood stacks and shrubs next to your base of your home outside are an invitation to rodents, especially if the wood has been left there for years. By moving firewood several meters away from the perimeter of your house will […]

Rodents DIY Myths  

If you google “getting rid of rodents, mice, rats and squirrels” you will find thousands of 100% fool proof formulas and instructions. The way these are presented, most will sound like common-sense methods, but do they work? 95% won’t. So myth, mix water and ammonia spray where rats are and it will kill rodents. Myth, […]

Pest Control Done Right

While most people like to try their own pest control first before contacting a pro, I have compiled a few reasons why you should start with the pros and leave the DIY on the shelf. Typically, you will save money in the long term getting a pro in first before spending money on a quick […]

Why, why are these centipedes in your house.

These little insects have a unnerving presence and are reputed to cause nasty bites which makes them seem threatening. Before we figure out how to eliminate them we should try to answer why they are there in the first part. Similar to silverfish, the moisture content in the house attractions them into the house, so […]

 Common Health Threats from Rodents

Are you having problems with rodents in your home, they are more than just spine-chilling little vermin scampering about, they pose a risk to both your health and property. Having rodent control service in Delta can prevent a budding problem. Vermin, such as mice and rats, leave feces and urine that can spread bacteria, infect […]

Why hire a Rodent Control Professional

  Rodent control professionals do two things: get rid of your rodents and teach you on how to prevent rodents. Besides the cosmetic damage (when rats or mice are actually seen) a rodent infestation can be hazardous to your health – as mice and rats carry bacteria and diseases that can make you sick. An […]

What you can do after the Exterminator leaves

So far we have not found a home owner that likes spiders, silverfish, ants, roaches or the nasty trio – mice, rats or squirrels. So calling Go Green Pest Control 9778-886-4111) in Delta might be necessary if they pay an unforeseen visit. Prevention is always the first critical approach, keeping them out by carefully pest-proofing […]

Winter Pest Prevention  

  Winter is coming, and pests are ready to become holiday houseguests so pest prevention should also be on your list of priorities to keep your home and family safe. As temperatures drop and the furnace is run more frequently, outdoor air is sucked into the house and along with that can be bugs, moving […]

DIY Pest Control

Do it yourself pest control can be done – but also can be devastating and extremely risky, putting yourself, your family and your surroundings at risk. Even if you want to do it yourself,  it’s always recommended that you contact a professional at Go Green pest control  (778) 886-4111 for more information. DYI homeowners concentrate […]

Roaches- Just Say ”No” to most pesticides  

When you discover a revolting cockroach in your home, an instantaneous response would be to either start spraying bug killer all over or call Go Green Pest Control. Cockroaches are fiddly little pests and its most likely that you spraying them will have no effect. Why you ask, well here is why: they have become […]

Bedbug Infestation, maybe??

Bed bugs are an awful problem to have and hard to find, the bites are often confused with fleas and carpet moth larvae. Bed bugs leave lines of red itchy welts on the skin usually on the upper back and arms. They are most active at night drawn to our breath and heat while we […]

Preventative Pest Control

What is better, pay a smaller sum on a monthly or yearly basis to reduce the tide of pests or pay a substantially larger amount to eliminate the insects and rodents that have invaded your house, and any repairs for damage they created? The wise move, in my opinion, would be routine preventative pest control, […]

To fumigate or not to fumigate

I get asked this question often ”why don’t we fumigate” Well, not all pest control options are designed equally. As seen on tv shows like breaking bad, homes are tented for fumigation, but when is this actually required? Tenting or fumigating is a treatment for the whole house and every pest in it. It really […]

Do It Yourself Pest Control

For all your pest control problems all you have to do is head down to your local hardware store and pick-up almost any answer to your issue, right? NO! The government does not allow the products that professionals use to be sold to the general public. All be it, there are a couple viable options […]

Post Infestation Treatment

  So, after your house has been treated with pesticides, what do you do next? Yes you want to get back in and clean the floor, vacuum etc but.. first heed the warning about when you can return to your home and anything you were supposed to do, like opening window etc. You can keep […]

Home Pest Treatments  

  Multiple factors affect the population of pests in your home, and monitoring and stopping the pests can be a tricky business. Not only do you need to identify the pests but other factors effect when and where any controls are required, other factors include climate, previous pest encounters, time of year, hygiene, sanitation. The […]

Pest Control Phraseology

  Ever wonder what all those terms a pest control tech says before and after a treatment, well here are the answers: Bait boxes: black boxes that contain bait or snap traps for rats and mice. Exclusion: work required to keep pests from entering a building. Pellets: A dry concentrate pesticide that is ready to […]

Your House – Your Rules – No Rodents

The weather is cooling down and that means it will be the time for rodents to get out of the wet and cold and find shelter, so here are some simple preventive measures for potential mouse and rat problems. Keep all food in sealed containers. Do not leave pet food out overnight. If you have […]

When Do You Call In the Pest Control Professionals?

If there is one thing about insects and rodents, they always start multiplying exponentially after you first notice them. Insect and rodents not only make your life problematic with health risks but many can destroy your house and everything in it. So is it worth doing it yourself, as there are many rodent control products […]

Readers Choice #1 Pest Control in Delta

Readers Choice As Voted by Delta Optimist Readers # 1 – Top Pick for Pest Control in Delta  

Lower mainland Rats  

  There are two common rats in the southwest area of B.C., both sociable animal and found around food sources. First there is the Norway rat that burrows in the ground and is generally around crawl spaces, attics, clutter, woodpiles, garbage, and piles of debris. Then there’s the roof rat that likes to climb and […]

Mosquito Season Is Over, Right?

Everyone recognizes that distinctive buzz and the sting of a mosquito. They are attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale and components of our perspiration. When considering mosquito season, you need to consider the weather zone we live in and therefore, Delta is particularly vulnerable to mosquito season in summer and into the fall. So […]

Rodent Control in Delta

Delta homes are overrun by rodents like rats, mice, and squirrels every year. Various types and species are common in Delta, especially rats often called the rats of Delta. Rodents cause great damage, spread diseases and disease-causing parasites, and create havoc to homes because we have the perfect subtropical climate making it a ideal environment […]

Green Pest Control Results that Actually Work

  Regrettably, when pests are detected in our houses, apartments, or office buildings, their existence can lead to grave problems for the people who live or work there.  Non-toxic extermination has become more readily available to retail customers but it really dependents on the type of pest you’re dealing with. Here are a few things […]

Cool Facts about Bees, Wasps and Flies

  While gathering food, a bee may fly up to 100 km per day. A honeybee colony can produce around 100 kg of honey each year. Honeybees make around  9 million trips to gather enough nectar for production of ½ a kg of honey. Hornets and wasps feeding on fermenting juice have been known to […]

Third Murder Hornet nest of 2021 found near Delta

A third murder hornet nest was eradicated after a hornet was tracked to a tree neither the Canadian US border. They discovered as many as 1,400 hornets in nine layers of comb, where hornets were found in various developmental stages. Murder hornets considered to be invasive species and are the largest hornets in the world, […]

How to Get Rid of Wasps and Hornets in September

As temperatures consistently exceed of 23 degrees, you may be seeing an increased presence of wasps and hornets in Delta during the late summer and early fall. Here are a few basic steps to get rid of those insects. While there’s not a specific silver bullet to altogether remove wasps and hornets on your property, […]

Attention, Hornets and Wasps coming!

Spring and summer is stinging season, as the temperature increases, so does aggressive and territorial stinging insects. Here is what you need to know about them. First, hornets are social wasps that build their nests anywhere and everywhere in all kinds of different shapes. They are very aggressive if they feel that their nest is […]

Chafer beetle, Grubs and Your Yard

  Delta lawns are about to be decimated by birds and animals desperately digging for chafer beetle grubs. Damage is done during the grub, or larvae, stage. The grubs feed on the fibrous roots of grass, which crows, raccoons and skunks quickly rip up each spring and fall in search of the tasty pests. Water […]

Pesticides and Pollinators

A. Avoid applying pesticides to blooming plants, or when conditions favor drift into areas with plants in bloom. B. If you must spray plants in bloom, select a pesticide that is less toxic to bees (e.g. Bt, insecticidal soap, summer spray oil). Spot spray when possible to limit pesticide exposure risks C. Apply pesticides only […]

Pest Exclusion

Preventative work keeps pests out and exclusion work is the key to keeping pest like raccoons to ants out of your home. Exclusionary work seals up all the areas of your home that pests get inside. Mice, rats, and squirrels are the common pests that require exclusionary work. Mice can enter through holes as narrow […]

Carpenter Ant, Again !

Carpenter ants destroy the wood in your house. A colony in your yard can have multiple satellite nests in your house, causing significant structural damage to the integrity of your house. Carpenter ants create nest in wet and moldy wood. This is why repairing any water damaged wood will help to keep the ants out. […]

Spring – Finally the mice will leave my home, right?

Kicking the mice out of your house can be challenging mission. After living indoors in the winter where its warm with plenty of food or water, why would they want to leave.  Mice like to hide in attics, walls, crawl spaces, behind cabinets, air vents, and insulation. Check these locations for any signs of mouse […]

Essential Service

To whom it may concern, This letter confirms that Go Green Pest Control and its employees are deemed essential services under the Government of Canada – Public Safety – National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure. The services delivered through our organizations are considered essential to the health and basic societal functioning. Employees delivering these essential services […]

Delta Termites

Termite can be eating up your home whether you know about it or not. Termite nests are most active in the late spring and summertime, consuming a large amount of wood, feeding off trees and dead plants. To identify termites, examine their wings, droppings, and dead termites : termites have straight antennae and ants have […]

Ants True or False

  Ants are social insects and communicate using their olfactory receptors – smell. Here are some of myths you can find on the internet. Cinnamon slays ants. No it doesn’t slay or repel them. Vinegar slay ants. No, vinegar just removes the smell/trace of ants. Boiling water repels ants. No, it only hurts them. A […]

Six Common Spring Pests  

  Ticks – Mosquitoes – Bees and wasps – Fleas – Cockroaches – Rats and mice –  

Stop Hornet and Wasps from Nesting on your Property

  There are a lot of places around your home that wasps and hornets would like to nest. They are beneficial to the environment by cutting down on unnecessary bug populations, such as caterpillars, flies and beetle larvae, and many more insects around your home. If you’re worried about them disturbing your outdoor activities here […]

Rat Myths – We hear every day

Baking Soda Can Kill Rats cause they cant burp. Apparently rats aren’t able to burp but they can pass gas and caffeine is harmful so give them your coffee. Rats are very aggressive, well not true – only to other rats. Rats cause diseases, well they carry fleas etc. that actually are the transmitter of […]

Cluster Flies – Snow-birding it your home

Have you been noticing more flies than usual during this winter? Flies usually travel to sun-exposed sides of buildings in the late summer and enter your home through any available crack or opening. They survive winter in the adult stage by taking shelter indoor and are in a suspended state of development known as diapause […]

Which Rodent is Infesting Your Property

How can you tell what kind of rodent is infesting your Delta property? With so many different kinds of mice and rats out there, sometimes it is hard to know – so here is the break down for the order of the four most common rodents in Delta. #1 Norway rats are very surreptitious and […]

Sugar Ants and Can You get rid of them?

If you have these pests nesting in your home, it’s really no surprise, we are living on their silty soil here in Delta. When it comes to food preferences, these ants are often sweet-seekers or everything-eaters. Of course, these ants are attracted to sugar – be it white, brown, and powdered sugars; honey; corn, maple […]

Do you need pest control services in the winter?

  You might think that cold weather scares most pests away, but actually where is away, the reverse is true! There are numerous pests that relish a warm and dry area to go during winter time, and it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible before they cause headaches and potential […]

Cockroaches- What a Pain

Cockroaches can live through almost anything including headless. They breed quickly, one female cockroach can give birth over 650 baby roaches in a year. Cockroaches aren’t picky about what they eat as they will eat almost everything. Cockroaches can live as long as 10 years and are the fastest-running insects in the world. Cockroaches can […]

Stink Bugs

  While the stink bug can’t hurt you, they’re considered to be a pest because of what they use for defense, the very unpleasant odor they release when they are startled, disturbed or squashed. The stink bugs produce that smelly chemical in a gland on their abdomen. Some species can actually spray the chemical several […]

Bed Bugs – Ugh

Bedbugs in a home are a nasty nuisance and the best defense is to call a bed bug exterminator to completely eradicate the infestation. Bed bugs can be difficult to detect because they are so small, only 6 mm or less in size. Females are very productive laying over 600 eggs in a lifetime. It […]

Cockroaches Again?

Here are some scary cockroach facts that probably won’t make you feel any better about ever seeing one. They can easily make you sick from germs and bacteria and trigger allergies and asthma. Cockroaches can fit through crevices as thin as a dime. They can live headless, yes, headless for two weeks as they breathe […]


Fireflies are soft-bodied beetles that are also called glow worms, or lightning bugs for their visible use of bioluminescence during twilight to attract mates or prey. This chemically produced cold light can be yellow, green, pale red, or ghost blue. First, air rushes into the abdomen and reacts with the luciferin, that gives off the […]

Prevent Pest From Getting Indoors

  A dirty, cluttered house is an invitation to bugs to join your dwelling. Cleanliness plays a major role in enticing or discouraging pest invasions. So here are some suggestions to ensure that pests don’t feel welcome in your home. Wipe down your countertops and other kitchen surfaces with cleaners to remove food particles and […]

Cooler weather Ticks love it – Lyme Disease

Ticks live well in both warm and cold weather. Ticks carry Lyme disease that is 10 times higher then reported because the signs and symptoms are not always easy to identify. The disease can affect more than one organ including the nervous system, the brain, gastrointestinal system, the heart, muscles and the joints. Mice and […]

Pests ! ? Who Is Responsible – Landlord Or Tenant

So who is responsible for pest control, the tenant, the landlord, or the property management company? The answer is usually or should be found within your rental agreement and the cost of these services are most likely included in the cost of the rental. Some times, a landlord or property manager may pay for the […]

How To Get Rid of Cockroaches  

  Cockroaches are destructive, disease-ridden, messy, stress producing, and really hard to get rid of. You don’t even know you have them until it’s a full blown infestation. They hang around dark and damp areas like under the refrigerator, under the sink, behind the stove, bathroom and kitchen cabinets, closets and shelves. They can live […]

Rat Infestation On Your Block in Delta?

  The serious rat problem we have in Delta isn’t going away. Rats destroy property, equipment, and contaminate food and spread disease. Without good housekeeping practices on your block, the rats will never go away. Here are some guidelines on how to handle the rat problem. Organize a meeting on your block regarding the rat […]

Mouse – Mice and how to get rid of them

Mice are very cunning and rather difficult to catch, and there is normally not just one but several. Even baited snap traps don’t always work as often the following day the bait is gone and there’s no mouse in the trap. Other then snap tarps and sticky pads, there are other ways of catching mice, […]

Get Rid of Ants – Naturally

Ants may be small, but they can cause a wide range of major problems that can range from infuriating bites to structural damage to your property, all insect infestation brings with it the potential for costly problems. Here are some tips for how to get rid of ants naturally in your house. Before you treat […]

Just Get Rid of these Flies

Locating and eliminating the food and breeding source is the key to a long-term solution for flies that can impact our health. Here are some interesting facts: -They can taste with their feet. -They defecate a lot and spread a range of diseases. – House flies can walk upside down. – Flies are able to […]

Winter Bugs

So where are all those bugs go in winter, being cold-blooded insects are particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures. They have several different ways of surviving through the year’s coldest months: migration, hibernation and overwintering. A lot of crop pests migrate to warmer temperatures in the winter and return in the spring. Many insects hibernate through […]

Termites – Yikes

When looking for termites you should look for termite wings, straight antennae, dead termites and worm-like mud tunnels that are visible on the surface of walls. They are commonly found by doors, window frames, walls, and baseboards. To eliminate termites, create a barrier around your house using a liquid termiticide and termite bait that will […]

Covid Vacation – Bed Bug Guide

  If Covid isn’t at the top of your concerns while traveling, bed bugs sure should be when staying at a hotel or a rented room. Bed bugs live off blood as their only source of food. Female bed bugs need blood to produce eggs and to mature through several stages in their life. Beds […]

House Fly – Free

  Flies can carry billions of harmful microorganisms spreading over 60 diseases like conjunctivitis, dysentery, tuberculosis, and typhoid fever. And, all they have to do is land on surface like your dinner, cooking utensils or cutlery to do this. House flies like to feed on rotting liquid substances, where they pick-up other bacteria and viruses. […]

Pantry Pests and your Kitchen

The kitchen and pantry can be a breeding ground for common pests (weevils, beetles, ants and moths) because there not always the cleanest place in the house. Sugar, flour, oats and other dried foods are often spilled and these things attract bugs. The first thing to do is remove all dried food stuffs from the […]

Yuck! Rats and Mice

Now that the weather is cooler, rodents a.k.a. pesky little creatures become even more problematic as they try to find warmth, food and shelter. Here are some tips to keep your home rodent free starting with examining your house inside and out. Look for entry points including cracks in the foundation, gaps around pipes or […]

December 21 – Winter Pests

Winters coming and well it’s true that the number of pests and rodents you see might be a lot less in the winter months, they are not gone. The cooler weather drives even more pests and rodents inside because they’re looking for a way to protect themselves from the rain and cold. The simple fact […]

Christmas Tree – B U G S !

There are thousands of bugs living in a single Christmas tree that continue to breed and multiply, even after the tree has been removed from your house. These bugs include flies (many different ones) spiders and mites, aphids, bark beetles and sawflies – all carrying germs. Eggs maybe hatching and bugs multiplying right now – […]

Pest-Control Myths

  Myths are folklore consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in tales. It the same thing in pest control, dealing with bugs, rodents, and other unwanted critters. I still hear people saying that they saw a rat the size of a cat…Here are a few debunked pest control myths. I’m not too worried […]

Carpet Beetles and their Larvae

The carpet beetle has the unique ability to break down keratin protein, so they can feed on upholstery, furniture, clothing, and of course carpets. The presence of carpet beetles in our homes can lead to allergic reactions like asthma because of the molted skin that larvae shed. If you have seen a few small ladybug […]

Ah Rats – Prevention Tips:

  As it cools off, masses of vermin begin their search for warmer spaces where they can hunker down for winter. So rodent season is in full bloom now so here are some tips to try and prevent them from getting into your home. One of the chief issues we find in attracting these pests […]

Integrated Pest Management or IPM – as the techies like to say

IPM is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on the prevention of pests or their damage through the techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties. IPM is a process we use to solve pest problems while minimizing risk. Using IPM around your home and property creates conditions […]

The Bold Zebra Jumping Spiders – That’s a Thing?

  Jumping spiders are the largest family of spiders, more than 5,000 species. Here in Delta we have the Bold and Zebra jumping spiders. These spiders’ behaviors are different from those of your average spider as they stalk and pounce on their prey, usually at night. They do build spider several webs but there used […]

Rat and Mouse Prevention Tips

Rat and Mouse Prevention Tips Rodent season is here in full bloom so here are some tips to try and prevent them from coming in your home. Rats & mice are attracted to sources of water, food & shelter. Outside conditions that attract rodents are your garbage, outdoor grills and cooking areas, and the big […]

Asian Murder Hornets

    These terrifyingly huge Asian giant hornets have recently raise their notorious twitter profile. They can grow up to five centimeters in length and emit a loud noise that is impossible to ignore. They will attack anything nearby if they perceive it as a threat to their nest. They aren’t a threat to most […]

So no to an Ant Invasion

  Ants are bothersome because they can make us uncomfortable in so many ways. It’s in your best interests as a homeowner to keep ants as far away from your home as possible. Listed below are some tips that should help with that. Seal any potential entry points the ants may be getting in, this […]

Carpenter Ants – the House killer

  Carpenter ants are talented at destroying your home from the inside out. They dig through the wood inside your walls in order to create a network of tunnels and establish satellite nests. Ninety percent of the time, carpenter ants build nests in areas where the wood is moist or rotting. Because of that, you […]

Spiders and Arachnophobia

Arachnophobia is an intense and irrational fear of spiders, we all have it.  Spiders commonly found in Delta homes include house spiders, wolf spiders, cellar spiders, fishing spiders, and black widow spiders. They are usually found in corners of rooms, closets, boxes, dark crevices and basements.  Spiders are common in homes in the fall during […]

Mice – Shy Parents mean shy offspring?

The success of eliminating mice may depend on the personality of specific animals within a species. Braver, more lively, destructive or social mice are more likely to use baits, traps or new objects and foods. As a result, they can be eradiated quickly. But, shyer or less energetic mice can take longer to be caught. […]

Robo Cockroach

  Cockroaches are insects that have flat oval-shaped, spiny legs, wings (but they don’t fly) with a pair of long antennae and six long. They thrive in filthy kitchens and left unchecked, they multiple and turn everything into a nightmare. But what if they can be controlled and turned into house maids. Hence the robo […]


The Ant has become the number one pest problem in B.C. Ants can come in through even the smallest cracks, seeking water and food in the kitchen pantry or storeroom areas. Ants leave an invisible chemical path which contains pheromones for others to follow once they detect the food source. They can nest about anywhere […]


Cockroaches are the most contemptable bug – getting into your house through crevices and cracks, or carried inside in boxes, bags and second hand store items. They like warm temperatures where food and water are easily available (kitchens). These beasts are nocturnal and breed quickly when they get set-up. If you see one during the […]

How To Keep Spiders Out

How To Keep Spiders Out Spider numbers typically peak during late summer and fall, during their mating season. The best solution to spider control is prevention. Most spiders will be found outside your home in cob webs around your house, wood piles, or in darker places like inside the garage or under your deck. Indoors, […]

Integrated Pest Management

  When it comes to the health and safety of your home, keeping it pest free is a crucial step. That’s where Integrated Pest Management (IPM) can help because it’s a safe, environmentally conscious way to keep it free of costly pest infestations. Infestations of pests like rodents, ants, silverfish, and dust mites can be […]

Rodents -RATS and MICE

Rodents, rats and mice, invade homes in search of food, water, and shelter (protection). Rodents are for the most part nocturnal, and/or crepuscular (active at twilight), and they can chew through soffits, fascia, siding and other areas to get up into the attic, crawlspace and any where in the house. Rodents are known for chewing […]

Acrobat ants

  Acrobat ants are a nuisance ant with the unique ability to hold their heart-shaped abdomens up over the rest of their bodies. This gymnastic exhibition happens when the individual or nest is disturbed, they then release a foul-smelling odor. Acrobat ants contaminate food and can strip insulation from around wires, potentially causing short-circuits. Power […]

The Roly-Polies

Pill bugs, a.k.a. roly-polies, get their nickname from a defensive habit of rolling into a ball when distressed. Although they are called bugs, they are actually land-dwelling crustaceans, yes like shrimp or lobsters. Pill bugs prosper in humid and wet climates like wet wood, mulch, water pipes and damp basements. These insects can infest homes […]


  Fleas are external parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts as their sole source of food, using specialized mouthparts to pierce the skin. The most common flea living throughout the lower mainland is the cat flea. Cat fleas feed on a variety of animal hosts – including people! Many people are allergic […]

Moles 101

Our local moles have large paddle-like front feet used for digging tunnels as long as one kilometer a day. Although they may be virtually blind, they have amazingly sophisticated senses of touch and smell. These insect eating machines can cause considerable damage to lawns with dirt mounds and tunnels that damaged plant roots and create […]

Raccoon Live Trapping

Raccoons invade your property in search of food, water and shelter. Trapping a raccoon in a live trap is a humane way to remove one of these damaging animals from your property. The best live traps for raccoons are large to extra-large in size. Most traps come in either 1 or 2-door models from which […]

Pantry Moths

Pantry moths (and caterpillars) are small insects found indoors in locations where dried food packages are stored. They are known to cause unpleasant damage to food, spoiling it as it becomes invaded by pantry moths’ larvae. Signs of pantry moth infestations include webbing along the corners of packages or on the product inside, flour or […]

Rat Rage and COVID-19  

The perfect rodent infestation storm is now upon us, with restaurant at half capacity, heading into the colder months, and an abundance of panic bulk buying food supplies, spike in pet ownership and pet food, and pandemic gardens. Surges in rodent sightings, infestations and populations act as unique effects of COVID-19’s new normal. Rodents, who […]

Carpenter Ants – In the Fall and Winter

  Carpenter ant infestations usually occur during the months of April and May, then at the beginning of fall, as these ants look for warm and humid homes during the cold winter months. These wood destroying insects have no problem expanding and extending their satellite colonies. Rotting or wet wood is an utter treat for […]

Rat Pandemic

Since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, there has been a change in where rodents are being seen. As a result of the lack of restaurant garbage and overall business waste due to the corona virus, rodents have moved to residential neighbourhoods with greater than usual waste from ¾ of the population now working […]

De-Skunking Your Pet

  Skunks are not armed with long claws and nasty teeth like raccoons but their defence mechanism is equally potent. They have a pair of dedicated sacs located in their anus. The sacs are merely pouches that store an extremely foul smelling yellow oil secretion produced by glands that line the sacs. When you or […]

Asian Giant Hornet – It’s Here For Good

  The Asian giant hornet is the world’s largest hornet and it has been here for over a year, they prefer to live in low mountains and forests, areas that have not too hot summers and mild winters as well as high precipitation. They feed primarily on larger insects, colonies of other cooperative brood care […]

Weevil – In Your Home?

  Sometimes plant-feeding weevils invade homes for shelter in the fall, gaining access through cracks or openings around the windows, vents and doors. If weevils have been living in the attic or the crawl space and migrate to the living space of a home(that is usually warmer) than this may can confuse weevils and they […]

Dragonflies a.k.a. Mosquito Hawks

Dragonflies are large flying insects that are considered beneficial. Dragonflies thrive around ponds, pools, streams, and waterfront properties. Dragonflies are not harmful to people as they don’t bite or sting.  Dragonflies are actual beneficial, since the diet of immature dragonflies includes nuisance pests. They eat, mosquito larvae (immature dragonflies called naiads, live in the water), […]

Amphipods – Yard Shrimp

  These individuals are not insects, but are crustaceans similar to shrimp, using a mechanism called tail flip, propelling themselves away from a predator. They can be both herbivores and carnivores feeding on bacteria and dead plants and animals . They enter homes after heavy rainfall and require an exact amount of moisture to live […]

House Spiders – What to do?

Do you squish spiders when they see them indoors or trap the eight-legged insects and release them outside? Is this outdoor relocation an act of kindness, or a death sentence for the spider? If the spider is native to the area then it will likely be able to survive outside, but if the spider is […]

Squirrel Baby Season -Again

In mating season, females will build several nests called dreys, so they always have a back-up nest if one is damaged and for insect control and predator evasion. Female squirrels typically give birth to two to eight offspring. Mothers may have several litters in a year, so most squirrel populations are robust. After she is […]

Skunks Exclusion

Fall is the perfect time of year for addressing skunk worries around your house. Skunks like to seek refuge under decks, garages or tool sheds, or digging holes in your yard. These guys like to feed on grubs that live just below the root zone of your turf grass. The best way to lessen the […]

Western Hemlock and Phantom Looper Moths  

These Looper moths that we are currently seeing are native species to our region and they feed on trees, which is part of a normal cycle and they are harmless to us as they don’t sting or bite . The western loopers outbreak is every 11 to 15 years and the phantoms are every 12 […]

New Ant Queens attracted to Soil Microbes

Soil-dwelling ants are at risk of pathogen infection so when choosing nesting sites, so new ant queens reduce this risk by avoiding contact with certain pathogens. They select safe nesting sites by detecting odors formed by dirt bacteria that prevent the growth of ant-infecting fungi, this is the first time that this been found to […]

The Season of the Spiders  

It’s that season again where spiders start coming inside looking for mates, warmth and food – other insects. If you’re afraid of spiders, and most people are, here are some tips to keep them outside where they belong. We have 64 common spiders in B.C. but here are the main ones: Wolf Spiders, Brown Recluse, […]

Rats living in Sewers

Rats can make their homes in the most filthy parts of any city, the sewers. Here are some things that you may not know about these rats. We are vaccinating rats by feeding them rat poison that doesn’t kill them but actually helps them mutate to be poison resistant. A female rat gives birth to […]

Wasp Season – going- going

As we end another summer wasps are on their last push for anything sugar, be it ripe fruit in trees to pop cans on the deck. As the queen ends her reign, she produces more queen that fly off to find an acceptable location to hibernate and start a new nest the following year. Old […]

Summers out – Mice and Rats come in

  As summer fades, why do rodents want to get into our homes, well there are several reasons. As the weather starts getting wetter and colder, rodents begin to look for shelter and there is nothing better than a well-insulated heated home. Rodents also need a benign place to produce off spring in the cold […]

Rodent Awareness Week

  The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) works to educate consumers about the dangers and health threats of rodents a.k.a. rats and mice during Rodent Awareness Week: Oct. 18-24, 2020, they encourage public vigilance against mice and rats. Because we have been altering our regular life styles in response to Covid, rodents are not able […]

Delta’s Creepy Crawlies

The top creepy crawlies that are often spotted loitering in homes in Delta throughout the year are now revealed. As summer starts to turn into fall and we begin to start spending more time indoors, a number of insects often come with us. Many of the pests search for shelter in our warm homes. While […]

Bamboo rat

The bamboo rats are four species of rodents of the subfamily Rhizomyinae usually found in South, Southeast and East Asia. Bamboo rats vary in size, from the greater bamboo rat, which is typically 25 cm long and weighs from 1 ½ lbs to over 9 lbs. They are all large slow-moving rodents that live and […]

Oh, just another Squirrel Splooting

  If you see a squirrel sprawled spread-eagle on the ground, either it is dead or its splooting a.k.a. pancaking. Splooting happens when an animal is overheated, it will lay flat on its belly and spreads its paws out to cool down. Splooting allows the animal to cool themselves by pressing their belly into the […]

Ants – Some Interesting Facts

Ants play a vital role in our environment and eco-system, in fact the total mass of ants on earth is equivalent to the mass of humans (over one million ants for every human) and in some places ants can account for ¼ of the animal bio-mass in the area. There are over 22,000 species of […]

Trap-Shy Rats and Mice

  When a mouse or rat is trap-shy, it means that it are going to shy away from getting close to a trap and take the bait. This can happen for several reasons, including the fear new objects in their environment. They suspect anything new that enters into their environment because they have pheromone markers […]



Cuckoo Wasp

Cuckoo Wasp  

Termites – Home Destroyers

  Termites’ diet consists mainly of wood, termite damage in your home can compromise the strength and safety of the structure. Termites are infamous for living under your home without any signs. Since they are so small, termites are specialists at staying hidden, almost showing no signs of them slowly eating away at your home. […]

Cucumber Beetles – Garden Insect Pests – Series

There are two main types of cucumber beetles, the spotted and striped. In both cases, the adults grow to about 6-7 mm in length. They feed on cucumber plants, but will also eat squash, gourds and pumpkins. As the adults feed, they leave ragged holes in the leaves and they can transmit diseases such as […]

Rabbits – Garden Pests – Series

They may look charming and furry, but rabbits will eat all of your lettuces, beans and other plants. The best way to stop rabbit damage is with a fence, such as chicken wire. To prevent tunneling or burrowing, the wire should be one meter tall and buried 40+ cm below the soil surface. If you […]

Cabbage Worms – Garden Insect Pests – Series

  The larvae of cabbage worms can rapidly destroy a cabbage, broccoli, kale or cauliflower patch. Although slugs are often blamed, after a closer look, you’ll see these pale green larvae that grow up to an 2-3 cm and tend to blend in with the leaves or plant stems. White moths with black spots – […]

Aphids – Garden Insect Pests – Series

  Aphids are small sap-sucking insects, common names include greenfly and blackfly. Aphids cluster under leaves and on the tips of flower buds and early shoots. They’re small insects with pear-shaped bodies that can be green, brown, gray or black. These pests damage plants by drawing the juices from the leaves, flower buds and flowers. […]

Garden Insect Pests – Series

  The key to success against garden pests  is to identify the pest and take action. First, plant plenty of annual flowers and flowering herbs in your garden, these will attract beneficial insects such as ladybugs, hover flies, and lacewings, which can help control pest populations. Most insects your gardens are either beneficial or neutral, […]

Mud Daubers

  Mud daubers or wasps are altogether different, most resemble long, slender wasps about 2 ½ cm in length. They are solitary (lone) wasps, so instead of big colonial nests, they build single-family nests. They also use a different construction materials, instead of wood, they mix their saliva with soil to make mud, exactly the […]

Paper Wasps

  Paper wasp nests don’t have a protective envelope. They build open-air cells that hang from a stalk. It looks like an open parasol or umbrella from the side but from underneath, you can actually see the honeycomb-like cell structure. They build their nests in protected areas such as under roof overhangs, eves, bush and […]

Yellowjacket Nests – Nesting Series

    Yellowjackets are aggressive pests that possess a painful sting and bite. Most yellowjacket workers forage for food within 300 meters of their nest. Their nests are usually built underground, although some species will construct their nests in hollow logs, trees, attics, between walls, or under eaves of houses. They often build massive nests […]

Hornet and Wasp Series

    Hornets and Wasps are a immense part of outdoor life this time of year in Delta, and not always so delightful. The long dry and wets summer days are ideal for nest success, but which insects are responsible for what nest? In this series, I will summarize what they look like and what […]

Darth Varroa Destructor have Bees shaking in their Hives

Varroa destructor is an external parasitic mite that attacks and feeds on the honey bees and the disease caused by the mites is called varroosis. The Varroa mite can reproduce only in a honey bee colony. It attaches to the body of the bee and weakens the bee by sucking fat bodies. The Varroa mite […]

Protect Wood From Water, Rot and Carpenter Ants

  Insects, especially Carpenter ants need to draw life-sustaining moisture from their surroundings, so they usual avoid dry places and are attracted to moist and rotting wood. If the soil around your house, the foundation and the walls is dry, it’ll be less attractive to insects. Rake moisture-wicking soil, sand, small pebbles and mulch away […]

How The Pests Get In

Outdoor and indoor walls appear to be solid but many can be full of minute pest passages. Puny bugs can get through the smallest holes, so making  your home completely bug-proof is difficult, even new homes with bug mesh at the base of the exterior walls still get ants. The larger gaps are the ones […]

A new Mouse Trap

Okay, there isn’t a new mouse trap, but the old style snap traps can be an good way to start to rid your house of mice. Snap traps are the greenest, more humane way alternative to the potential slow death from a glue trap or poisoned bait. The common do it yourself mistakes when dealing […]

Raccoons – Send them Packing

  Raccoons are omnivores so they will eat virtually anything (including plastic) and are always looking for a new den, so our houses are always appealing. Although water sprayers and chemical repellents may work briefly, raccoons will ignore them if the reward is greater, so you have to make your house and garden unapproachable. Cut […]

Moles -Tearing up Your Yard?

Moles can eat their weight in worms and grubs every day, so if you have a lawn that is envied by all your neighbors -healthy, well-watered lawns which are full of worms and grubs, then you are a sitting duck for moles. Tunneling as fast as a 25 cm per minute under the grass roots, […]


There are more than 200 squirrel species worldwide, ranging in size from the five-inch African pygmy to the behemoth Indian giant squirrel. They have four front teeth that grow continuously, at a rate of about six inches per year so electrical lines are no match for squirrel teeth, which have been blamed for hundreds of […]

Coronavirus Myth Busters  

With Coronavirus slowing down across Canada, I thought I’d address some of the inaccurate information that is spread on the internet. Believe it or not, 75 plus percent of information on social media is not rooted in fact. So here are some of the coronavirus myths to ignore. 1) wearing rubber gloves will prevent the […]


  Muskrats are rodents, much smaller than beavers (a vegetarian) and have laterally flattened tails for propulsion and cooling themselves. Muskrats produce musk, a greasy secretion with a powerful odor produced in a glandular sac located on the lower abdomen. They have two pairs of gnawing teeth, one pair on each jaw, which grows continuously […]

Skunk Issues!!!

  Skunks are typically wary, shy animals, but given their inclination to live in our settings, they can sometimes come into skirmish with humans. Skunks can prosper in backyards, coming out in the evenings to dig for grubs and hunt for rodents. Like raccoons, skunks are attracted to yards garbage, fallen birdseed, windfall fruit and […]

OMG – The Sting of a Wasp

Wasps and hornets, are equipped with a stinger for self-defense and protecting their nest. A wasp’s stinger contains a poisonous substance that’s transmitted during a sting. By burying their stinger, they inject an acidic compound called melittin, which switches on the victim’s pain receptors, and traces of acetylcholine, another chemical that stimulates pain receptors. The […]

South Delta Raccoon

South Delta Raccoon  

Asian Giant Hornet Part 3

There are other wasp species that look like the Asian giant hornet, including the bald faced hornet and cicada killers but it is the world’s largest vespid (large, diverse, cosmopolitan family of wasps) wasp. The hornet has a body length of 5 cm, a wingspan around 75 mm, and a stinger 6 mm long, which […]

Sugar Ants vs Pavement Ants Debacle

  The debate rages on about which is which and are they coming in from outside or visa versa, because they do look very similar in appearance. If you are reading this then you probably have an issue with those small ants, they look very much alike but roll one between your fingers and the […]

How bad can Carpenter ants possible be?

  So, carpenter ants aren’t as bad as termites but how bad are they, well – left untreated, carpenter ants (that work non stop 24/7) can do a significant amount of damage to a home. Since carpenter ants don’t consume wood, they chew through the wood waste and produce a fine sawdust. Once the sawdust […]

Asian giant hornets Part II

These insects are large and distinctive, they will defend their nest but are not otherwise aggressive toward people. A single, fertile queen hornet entered Canada via shipping packaging and created the colony that was discovered on Vancouver Island in 2019. They usually nest inside dead logs and forage around 700 meters from their nest. They […]

Carpenter Ant Issues?

  These insects usually build their nests in damp, decaying and dry solid wood, although 95% of the time – homes with moisture issues caused by leaks are prime targets for carpenter ants. These ants will use foundation concrete, tree and shrub branches, electrical lines and fences to find a way inside. When carpenter ants […]

Rats and Mice are adapting to Covid 19 lock-down

Rats and mice are nocturnal animals but the Corona Virus have them scurry in daylight looking for their next meal, spreading disease and breeding quickly. The lock-down has not put off rodents in urban areas from trying their luck. Here at Go Green Pest Control, we have seen a 50% increase in rat and mouse […]

Giant Asian Murder Hornets

There back, murder hornets, with a sting that can knock down a horse, are coming out of hibernation. The world’s largest hornet, 5 cm long, has quite the appetite for honey bees, wasps and large insects, and has been found in Cloverdale and on the Island. The venom is touted to be 10 worse then […]

 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – Garden Insects

  Your garden is a home for both plants and insects. Some bugs are beneficial -the good, other are damaging, the bad and others are detrimental, the ugly. The slow moving insects are usually the ones feeding on plants, and the fast ones are the predators, feeding on other unwanted insects. Although minor damage by […]

Fleas test positive for Yersinia Pestis plague  

    Health officials report that fleas collected have tested positive for Yersinia Pestis plague in the parts of the US. Risk of exposure to this serious disease which can be present in fleas, rodents, rabbits and predators that feed upon these animals. The disease can be spread to humans and other animals by the […]

Fire Ants Season is back!

  Fire ants can inflict painful stings and create unattractive mounds in your landscapes and there is no know treatment that will eliminate them from a yard forever rather you will have to control them as required. A variety of products and methods can be used against fire ants including baits, dusts, granular applications and […]

Does the Virus come from a Raccoon?

  Virologists believe other animal species other than bats can be intermediate hosts of the new coronavirus Covid 19. The newer suspect is a raccoon dog or a crawl cat (breeding of raccoon dogs is a huge industry in China). The first transmissions from animals to humans are said to have taken place at an […]

COVID-19 Pandemic make Pest Control Essential

Many businesses and organisations are supplying a wide range of products and services that are needed to keep all sectors of society running during this pandemic, but many non essential businesses have shut down operation, leaving the proverbial door open to infestations of pests . Many common pests (rodents, flies, cockroaches, birds, stored product insects, […]

Bed Bugs? Fleas? Or Carpet beetle Larvae!!

  Carpet beetles can be an annoyance in your home. Only the larvae feed on fabric eating their way through rugs, clothes and furniture. They can also sometimes cause an allergic reaction. Their larvae, the young carpet beetles, are 1/8 to 1/4 inch long, and are a tan brownish. They’re covered with bristles and shed […]

The Scorpion Fly

These flies are called scorpion flies because their enlarged abdomen resemble a scorpion’s tail and stinger. They lives near but not in water and needs moist, cool habitats to breed and develop. They spend most of their lives hanging on leaves and branches, looking for insect prey. In spite of its alarming looks, they don’t […]

Rodent populations to grow during COVID-19 lock-down

  Restaurants shut down and the lack of food and garbage- what is a rat to do?? They are stressed!!! With businesses closing and cancelling their pest control – rats are having a field day. Composts are now becoming buffets for rats. So far, there are no reported cases of rats or mice spreading the […]

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Covid 19 Transmitted by Bat, Rodents and Primates

  Coronaviruses generally have a varied range of host animals but bats, rodents and primates have the greatest risk of transmitting pathogens to humans. Just being in contact with one of these creatures can cause a virus to spread. Its us humans that drive these virus outbreaks causing are own problems and we enable the […]

Neophobic Rats are coming to Town

As Delta’s rats face a growing food shortage, with the closure of restaurants and the lack of foot traffic in popular areas, this will have a severe impact on rats. Rats can be neophobic, ( having an extreme or irrational dislike of anything new or unfamiliar) meaning that those traps you set and that poison […]

Getting Rid of House Mice  

Mice aren’t just annoying, they are disease carrying rodents. A single mice can produce over a hundred offspring in a year and just think off the multiplier when the babies begin breeding. If you are using snap traps, stick pads and poison, all these are not enough to getting rid of those cute adorable mice. […]

Mason Bee Season

Mason bees are a little smaller than a honeybee and blue-black in color, they actually look like a extremely well fed fly. They are very effective pollinators. Solitary bees, the females are the only ones with the ability to sting, with extreme prejudice. In the wild, they lay their eggs in small cavities but are […]

COVID-19 and Resurgence of Cannibalistic Rats

With Covid 19 in full swing, all restaurants are virtually shut down except for take-out, there is a definitely a lack of scraps for rodents, or more specifically rats. What we are seeing now is rats going into alarm mode and beginning to run every where to look for food. Call out for rat issues […]

Slugs and Snails

  Slugs and snails are soft-bodied animals but snails can withdraw inside their shell and stay alive for several years. Moisture is a key requirement for the two and they both eat plant leaves, flowers, and fruits, particularly those at ground level, causing considerable damage to plants in gardens and flowerbeds. Destructive to flowerbeds and […]

Pest Control Designated Essential


The BC Provincial Government just updated their list of essential services and Pest Control is included as an essential service.

The BC Provincial Government just updated their list of essential services and Pest Control is included as an essential service. Province takes unprecedented steps to support COVID-19 response. Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, is using extraordinary powers under a state of provincial emergency to keep British Columbians safe, maintain essential goods […]

Asian Long Horned Bush Ticks

  These tick adults look like most other ticks found in our wooded habitats. Unlike most other tick species, the Long Horn adult females can produce viable eggs without mating with a male tick and can produce 1,000 to 2,000 eggs at a time. So if you do the science, a host (a person or […]

Hantavirus is back – Just avoid Rodents

  Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome is spread by contact with rodents and their urine, feces or saliva, and rarely from person-to-person. Lately the news started panic that another viral pandemic is ready to make the rounds. Hantavirus has actually been around for centuries and is most prevalent in China with as many as 100,000 cases a […]

New Orleans is sinking – with Rats

  New Orleans rodent control teams are putting poisoned rat bait into sewers and bait boxes on streets throughout the French Quarter because rat food has become scarce due to the coronavirus response. With so many restaurants closed, rats accustomed to getting food out of Smithrite garbage’s are having to forage more widely, and empty streets lined […]

Cotton Rats

  Cotton rats are farming pests that are not usually structural pests, but they can invade buildings, especially if they find food. The cotton rat is a host for hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), the plague and murine typhus. These disease can become airborne when rat droppings are disturbed and people who inhale the airborne virus […]

Spring Gardens and Rodents

  In Delta, none of our more problematic rodents hibernate. Some are less active through the colder parts of winter, but most never really stop digging up what they want from your garden. Now is the time all rodents become more active with warming weather. Cleanliness and vegetation organisation discourages some rodents by depriving them […]

Your Pet and COVID-19

  So did this coronavirus spread from animals to humans? Well maybe, coronaviruses can be transmitted from animals to humans but it’s the bats that are the reservoir hosts for viruses which can cross species barriers to infect humans and other pets. Currently there is no indication to suggest that our pets can become ill […]

Uptick in rats and mice invading Delta homes

Colder winters usually mean fewer rodents, but milder weather is allowing more mice and rats to live, and long hot summers are making textbook conditions for young mice and rats to leave the nest and breed rapidly. The summer of 2019 was the hottest on record for the North America, and the surge in mice […]

This virus making you feel more antsy?

Ants usually come indoors in search of food or nesting. Even small amounts of food, like a crumb or two on the floor, can attract masses of hardworking ants. They are nature’s clean up crew as they proficiently find and remove food left around your kitchen and pantry. Spring and summer are the months that […]

New Rat and Mouse Control

  The first rodenticides were short-acting anticoagulants like warfarin , which caused death from internal bleeding but rodents became resistance, so companies developed longer-acting, more toxic anticoagulants such as brodifacoum, bromadiolone, difenacoum and difethialone. These products are still available yet their use is restricted. Now even more effective rodenticides have been developed such as bromethalin, […]

Rat Coronavirus  

  The group of the newly recognized group of viruses, the coronaviruses, include avian virus, the mouse hepatitis virus, and a number of virus strains of man. A naturally occurring virus, it is isolated to the lungs of rats and is rampant in colony of wild rats, resulting in fatal pneumonia in baby rats. Infection […]

Keeping the Stink out of the Skunk

  We have two skunks in BC the most common is the striped skunk and then western spotted skunk. Skunks can be beneficial to our ecosystems, but whether you love them or hate them we’ve all run into them at one point or another be it their smell. Skunks have two glands, one on each […]

As We evolve – so do Rats.

Researchers have found that humans and rats are now susceptible to comparable health threats relating to contamination and sugary foods. Rats and humans have changed in their genetic make-up in response to city life. Rats genes have had key changes in DNA over hundreds of years as the species moved across Asia and eventually to […]

Baby Silverfish

It is estimated that 25% of all houses in the lower mainland have silverfish and these nocturnal devils are hard to spot. Female silverfish lay their eggs in hidden places and they hatch in about 40 days, mature in three months and become fully development into adults within two years. Baby silverfish are about 2 […]

Yellow Jackets

  So you ask, how did I get yellow jackets? Yellow jackets usually enter yards because they smell food or other attractant such as meats, sweets, open waste cans and outdoor picnics. They don’t cause structural damage to homes but they build nests in attics or walls and can chew through drywall to enter living […]

Norway Rats and Seoul virus

  A type of hantavirus called Seoul virus is carried by Norway rats (85% of rats in Delta are Norway rats). Humans become infected through contact with virus carried in rat urine or droppings, or inhalation of virus particles in dust from filthy eiderdown. Infected rats do not develop disease, but humans can feel symptoms […]

Signs of a rodent infestation

Rats and mice are nimble rodents and can easily climb pipes, cables, inside ducting, stucco and even brick walls in their endless hunt for food and living quarters. They can climb on any slightly bumpy surface to discover new places and increase entree to concealed spaces around a house looking for shelter, food and water. […]

Skunks – the smell of Spring

  The rotten smell of skunks is returning to the lower mainland as mating season is underway. Both skunks and raccoons, along with other small mammals, are beginning to move around more frequently as winter turns into spring. Area residents may not often see these critters for themselves as they generally don’t see a lot […]

Ant acid used for defense and cleaning food

  Many ant species produce acid in a poison gland in their abdomen to spray at enemies as a defense mechanism . They also drink the acid to kill pathogens in their food. Because ants often regurgitate food to feed their co-workers, this helps prevent diseases spreading in colonies. Drinking acid plays a key role […]

Cleaning rodent-infested areas.

  We have all run into a situation where rats or mice have been present and have left their ugly calling cards. Here are a few approaches to getting rid of those rodent memories. Use cross-ventilation when entering a previously unventilated enclosed room or dwelling prior to cleanup and you certainly should use a good […]

Norway Rats – the crepuscular creatures

  The Norway rat is a large, robust-bodied rodent -the most important pest rat across B.C. Norway rats have small ears but have outstanding sense of hearing, tasting, touch and smell, and although their eyes are prominent, Norway rats have a poor sense of sight, seeing up to 10 feet. They are crepuscular creatures, which […]

Temprid SC

Temprid SC -suspension concentrate insecticide has a double action by joining real residual insecticides: beta-cyfluthrin and imidacloprid. Temprid, provides quick knockdown (not as quick as permethrin) and long residual control of over  51 pests, including ants, spiders, cockroaches and other key perimeter pests. The double action works extremely well on insects like ants, one of […]

Biological Pest Control for your garden

Biological pest controls include predatory or parasitic insects, bacteria or fungi, and biopesticides. Here are four biological controls that will be readily available to the home gardener. A – Fungus that kill insects: soil-dwelling fungus that controls grasshoppers, bed bugs, other insects and plant diseases. Used in agriculture, there is incredible development potential in the […]

Pest Control


Rat Lungworm Disease

The rat lungworm, is a parasite of rodents that can infect humans after ingestion of larvae within uncooked slugs, snails or other invertebrates. Infected rodents can pass larvae of the worm in their feces. The infection travels to the brain, causing meningitis: inflammation of the membranes surrounding your brain and spinal cord. Treatment is uncertain, […]

Sugar Ants and How do I get Rid of Them

  Ever leave behind the tiniest crumb a counter top or floor, only to come back to find a group of tiny ants feasting on it? Sugar ants have exceptional odor sensing abilities and sugar, in just about any form, are highly attractive to these guys. To prevent sugar ants from entering your house, clean […]