Entries by Randy

Fall for Fruit Flies

Fall means ripe peaches, apples, pears, figs and other fruit in Delta. Regrettably, it also means exploding populations of fruit flies heading right for that ripe fruit. Also known as vinegar flies, fruit flies are attracted to ripe and decaying fruit. Fruit fly populations rise with the abundance of available new produce and they get […]

Weird Locations for Vespula vulgaris’ nests (Wasps)

There were an extraordinary number of wasps’ nests in Delta this summer. We had to deal with almost three times as many service calls as last year. Delta was buzzing this summer – but not always in a virtuous way. An epidemic of wasps led to an astonishing number of calls to Go Green Pest […]

Making your Home – Spider Proof

There are some simple approaches you can try to spider-proof your house. Keep your house clean and airy by vacuuming and dusting regularly, and don’t allow clutter to build up. Keep your house filled with natural light; so if possible, leave blinds or curtains open during the day. Spiders smell with their legs, so strong […]

Late Summer – Spider Season.

It would seem that we are experiencing one of the worst spider seasons that we have seen in year. People ask me “why are there so many more spiders this year than usual,” something I’ve heard every year for the past 12 years! In reality, low moisture availability makes late summer a much worse time […]

Fleas ? Try this first

Good old google has hundreds of DIY solutions to get rid of almost any bug or rodent. Unfortunately, very few work on a consistent basis and do not meet the scientific standards for foundational validity. Here are a couple DIY remedies that just don’t work. Fresh rosemary or lemon mixed with water and sprayed on […]

Mosquito Repellents: lavender and lemongrass  

Many people would prefer to try natural mosquito control remedies rather than the heavy deet products. But do all those natural herbs, spices and oils really work? Should you be stocking up on those lavender and lemongrass candles? Can they really keep mosquitoes away? Mosquitoes find their hosts (mammals) by sensing the carbon dioxide that […]

Not! Attracting Rodents to your house

Rodents are clever animals that love clutter, thrive in unkempt conditions (the more cluttered the better) and they are filthy – carrying many diseases. Mice and rats have great memory skills, if you have had rodents in your house before; you are likely to get more back. All rodents leave behind pheromones that tell the […]

Ants Optimized Division of Labor 

Ants work together to dig intricate tunnel systems underground. Traffic engineers study ant colonies as mock-ups for learning how thousands of ants avoid creating traffic gridlocks while working in a restricted, jam-packed setting. It has been found that single workers follow counterintuitive guidelines to mine the beginning development of tunnel networks. After watching ants dig […]

Cockroaches-Prevention is better than cure!

  Just the site of a cockroach in a t.v. show is enough to turn most people’s stomach, now imagine walking into your kitchen at lunch time and seeing a half a dozen skittering across your countertop –this is described as an infestation. Cockroach’s like rats are nocturnal so if you see either during the […]

Spider beetles – almost nothing to be afraid of

There is little to fear about spider beetles, they really are beetles that look very much like tiny spiders. They have six legs and a round body with a smooth outer shell, which makes them look like spiders. Spider beetles also look like bed bugs because they have similar shape are reddish brown like adult […]

Does your Furniture have Dandruff?

Powderpost beetles leave wood peppered with pinholes when the larvae produce fine wood powder as they tunnel through the wood. There are three beetles that chew through wood: lyctid, bostrichid and anobiid beetles. The Anobiids are the only type that attacks both softwoods (house lumber) and hardwoods (mostly cabinetry and furniture). The moisture content needs […]

Blister beetles and Warts

Blister beetle, sometimes known as oil beetles (Spanish fly), secretes an irritating substance called cantharidin produced as a defensive secretion. The beetle does not have a stinger and cannot bite. So, Blister beetles discrete cantharidin to protect themselves from being eaten by predators. When collected, cantharidin is used medically as a topical skin treatment to […]

How long do Ants live?

Generally, ants have a short life cycle, but some colony members can live from as little as a few days to as long as a few decades. Male ant adults live for only a few days and die after mating with the females. So one of the most important factors affecting lifespan of the females […]

Coping with Wasps and Hornets

This summer we have seen twice the number of wasp call outs than in the previous four years. The dry spring and hot summer has led to a substantial rise in wasp (and hornet) nests and an increase in swarm strikes. So, what should you do if you are attacked by wasp or a swarm […]

What do Barn Owls really eat?

A pair of Barn owls can consume over 2,000 native or invasive mammals per year. It has long believed that Barn owls diet consisted of rats and mice but new research has found that their diet is actually made up of 85% shrews and voles (easier to catch then rats and mice), and 12% mice […]

Earwigs – Ear Wigs !!!

With their pincers or abdomen forceps, earwigs are somewhat intimidating, yet they do not produce poison or spread disease. The pincers are actually for defense and fighting other earwigs. There is a myth out there that the term earwig comes from the superstition that earwigs burrow into the ears of human and animals while they […]

Mischief – a group of Rats

Your home is your fortress, except when it comes to rats and mice. These trespassers attack your roof, inhabit walls and attics, tunnel under foundations, loot all available food sources, and start a new society all in no time at all. Sometimes, but definitely not all the time, the occurrence of rodents does not mean […]

Auto Companies not responsible for wires attracting Rodents

  Several lawsuits have been dismissed, alleging that the soybean-based coating causes rodents to gnaw through the wires and that rodent-inflicted damage to the soy wiring can debilitate the vehicles and escalation the risk of motor vehicle accidents. Japanese car makers express warranty promises to repair only defects in materials and doesn’t cover design defects, […]

Vineyards using bats as pest control

Wine growers are installing bat roosts around vineyards to get bats to feed on grapevine moths. The moths and their larvae have insatiable craving which can clear out half of the grapes in some vineyards. Vineyards have been forced to use pesticides to reduce grapevine moth infestations, as their larvae feed on the inside of […]

The Invasive and Aggressive Electric Ants  

Okay, just when you thought that you had heard it all, here comes something really new, Electric Ants. Although the ants are not really electric, they are known to like devices that are, your computer, smartphone, fridges and modern power grids. The electric ant is a golden brown social ant native to Central America and […]

Ants prefer power napping to regular sleep

It has been proven that power napping can help us be more efficient during the day but worker ants take this to a whole new level. Unfortunately, the Queen only gets frequent naps that add up to eight hours every day. Because ants generally live underground, sleep patterns are not be determined by light and […]

Hybrid Pest Control   

Interested in green or earth-friendly pest controls, well most so-called green products haven’t been proven to work consistently and effectively as pesticides that have gone through the rigorous efficacy testing and government approvals. Yes you can go down to your local hardware store and source out those natural products that may work and rarely will […]

Wasps and Hornets are our friends

Well this year’s hot weather has produced wasps and hornets by the billions, in fact the worst in recent years. By late August, the new wasp and hornet queens begin their hibernation ritual leaving millions of workers to a meaningless existence and a heavy addition to sugar. So, are these creatures really that bad, yes […]

Bald Faced Hornets

  AKA – bald hornet, white-faced hornet, white-tailed hornet, spruce wasp, blackjacket, and bull wasp. Colonies can contain 400 to 1000 workers and builds a characteristic large hanging paper nest up to 58 centimetres in length. Workers aggressively defend their nest by repeatedly stinging invaders. Males in this species are haploid (carrying two complete sets […]

August –Bed Bugs!!!

Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite. But if they do, then take your shoe and hit them till they’re black and blue (or take a spoon and eat them all) – the old saying is becoming more prevalent now that bed bugs are slowly returning in numbers. Bed bugs are found in […]

Ants Vs Wasps – and the winner is!

Army ants, known for their aggressive foraging techniques, will go to long lengths to get what they want. The name army ant or legionary ant are named for their foraging groups, known as “raids”, in which huge numbers of ants forage simultaneously over a certain area. The army ants do not build permanent nests rather […]

Ticks and Allergies to Steak

As with any tick bite, don’t panic when getting it out but also realize that you may develop alpha-gal allergy – tick-bite-induced allergy to red meat. Only some people who’ve been bitten by ticks develop an allergy to alpha-gal, a substance in red meat. There’s no cure for red meat allergy, which include various kinds […]

Japanese Beetles – 3 myths busted

Japanese beetles feed on and destroy nearly everything in a landscape, but opinions differ on the best way to battle them – pesticides, picking them off by hand or pheromone traps. Here are three myths. A) Traps lure Japanese beetles from kilometers around. No! Most attractants lure beetles from no more than 100 meters, the […]

Yellow Jackets: What not to do!!!

Now is the time of year that Yellow jackets are most aggressive. Taking precautions at this time can help you avoid being stung. Look before you sip your drink. Yellow jackets are attracted to sweet foods and drinks like soda and juices. Cover trash containers and keep them away from eating areas. Yellow jackets forage […]

Yellow Jackets – Designed by the Devil

The yellow jacket is one of the most menacing insects known to man. These brightly colored wasps possess a fiery sting and bite seemingly out of proportion to their size. Yellow jackets aren’t ‘bees’, and they’re definitely not friendly. So what makes them so dangerous? 1. They’re aggressive. Yellow jackets are more aggressive than other […]

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs literally coming out of the wood works to die  

Bald Faced Hornets – Packing a Punch

The bald-faced hornet gets its name from its strikingly white face and black and white body, technically is actually a yellow jacket. The coloured patterns and markings on the abdomen identify the role each hornet has in the colony. The bald face workers are relatively small in size compared to the queens which are the […]

Drain Flies: Bleach or Plumber?

Summer is the time of year that we start to see fruit flies, but are they fruit flies or drain flies. Both seem to appear in the heat of summer and can be difficult to get rid of. Drain flies can be identified by their very hairy bodies. They thrive in dark, damp conditions and […]

Delta residents are freaking out – FLYING ANTS

July 4th saw Independence Day for Americans and we saw a different type of independence, ants liberating themselves form the nests that they have lived in for months. While they may be a sign of the season, they are an enormously undesirable symbol nevertheless. This week, residents throughout Delta have been dealing with visits from […]

Carpenter Bees – large and small

Carpenter bees come in two sizes, but the one that does all the damage is the larger ones – Xylocopa. Weathered and rotting wood attracts these hole diggers, similar to carpenter ants, they don’t actually eat the wood rather they excavate tunnels to use as nests: usually in the eaves, decks, siding, fascia boards and […]

Clover Mites – Parthenogenesis

If you have ever seen somebody’s house that has a clover mite infestation, it looks like waves and waves of miniature crabs swarming the beach. Most people will become acquainted with these bugs just after they put in new grass sod. Clover mites get into houses through cracks around windows and doors or just on […]

Summers Pests are here- what to do

Its official, summer is here!!! Although we seem to be stalling out on hot days – but you know well enough that the insects are working hard to build their nests and even harder to make sure their prodigies will be around next year. So many opportunities can lead to different insects showing up in […]

Ants, the goliath of all insects

These minuscule segmented bugs are capable of performing amazing achievements. Here in Delta, we deal with mainly five different species; carpenter ants, pavement ants, grease ants, odorous ants and thatching ants. The most remarkable attribute of these miniature monsters is their power. They have muscle fibers of numerous kinds that contract and enlarge at variable […]

Do It Yourself Ant repellants

Retail ant repellents and killers are normally considered pesticides, and it’s hard to really know if all those chemicals are safe, in any quantity. Before your ant issues get way out of control, and I mean hundreds of ants swarming your house – you may be able to rectify the insect problem with “do it […]

Shoo Fly Shoo

Because flies only have two wings, they land frequently and transfer thousands of bacteria each time they land. How did they get inside, well besides the obvious – flying through an open window or door, the can enter your houses on food products and clothing. They are attracted to decaying organic stuff in drains and […]

Yellow Mealworms

Yellow mealworm adults look like typical beetles, dark in color with a hard shell. You often find yellow mealworms in unkempt spaces, forgotten bagged or boxed items in kitchen pantries where the humidity is high and stored food becomes damp or grows mold. A female yellow mealworm will lay eggs in grain products such as […]

Pests that Sting in Summer

Pests that sting such as wasps, yellow jackets, hornets and bees, are as common as trips to the ice cream store in summer. These particular pests have stingers that can be more than just an excruciating annoyance; they send more than ten thousand people to the emergency room every year in Canada. For someone that […]

Dragonfly Infestation

The Dragonflies are out now. Dragonflies thrive around ponds, swimming pools and streams that attract insects. They are not harmful to people so if a dragonfly accidentally enter an open window it will not live for long indoors. Although they will approach humans, they do not bite or sting. Dragonflies are beneficial, since the diet […]

Oh, Pantry Moths !

Realizing a pantry moth swarm in your kitchen can be a bit of a horror show. Even worse, realizing that these moths have been in there for some time and you have baked, cooked and eaten them and their eggs, larvae and refuse (their waste material or skin cast-off during molting) for some time. Yes, […]

Mosquitos – Bite!

It’s only mid-June, not even summer yet and the mosquitos are out in force. Two things about mosquitos that really bug me (pun intended), of course when they bite you and when they get inside your house, find your bedroom and circle your head like vultures when you want go to sleep. That characteristic buzz […]

Insects that live in our food

We have all heard about a number of insect pests that are attracted to our food – from moths to ants and flies to beetles and cockroaches. Some are easy to notice because of their size but there are some just too small to see, especially as eggs and larvae stages. Most may live their […]

Did you Know That … Ants

1) Most ants live in hierarchical (ants ranked one above another) colonies with a single egg-laying queen, although some ant species will have multiple queens. The male ant’s entire job is mating, and female workers on the other hand, well they do everything else. Ants are actually very important arthropods, as they help to remove […]

Spring clean those Moths away

Late spring is when clothes moths begin to appear and they only have two things in mind, mating and laying eggs. The only thing worse than all those holes they create in your blankets, carpets, curtains, wool, fur, down and any animal-based materials is how hard they are to get rid of. The moth larvae […]

Look Out – This summer will be a bumper crop of bugs

Delta will suffer an eruption of insects this summer, according to local environmental experts. They are warning us that the sheer volume of bees, hornets, wasps, ants, mosquitoes, spiders and leather jackets will be unprecedented this year because our weather. The mild winter – temperatures were higher than normal and a hot dry spring has […]

Who owns your lawn – Fire Ants?

What can you do about fire ants, as they are really hard to get rid of – but you can control them? One of the more prevalent and effective treatments is to use ant baits, made specifically for fire ants. By applying fire ant baits in late spring and early autumn it is possible to […]

Another Successful Year at The Ladner Mayday Parade

Established all the way back in 1896, Ladner Pioneer May Days, in Memorial Park May 27th 2018, is in a class by itself when it comes to longevity, almost as old as Delta itself. To put that in some perspective, May Days had already been held for more than 60 years by the time the […]

The truth behind the Myths about Ticks

Ticks, like bed bugs, are ectoparasites (blood sucking parasites), living by feeding on the blood of mammals and birds. Ticks have a beak-like structure at the front containing the mouthparts. Because they ingest blood, ticks transfer at least twelve diseases that affect humans and other animals. In fact, they are the number one cause of […]

Skunks, a year around smell in Delta

The odor of your local neighbourhood skunk is more rampant during mating season, but skunks are permanent daily residents here in Delta, so it’s not just the local greenhouse producing marijuana. Skunks are always close but they might be more visible now as the youngsters start making trips out of the den. As long-lasting residents […]

Flying Ants – the skies may go black this year

If the weather continues to stays warm, we may see a bumper crop for flying ants this year and it may happen sooner than normal here in Delta. If temperatures continue to stay high we could see a mass of flying ants which could cause a flying ant day like we have never seen. Flying […]

Oh where do the bees go?

So where do these flying stingers go after they have had months of beautiful warm weather, well the answer depends on the type of bee. Let’s start with the ultimate stinging machine, wasps. Wasps (Hornet and Yellow jackets) populations tend to become a major concern in late spring until early fall. Unlike other bees, they […]

Pest Control – In the Future

Pest control manufactures are always looking for better methods when it comes to getting rid of pests. The goal is to eliminate insects and rodents without damaging the environment or non-targeted species. Improvements are also making the pest control industry more effective and less expensive. Scientific developments are making pest control nontoxic, inexpensive and more […]

Summer Ants – Natural Habit is to Destroy

Ants are like squatters -awful houseguests, unwanted, they get into everything and are in no rush to leave. Now we are headed into June, July and August, our hot months, the three ants you are likely to run into are the carpenter ants, the pavement ants and the grease ants. Of course the carpenter ant […]

Bug Spray Time Again

Its bug season again, spiders and mosquitoes and every other insect that bites or stings. Here are a few tips on using bug spray to help keep the bugs away. First, apply your bug spray smoothly and consistently but not too much (not to sure what to much is) – a thin film is enough […]

Going Batty – Bats in your Attic

Similar to all the wild life we have in Delta; our local bats also look for comfy places that are quiet and near their food. So let’s add bats to the list of creators that like to use our attics as home, which include: rats, mice, raccoons, squirrels and a host of insects. The problem […]

Summer Travel without Bedbugs

Spring and summer brings with it perfect prospects for a nomadic life. Regrettably, some dwellings might set you up for an evil time once you get home and unpack your travel gear. Bedbugs, yes bedbugs – not an easy thing to spot even for a pro like me when you’re staying at a hotel, motel […]

Fleas and your Pets

The cat flea is the most common flea found here in Delta and the country for that matter. When fleas get into your house on the back sides of your cat or dog, they will target you as well, causing itchy bites as they feed on blood.  Fleas can go without a blood meal for […]

Soil Saving Composting – the good the bad and the ugly

Everybody wants to do it, but most people are unable to do it right, composting is a brilliant way to dispose of waste (garden and kitchen), is odor-free, generates garden soil essences and will not entice vermin like rats and mice. Here in Delta, the city sells Delta’s Backyard Composter Program and Soil Saver composters […]

Wasps and Victoria Day Long Weekend

  This Victoria Day Long Weekend will be a good time to spend with family and friends and of course a couple barbeques, but our recent hot weather has brought out the mosquitos and wasps. Wasp nests and the sheer number of the wasp population have begun to grow rapidly and your BBQ might be […]

Rats and Mice – Do’s and Don’ts

You woke up because there was scratching noises coming from the ceiling of your bedroom, in the middle of the night. There are not many things worse than finding out that rodents are in your house, yet you can’t figure how they are getting in and what kind of mess they are leaving. Here are […]

Garbage Bees- A new colony begins NOW!

In these warmer days of spring, a queen wasp emerges from its winter hibernation. The number one priority is to find suitable locations to build new nest, likely near the location that she was born. The new queen lays both queen eggs and drone eggs and by the end of the wasp season she will […]

RCTWCS – Rodent chewed through wire covering Syndrome

The latest generation of rats – Gen Alpha loves soy-based wiring of newer vehicles. Rats that are seeking shelter discover a vehicle engine compartment is exactly what they are looking for, and then, they find the soy based wiring. Why soy, well it is environmentally commendable, as car manufactures are trying to be greener. Soy-based […]

Pavement Ants, Again!

Although these little ants live inside, they get their name because they spend most of their lives under cracks in pavement, bricks and pavement stone. Pavement ant nests can be as large as 5,000 participants and have numerous queens. These pesky ants will eat virtually everything, including other ants, insects, grease, seeds, honeydew, honey, bread, […]

Carpenter Ants – Should you be concerned?

Carpenter ants are well known for their aptitude to destroy wooden structures. They are also a annoyance in homes as they search for food. Carpenter ants eat both plant and animal stuff. Their usual food sources are insects, other small invertebrates, and sweet body fluids from aphids and other insects. Protein and sugary foods found […]

The Bullet Ant – very nasty

The bullet ant – Paraponera clavata, has the most painful bite of any ant, in fact it is described as being shot by a bullet. The pain is apparently excruciating at the sting point and the venom of the stinger can actually cause you to have severe muscle spasms. If you were to hang around […]

The Hummingbird Moth

The hummingbird moth flies and moves just like a real hummingbird. Similarly, they can remain suspended in the air in front of a flower while they open up their long tongues and insert them in flowers to drink the nectar (some of the pollen that gets stuck to their upper body transfers to the flower). […]

Plerergate Honey Pot Ants

The role of honey ants is quite simple, get immense, plump and succulent. They become fuel tanks of the colony. It starts when workers bring them food and they gorge themselves, their abdomens become bloated with the liquid and they look like honey pots. This condition is called plerergate and their bloated bellies can reach […]

Not Your Average Pet

Many species of flower mantis are popular as pets. These mantises actually attracted more insects than the real flowers. Flower mantises are a species of praying mantis that mimic flowers, in this case, a rainforest orchid of Southeast Asia, to lure pollinating insects. Their changing colours are an example of destructive mimicry, a form of […]

Asian Giant Hornets – The Killer   

The Asian Giant Hornets is considered the deadliest of all the hornet species. Measuring a whopping 4 cm in length, the queen can be as long as 5 cm, they have a hideous “black tooth” used for burrowing and other scary things and the queen can produce as many 2,000 offspring monsters a year. They […]

Weird Week Continues- The Brazilian Treehopper

  The Treehopper has been around for nearly 40 million years. This little insect is just a prodigy of weird! It looks like some sort of helicopter insect from an alien world. The treehopper is related to the cicadas and there are over 3000 species. Their most unique feature is the helmet, which comes in […]

Ants, the original Tokubetsu Kōgekitai !

The latest addition to the suicide bomber ant species has been discovered in the jungles of Borneo. This one ant wrecking crew species will attach itself to the intruder, self-detonate and cover its enemy with toxic gunk. This kamikaze tactic or self-sacrifice (trading a life for a life) is found in social insects, such as […]

ANTS – With WINGS !  

  If it isn’t bad enough that you may have a couple ants crawling around your kitchen or streaming into your house from the garden, but the real nightmare begins when, without notice (no posted signs), there are hundreds of flying ants coating your kitchen wall. A little background information, ants are social insects which […]

The new Kid on the Block for Ants – Go Green

We have been anticipating the arrive of this new weapon again our local ant problems for some time. The product is called Scorpio, a dual action ant bait which is extremely appetizing feeder with spinosad, an active ingredient that is made from naturally occurring bacterium – that is toxic to ants. It is a commercial […]

An eye on the prize –Ants of course

  I know, this one is a little different but… ants like a treat after a hard day’s work. Researchers found that ants like an indulgence after working hard yet they will use restraint until the job is complete. Depending on the intensity of the tasks they performed, they allow themselves different quality rewards or […]

Bunny Ebola

Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) is a highly infectious and fatal disease that affects wild and domestic rabbits of the species Oryctolagus cuniculus. Well now it has arrived in Delta, the disease assaults the organs and blood vessels of the rabbits, causing a lack of coordination and bleeding through the nose resulting in agonizing pain and […]

A new Silver Bullet – Temprid SC

In the last several months, a new integrated pest control pesticide has become available to us in the professional pest control industry; yes our latest and greatest silver bullet. Although it’s been in the US for years, our government has finally given its consent to use this very effective chemical here, with a few extra […]

When the Doodlebugs come marching two by two

  If you haven’t seen these little armadillos, a.k.a. sowbugs, crawling around wet areas of your house and garage, you will soon. These little crustaceans breathe through trachea-like lungs in their paddle-shaped hind legs, called pleopodal lungs. These “cheesy bobs” are usually nocturnal and are detritivores, meaning that they feed mostly on dead plant matter […]

Is there a safe way to release a skunk?

Skunks are definitely not fun to deal with when you are trying to get them off your property. The usual non-lethal method to capture these animals is to use live traps, sometimes referred to as cage traps or a Heart traps. These traps require using bait: fresh eggs, fruit and canned tuna, to lure the […]

Squirrels – Nuts about Nuts

Squirrels are known to find nuts easily, hide them quickly, return for more and they never seem to forget their hiding places. When a squirrel rotates a nut between its front paws, they are considering a range of factors to reach the answer to a series of question: eat it now or bury it for […]

April showers bring May pests

We have seen an increase in the number of rodents in Delta with the beginning of spring, although these record setting rainfalls don’t seem to slow them down. But, rodents, wasps and flies are making themselves known in homes throughout South Delta as summer draws closer. The problems, including rats, have been on the increase […]

Fanged Silverfish

Silverfish are true pest insects which are very destructive, don’t carry any known diseases but have fangs – without venom. They may be unpleasant, but at least they aren’t hazardous. You may have spotted these flat silvery or brown insects scurrying in the bathroom, bathtub, sink, on walls, and across the floor. They can be […]

Rodents – quick maturing / shorter life

  So why are the lifespans of most rodents, mice, rats and squirrels so short? Researchers have compared genes of long- and short-lived rodents; it would appear several novel (unique) genes influence longevity and healthy aging in mammals. Most rodent’s life prospect and early death during aging are predominantly high. Interesting, small rodents like mice […]

Grease Ants

  I have officially declared 2018 the year of the grease ant, or the cousin of the little black ant or a.k.a. the pavement ant. These ants, which usually make their homes under pavement, patio blocks and pavement stones, can also spend the entire year in your house. Yes, a year around nuisance. The colonies […]

Impressive, Mr. Fire Ant

  Well it has started up again; the invasive fire ant has continued to spread in the Lower Mainland, from the Vancouver airport runways to CP Rail burning soil on the Arbutus corridor and now South Delta. And the pest problem is no longer just the common European fire ant; the lesser-known species labelled the […]

When Raccoon’s give you the Hairy Eyeball

Raccoons might be charming, but like polar bears, African lions, crocodiles, rhinoceros, great white sharks and members of Hedley, they should all be watched on videos or behind protection zoo grade barriers. Now we all should know by now that these animals (dumpster sharks or raquirrels) are far from huggable squishy bears. These rascal tailed […]

Ants Dig Rock ’n’ Roll

Who would have thought that Rock Music would make carpenter ants destroy wood faster? Scientists have discovered that rock bands comprised of a singer, a couple guitars, a bass and drums produce a frequency of about 2.7 KHz that is both distinctive to rock music and that the heavier the sound the better the pulse. […]

Spring Cleaning Your Kitchen

Spring is here and it’s time to chase down those dust bunnies, clean those murky windows and clean up (take inventory and purge) the kitchen. When you finally start in on the kitchen – it’s time to turn your messy Betty Crocker play station into a surgical operating room. Our modern kitchens can be, for […]

Spicing Up Bird Control

Here in Delta, we have to contend with birds coming from all directions. Besides the many farms we have, having the Vancouver Landfill kilometers away doesn’t help. There are many ways in which birds can cause a nuisance. Large numbers of birds in urban areas can cause problems due to their noise and fouling, which […]

Rabbit hemorrhagic disease in DELTA !!!

Pet rabbits owners are being urged to monitor their pets after several cases of Rabbit hemorrhagic disease have shown up in Delta, with no vaccine available in Canada. The disease is exclusive to rabbits as both humans and other animals are not susceptible to this disease. Rabbit hemorrhagic disease causes hemorrhages by distressing the blood […]

Being Kind To The Animals  

It’s about time that we in the pest control industries can show off are humane approach to animals. In Canada, the pest control is a growing industry especially with global warming; there are just that many more critters out there. It is estimated that the pest control industry in Canada is valued at over $400 […]

Chicken Pox in Squirrels?

Squirrel pox (fibromatosis), is a terrible disease that affects squirrels, although it is relatively rare. Squirrel pox makes these rodents sluggish and compromises their immune system, causing mange, scab or lumps, leading to a quick loss of body condition and subsequently death. In contrast to our chicken pox, squirrel pox is not a herpes virus. […]

Congratulations on your babies!! Skunks and Raccoons

Mating season is nearly over for raccoons and skunks, and very shortly they’ll be having lots of babies.  Skunk and raccoon babies are usually born in mid-to late April – up to mid-June. Mothers will go looking for a den where they can have their babies. Skunks like to have their little one under decks, […]

March 19th Poison Prevention Week

  March 19th begins Poison Prevention week that brings attention to the dangers of retail purchased poisons through the limited and proper use of fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, or rodenticides. An IPM or integrated pest management program (www.epa.gov/managing-pests-schools/introduction-integrated-pest-management) should always be used to control unwanted insects and rodents that include sanitation, trapping and environmental changes. Domestic […]

Rat Urine – Yikes

  Often I encounter rat infestations where the rats have gotten into a house and totally run amuck. People are usually worried about the feces they leave behind but rat urine can be equally as dangerous as the diseases in feces. When people come into contact with rat urine there is always the chance that […]

Warning for Home HVAC systems  

Most newer homes have built in HVAC systems. HVAC is short for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. The system is used to provide warm air comfort and improved indoor air quality. Pests can cause many problems if they live inside a HVAC system. They can leave behind feces, urine, cadavers, fur, and exoskeletons which can […]

The Odorous Ants Are Here

Yes every year we wait for the arrival of the odorous ants to appear. Late winter they magically appear almost every year in the beginning of March. The most distinguishable feature of this ant is their smell, once crushed they give off a distinctive unpleasant lemony or awful coconut smell. Similar to Pharaoh’s ants, these […]

The Palmetto Bug a.k.a German Cockroaches

The German cockroach is one of the most common roaches found in Delta. Cockroaches hitchhike indoors on luggage, boxes or packages. They like moisture, food, and warmth so sanitation is critical in controlling this palmetto bug. All it takes is bringing in one egg capsule, and in six months you will be calling a specialist. […]

Ant Wars -Royal Guards become Frontline Fodder

Ants attack and defend themselves by biting, stinging and injecting or spraying chemicals, such as acid, alkaloids and piperidines.  When some species of ant go to war, the oldest soldiers fight on the front lines, these frontline soldiers (females first) are really just cannon fodder as they are closer to death (just too old) anyway. […]

Are Greenhouse Lights creating Ecological Dead Zones?

The introduction of artificial light represents one of the most drastic changes we have made to our environment. Plants and animals depend on earth’s daily cycle of light and dark rhythm to govern life-sustaining behaviors such as reproduction, food, sleep and shelter from predators. Scientific studies have suggested that greenhouse lights at night have a […]

The common housefly: did you know…

  The housefly is the most common insect we encounter. Other than being a nuisance to us, they can be a huge concern due to the impact they can have on consumer health. Their breeding, feeding and how they get around are quite different from most insects we encounter. Houseflies benefit ecologically from their association […]

Eviction Notice: All Squirrels Must Leave

Yes it’s that time of year again when squirrels are knocking on the door looking  for room and board. But of course they never ask, they just move into the attic and hope for forgiveness later. Attic: warm, safe and insulated – what more could a squirrels ask for. Yet, they are far too destructive […]

Raccoons: Distemper and Rabies

The second leading cause of death of raccoons is distemper (the #1 is human intervention). Raccoons are susceptible to infection by both canine and feline distemper which causes the illness and death by two completely different viruses. Canine distemper is common when raccoon populations are large. The virus is widespread and mortality in juveniles is […]

Leptospirosis: Rats to Dogs to Humans

Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that can cause fatal infection of the kidney, liver, brain, lung or heart. Signs and symptoms can range from mild headaches, muscle pains, and fevers to severe bleeding in the lungs and a person to turning yellow from kidney failure. There are 13 different genetic types of […]

Silverfish Outbreak

Delta’s long, harsh winter has resulted in a 150% increase in silverfish call-out so far this year. This carrot shaped, armoured plated creature is one of the most primitive of living insects in the world. They can live over three years and survive as long as a year without feeding. They require damp and humid […]

Ants show the true meaning of effective communication

The best result of effective communication is combined understanding and purpose, when communication fails time is wasted and systems can fail. Communication is vital to ant’s survival. Ants are not ruled by their queen particularly but rather by communication amongst the colony. This can be seen when an ant searches for food, the ant will […]

The Nutria is coming – 9 kg Rats

There is a new rat coming to town and it doesn’t take “no” very well. This rat can grow as large as 9 kg, has huge bucked teeth and are a dangerous invasive species that are breeding in massive numbers all along the coast. The nutria or coypu is a large, herbivorous and a semiaquatic […]

Call the Ant-Bulance !!

When ants go out on food foraging missions or out to battle, sometimes some of the ants get injured. If an ant is injured, it will call for help by excreting a distress signal in form of a pheromone that indicates that it is hurt and needs to be treated. When help arrives, the injured […]

Next up – Bed Bug Anti-Histamines   

We all know by now that bed bugs aren’t dangerous and don’t spread disease but they do feed on our blood, cause us rashes and allergic reactions. Now it has been discovered that bed bug feces contains a chemical that dawdles after the insects have been eradicated and these chemicals -histamines may cause allergic reactions […]

The fire ants are coming

Now that we have fire ants in our community, it’s time to learn how to keep them under control this coming spring through summer. Two things, first accept the fact that it is doubtful that you will ever get rid of them and you should understand what steps are required to keep them at bay. […]

Valentines – Love Is In the Air for Skunks

I’ve had several reports of people seeing skunks out after it gets dark and that sweet smell of friendly skunks. Skunks are now out and about because it’s mating season right up to the end of March. They are nocturnal and don’t cover much territory, apparently in a radius of about 4 meters. Prior to […]

Seoul Virus Found in Pet Rats

Seoul virus is a type of Hantavirus found in Norway rats, one of the most common varieties of rats here in Delta (85 % Norway and 15% roof rats). The virus does not cause symptoms in the rats but it if we contract it; infections develop within two weeks (or up to 8 weeks) after […]

Rodent Fun Facts – For a Change

Ok, rodents are smart; believe me I know too well. When most people think of rodents, you may think of mice and rats but there are actually 1,500 types of rodents, including voles, moles, groundhogs, porcupines, muskrats and squirrels – just to mention a few. Although they are all naturally wild animals, some have become […]

Rodents are taking advantage of our wet temperate weather.

We all like to get outside when the weather warms up (even in the rain), and mice and rats are no different. The pest control business usually slows down to a crawl this time of year when we go through cycles of freezing temperatures. This year is a little different because the rodents aren’t being […]

 Relocating Raccoons

These unwelcome guests will shelter in chimneys, attics, garages, under decks, porches and under hot tubs. They usually breed in the end of January into February. Raccoons do not form bonding relationships but pair only to mate. Babies are born between April & July. Typically, a sow (raccoon mother) will have 2-3 dens already secured […]

Vaping damages DNA and more – found in mice!

Nicotine used in e-cigarette vapour is not as risk-free as originally thought, although vaping is considered less harmful to overall human health than smoking tobacco. Recent studies with mice have shown that vaping actually does cause considerable damage; although these results don’t necessary directly translate to the same risks in humans. A new study has […]

Rats – I help you because you helped me

Rats exhibit supportive behaviour just like us humans. It was discovered that rats are more motivated to participate in grooming with another rat if food was received from it and vice versa. They were found to groom willing food-suppliers more often than those rats that did not share food. As a result, the groomers then […]

Do Groundhogs really have a Crystal Ball?  

Groundhogs a.k.a. woodchucks, land beavers or whistle-pigs, are large rodents known for their destructive burrowing habits.  Groundhog Day is a tradition celebrated here in Canada on February 2 each year. Groundhogs emerge from their burrows and if they see a shadow due to clear weather, they will retreat to their den and winter will persist […]

Naked Mole Rats diss Gompertz law

Although we don’t actually have mole rats here, they are fascinating and a very weird animal, by my standards. First, they are a cold blooded mammal, because they are unable to regulate their body temperature. Their incisor teeth can move independently of each other and even work together like a pair of chopsticks. They turn […]

Super Blue Blood Moon – of the Polecat

This Thursday is the first full moon of February which happens to be a super blue blood moon and more importantly for the discussion of this article – the moon of the polecat; yes the moon of the skunk. This is the time of year when skunks begin their mating ritual. Likely you haven’t smelt […]

Yes it’s a Thing – Cars and cockroaches 

  I’ve heard about cockroaches in cars but mostly in large hot cities closer to the equator. Recently I had a client call, claiming that there were cockroaches scampering about on the floor and seats of their car. Not one to say no to a customer problems, I approached the situation with a little scepticism. […]

Winter Vacation? In your home!

Most resilient species of pests have already found ways to dodge the effects of frigid temperatures, regardless of how cold it gets outside. Actually, most of the insects that pester us during the warm months, like spiders, beetles and ants, are prepared for the frosty temperatures and wet soil long before the winter months even […]

Gophers in Delta?

Guess who moved into the neighborhood, gophers! I’ve received two calls about moles that have turned out to be gophers. Gophers do not hibernate and their excavations continue throughout the winter. After examining the shrubbery in the immediate area, I discovered ragged tooth marks etched on fallen limbs and the bases of the shrubs. These […]

Bird feeders or Rodent feeders?

Bird feeders or Rodent feeders?   Birds are part of the wildlife experience in Delta. Attracting birds with a bird feeder invites that outdoorsy vibe into your yard. While birds love feeders, they are chaotic eaters and a lot of the seeds end up on the ground. Now some people may think that the wildlife […]

When do Bed Bugs Bite

Bed bugs are attracted to heat and carbon dioxide emitted by us when we go to bed. They mainly feed on the blood of humans but can also use cats and dogs to get their fix.  As a rule of thumb (a broadly accurate guide based on experience rather than theory), bed bugs usually feed […]

Squirrels – the kings of chunking

Squirrels use different strategies for caching different types of nuts. Nuts are an optimal source of fat and protein for squirrels. If given a choice, these are the nuts that squirrels prefer: pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, acorns, cashews, chestnuts, hickory nuts, macadamia nuts, and pine nuts out of pine cones. Squirrels use complex sorting […]

Bathroom Ants

  Often I hear about dead ants in the bathroom, usually found in the morning. Likely this time of year, those ants are Pharaohs ants. These guys can live in the walls of your house for years undetected. They will venture outside in the heat of the summer but prefer the stability of a warm […]

Lice don’t take Vacations

  Although we are in the throes of winter, don’t forget that children still can get head lice and pass it along. Head lice are not affected by cold weather as most insects are. Dry skin is a fact of life in the winter causing us to be itchy but if you see your child […]

Bugs die in Winter @ -22 Celsius  

When we get a unusually cold snap here on the coast it maybe tough on plants, but not necessarily on insects, as most can survive even record cold temperatures. Insects have developed tactics for surviving even in the chilliest of temperatures by hibernating in protected areas, be it under ground or in your house. Another […]

Squeak squeak, it’s not a mouse but mice!

Just like all rodents, when it’s wet and cold out, mice are looking for shelter, food and of course a warm place to do this in. Mice can adjust quite rapidly to new surroundings and are unrelenting when it comes to finding their basic needs. When it comes to mice, it is rarely a case […]

Waterfowl and Predators

Here in Delta, the word predator in the context of waterfowl means coyotes, raccoons and skunks. To waterfowl these predators are the major reasons that wildlife numbers are down. Changes in agriculture land in South Delta have created numerous problems for nesting birds, as the habitat they need to nest has been taken away. Predators, […]

Woodlouse, just won’t leave

Yes those little bugs that look like mini turtles with that segmented shell are woodlouse, an arthropod found in moist places such as dirt, stacked logs, leaves and under boards or other rubble that lies flush on the ground. In nature, they live comfortably outdoors but given the opportunity they will get into your carport, […]

King Tides and the Aftermath

With the tide levels being so high lately, I wanted to touch on some of the pest issues we would most likely have if the water swamped out homes. Flooding and cold weather can cause big headaches, as well as pest infestation. Many families would certainly be advised to avoid direct contact with floodwater and […]

Ants – Only the healthy survive

Ants in a nest work together like cells in a body, with healthy ants acting like white blood cells killing off other ants they recognize as a threat. Researchers have shown that ants kill colony comrades infected with potential diseases. In this way, ants can guard their colony from the occurrence of an endemic. Ants […]

The Dangers of Rodents

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky I’m quite often asked how common are mouse infestations? Well statistically 85% of homes show some evidence of mouse activity at one point in the life of the building. Still this doesn’t mean that you should set-up a mouse eradication program but if you’re spotting the little rodents […]

Still Sleeping – Carpenter Ants

Recently a couple contractors have contacted me about their house renovation projects, more specifically finding carpenter ant satellite nests inside homes as they reworked the framework. During the winter months, the existence of carpenter ants actively moving around in the house is a clear indicator of an indoor infestation. Carpenter ants do not always have […]

Go Green Rodent Control

There are a number of alternative methods of rodent control other than rodenticides but you still need a measure of care and competence to obtain the most effective results. All non-chemical methods have risks or are not a sure-fire way to get results, as this depends on using the methods properly. Both live and dead […]

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite  

Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite, wake up bright in the morning light, to do what’s right with all your might.  At home we said “Good night sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite, if they crawl on the wall take a spoon and eat them all”. This is solid advice, […]

7 New Year’s Resolutions for a Pest Free 2018

The wellbeing and cosiness of our homes is a chief priority. If you’ve noticed a few bugs that are determined to live in your home this blog is for you. 1) Healthy Indoors – Air indoors is up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air. This is partially due to dead bug bodies and […]

Bed Bugs – Holiday Gift Fail

Returning from a Christmas holiday? If you or someone stayed in a hotels or motels, these can be hotspots for infestations of bed bugs, which can live happily in a bed and hitch a ride home on luggage, clothing and you. If these vampires get into your luggage and travel home with you, they can […]

Predator Pee to Keep Raccoons Away

  So does predator urine or coyote urine actually help keep unwanted raccoons out of your yard. First of all, who is collecting this urine and is it even real. My research suggests that the urine is collected from animals in game farms, zoos and preserves (fully regulated by the appropriate state agencies). The urine […]

Things I got for Christmas

Go figure; guess what I got for Christmas, practical gifts indeed and a lot of things related to pest control, to boot. Here are guess a few: A Spider Catcher- a pole attached to some bristles that hold a spider securely while taking it outside and releasing it. Hmm- not many usually make it out […]

Christmas Pet Rodents

A small group of rodents comprised of hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, mice, and rats are commonly found at pet stores and are make good family pets, some better than others. While they are all rodents, they do have varied necessities in caring for them and social contact and have differing merits as pets. Most of […]

Do giant rats exist?

So do giant rats exist, well, the answer is yes but this is not a new breed of rat. Our urban rats, mainly the Norway rat (brown rat, common rat, street rat, sewer rat, Hanover rat, or Norwegian rat) comes in a range of different sizes. Giant rats are really rats that are at the […]

Squirrels don’t feel cold

Scientists studying hibernating rodents, squirrels and hamsters, have found they have evolved cold-sensing nerve cells with a reduced capability to detect temperatures below 20 degrees celsius, which allows their body temperature to drop for long periods of time without causing them to be stressed by the cold conditions, thus causing their seasonal nap. These two […]

Planning your Garden Yet?

Although there are months to go before starting your garden, it is never too early to plan. When considering what you will plant you should always be aware of the rodents that are waiting for a new crop of food. The types of damages caused by rodents can vary subject to the species of rodent. […]

Vole Damage  

Voles are active all day and night. These rodents are a nuisance because they attack our lawns and gardens to feed on plants.  Their entry and exit holes are merely round holes in the ground, where a mole will push up soil in a mound when it comes to the surface. Voles build a system […]

The Urban Coyote

The fear of coyotes predates social media. The thousand-year history of coyotes in urban areas tells a story of adaptation, predation by humans and co-existence. Coyotes have been living near humans for at least 1,000 years, with rodents being the mutual denominator for both parties. It’s a simple food chain where human trash has a […]

Christmas Mice

At this time of year, if you hear scratching noises it maybe a mouse stirring. Mice are looking for some nice Christmas presents as well and you might not know that you are giving them what they want. During the Christmas holidays, your house is most likely to have all the treats mice love, including […]

Moles, Why Now?

So it’s mid-December and the phone is ringing off the hook about moles.  Many homeowners in Delta believe that moles hibernate and are not active during late fall and winter months, well no! Their main permanent tunnels and nesting burrows are dug deep underground below the frost line allowing moles to still be active during […]

Urban Pests

Pests are animals that we consider to be damaging to us or our goings-on. We create circumstances where populations of these pests exist in much larger numbers than would ever be found in their normal environment and close to us. We provide them with more places for shelter, food supply, for some pests we are […]

Delta’s Barred Owls population on the rise

Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society here in Delta has said there is a spike in the population of young barred owls and they can set-up shop basically anywhere they want. Their usual targets are rats, mice, moles, voles and pigeons. Barred owls have been culled in some areas of B. C. in order to reduce competition […]

Christmas Pharaoh Ants

Every year around Christmas, the Pharaoh ants begin to show up in many houses throughout Delta. It’s the combination of the furnaces running a lot more and food, in form of crumbs, hitting the floor. Pharaoh ants eat food of all types, but particularly sweets with lots of sugar and carbohydrates. If you have seen […]

Casemaking Clothes Moth

This casemaking clothes moth builds a case of silk that it drags around so it can feed on the go. The adult moths stay close to their source of food and are not lively in bright well lite locations. The fabric moths, such as the casemaking clothes moth can easily be confused with food storage […]

Carpet Beetle Larvae Damage  

Carpet beetle larvae cause damage to clothing, furnishings, and other natural fibers. The larvae feed on natural fibers but adults feed primarily on plant nectar and pollen. Larvae forage for food in dim and concealed areas. Infestations occur quickly and frequently go unseen until damage is extensive. The larvae feed mainly on animal and plant […]

Ant colonies have personality

A new study has revealed that ant colonies guard their nests more courteously than others, suggesting that ant colonies actually have personalities. Trees that have more lively, hostile colonies have smaller amount of foliage damage, signifying that the colony personality determines if the plant will live or die. Researchers discovered that certain types of ants […]

Termites and Your House

Although we in Delta don’t have a major termite issue, they still do exist here and will cause damage. Termites, like carpenter ants, are often referred to as a silent destructive force. Here is a list of some facts you may not have known about these creatures. Termites will feed on anything that contains wood […]

Spider Facts -strange but true  

Winter solstice 2017 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 8:28 AM on Thursday, December 21. For most of us in Delta, that means getting out the big coats, scarves, gloves, hats and waterproof boots. Also, in the late fall months, male spiders leave their isolated nesting areas and explore our homes in search of a […]

Neonicotinoids and Birds

Having discussed the effect that neonicotinoids have on pollinating insects in my last blog, researchers now found that these pesticides also cause migrating birds to lose their sense of direction and suffer up to 25% weight loss. In Canada farmland birds have declined drastically in recent decades and pesticides appear to be playing a role. […]

Neonicotinoids 101

Neonicotinoids, what are they and what do they do? Neonicotinoids are systemic insecticides used to kill various insects including aphids, greenfly, blackfly, weevils and root-feeding grubs.  The neonicotinoid family include such insecticides as acetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, nitenpyram, nithiazine, thiacloprid and thiamethoxam, many of which can be found in your home garden insecticide sprays.  Systemic insecticides […]

Home Sweet Home for Your New Christmas tree

So further to my last blog on pests that you can find on your real live Christmas tree, here is a list of do’s and don’ts when you get your tree home. Do: Go ahead and shake your tree before setting it up in the home. Your tree can have anything from pollen to dirt […]

Christmas Tree Surprises

The holiday season is almost upon us. If you don’t already own an artificial Christmas tree and intend on buying a real live Christmas tree then you are in luck, the stands are already being set-up. Years ago the main concern with real live Christmas trees was candles burning the tree down, then there was […]

New Pesticides that spare Honey Bees

Scientists are still researching the causes for the decline in bee populations over the last several years. The general consensus is that pesticides, fungicides, disease and a loss of habitat are all to blame. In fact, pyrethroids are mostly responsible for the decline in honey bees and other pollinators, but there little evidence that link […]

The Smokybrown Cockroach

The Smokybrown Cockroaches gets its name from its even brownish-black colour and once mature can be as long as 40 mm. These strong fliers have wings that reach beyond their body and are attracted to light. They can be found in tree cavities, underneath mulch beds and ground hiding places, and around soffits and downspouts […]

Diamondback Moths

New to Delta, the Diamondback moth has been making its way through homes over the last year. This small moth is colored gray and brown with a cream-colored band and shapes of a diamonds on its back. The diamondback moth is considered a pest in areas that do not experience very cold winters. The diamondback […]

Raccoon – Procyon Lotor – Dumpster Diver

Procyon lotor or the raccoon is well known for its nocturnal exploits specifically its love affair with garbage cans. Most home owners are forced to take protective measures so their garbage isn’t scattered nightly. In fact, this single event has made it into many movies and has earned it both our indignation and fondness. The […]

Head Lice

Misconceptions, along with the burden of head lice itself, can lead to great discomfort, anxiety and embarrassment for those affected. Often, individuals feel embarrassed just talking about the condition, not realizing that having head lice is not an indicator of poor hygiene. The need for education and awareness regarding the condition and treatment options is […]

 Mouse Repellents – Myths?

There are plenty of myths surrounding which mouse control methods work the best to help drive out your unwelcome house pest. The common natural mouse repellent or home remedies include: cheese, peppermint, moth balls, ultrasonic sound waves, but do they actually work? Mothballs Keep Mice Away – No, mothballs are thought to be a DIY […]

Rodents Long-Term Care Facilities

Well now we are locked down into full fall mode: short days, rain and gloom. So that also means that rodents are looking for long-term care facilities, so it’s time to think about the factors that can put your assets at risk of infestation and take the bull by the horns or rat by the […]

Where Do All the Ants Go?

Where do all those ants go in the winter? Just like the leaves falling in late autumn, ants seemingly disappear (or do they). Short of calling it hibernation, they will enter a dormant stage in which they lay low, feeding off the fats, carbohydrates and proteins they stored. Ants consume large amounts of food in […]

Fungus in Ants’ Clothing

Carpenter ants are very active this time of the year setting up satellite nests in people’s homes so they can over winter their eggs. With so many shows about zombies out there now, I thought that this one would be fitting. I came across an interesting article about carpenter ants that get infected by a […]

Put your foot down on Silverfish

Silverfish are nocturnal and secretive. The extent of an infestation may go on for long periods of time, allowing for very large populations. They reproduce very quickly and have destructive feeding habits, ruining paper books, clothing and wallpaper. Their preferred environment is damp areas mainly around the kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, attic and basement. Silverfish […]

Ladybugs Invade Your House!

Half way through fall and most of the leaves have fallen, the snow is flying and the local ski mountains are opening up. As much as we love our nice comfortable warm houses so do ladybugs. Asian Lady Beetles or ladybugs are not native to the B.C. and populations of the bug have exploded throughout […]

Rodents Like to Whistle a Tune

Rodents like rats and mice use (USVs) to communicate similar to the edge-tone mechanism used in a police whistle. Rodents are the only species that produces a whistling sound similar to human whistling. A combination of “imaging technology” and “tissue staining” was used to produce a 3-dimensional image that shows the structures that make up […]

Pests, when to except them!

Just like the leaves turning colours and falling off the trees in fall, pests also have a preferred time they like to infest our homes. It doesn’t matter the time of year; there is always one kind of pest eager to invade your personal space. Fortunately, they are creatures of habit and we know when […]

Ghostly Pests

Spiders, bats and other spine-chilling, self-seeking, fawning parasitic sycophants are about to invade your front doorstep tonight – Halloween. But tomorrow morning there still maybe real-life ghoulish pests in your house. Here’s a list of some household sycophants and tips to stop them from turning your home into a 24 – 7 – 365 spooky […]

Halloween and Spiders

Spiders and Halloween seem to go together like Santa Claus and Christmas. So what is the connection behind spiders and Halloween, perhaps witches? Spiders, black cats and rats are the evil companions of witches in the barbaric times. Not only have they been used to imply darkness and evil by inhabiting countless haunted houses, vampire […]

Polly can make you sick

The main species of bird we see locally which are responsible for spreading diseases are pigeons, seagulls, sparrows and starlings. Like most pests, there is a range of factors which contribute to how birds spread diseases. The main sources are their feces, feathers and nests. Of these three factors, bird droppings are the most prevalent. […]

Those are mice singing in the attic!

Mice are truly the most fascinating and cunning creatures that any pest investigator has discovered, making them one of the world’s most successful pests. But did you know that these small rodents actually sing to their mates with love songs. Although slightly exaggerated, they do use ultrasonic sounds to find a proper partner. It has […]

Slug Remedies

Although summer has passed, I’ve meant to write this one earlier. Slugs can be a big problem in any garden, taking one plant down at a time. The process for getting rid of slugs and snails can be a time consuming and a tedious mission for many gardeners. The best way to get rid of […]

Double Whammy – Rodents Feast and Sharpen Teeth at the Same Time

When rodents get into your car, absolutely nothing good could come of it. Those rodents are actually sharpening their teeth and feasting on car parts. When you go to start your car in the morning and you get the lights popping on warning of electrical problems, engine issues you don’t think about that some varmints […]

Lights On! Welcome insects!

Turn on a light outside and you invite all the local light seeking insects. There are several theories to explain why insects are attracted to light. For some insects, a bright light source is a sign of safety which are generally positioned on higher ground than the dangerous environment they are currently in. Light also […]

House Dust Mites

Now that everyone is spending their evening indoors – rain- we are hearing more about people reacting to different things in their homes, from spiders to moth and everything else that moves. One insect over-looked is the house mite. These little creatures feed on skin shed by people during their sleep or everyday activities, pollen […]

What are those Teeny Weenie Ants?

Fall is the time of year when Pharaoh’s Ant starts popping up in the kitchen, bathrooms and around the furnace, boiler and hot water heater. These ants will forage and search high and low for any source of food. People try and eliminate the problem using google remedies and DIY retail store solutions. However, the […]

Cockroaches, One fine Football Player

Of all the insects, cockroaches could be amazing at football! Why would cockroaches make good football players? Cockroaches are one of the world’s most boundless pests, found on almost every continent in the world. It may surprise you, but cockroaches are fast, at 1.6 metres or 55 body lengths per second or the human equivalent […]

Planet of the Rats

There is a theory that a pair of rats could produce nearly half a billion descendants in just three years, however, the population will always be restricted by food and shelter, disease, natural predation and fighting amongst themselves. But the rapid rate of reproduction amongst rats usually comes as a shock. This is the reason […]

Halloween Spiders

Halloween is coming with all the ghouls, zombies, super heroes, creepy crawlers and spiders. Oh yes the spiders are out in force now getting fat for the winter. Oh their bites, spiders only bite as a defence mechanism but that bite can range from being just an irritation to causing severe health problems due to […]

Red Fire Ants – History

Originating from South America, red fire ants arrived in Florida in the 1930s, attached to the lumber in a cargo ship and spread to other areas. There is an analysis that suggests the ecosystem in Texas and California was devastated by red fire ants, which wiped out two-thirds of local ants. The danger comes from […]

Rat Warning

Rats-rats-rats. Rats pass on diseases several ways, through a bite, scratch or other direct contact, although I have not heard of anyone being attracted by a rat. They can also pass on diseases if you breathe in dust contaminated with their urine, saliva or feces, or eat food soiled with their feces. Rats may carry […]

Mice like Milk Chocolate

A client that lives in a local apartment complex stated that the entire building was infested with mice, so he bought some traps to catch any that get into his apartment. The instructions on the box of snap traps recommend baiting the traps with peanut butter or chocolate. But what kind of chocolate, it appears […]

Entomophagy Pestaurant Coming soon

Pestaurant is a restaurant that serves edible insects that are delicious (so they say) and have health benefits. Entomophagy is a term used to describe eating insects; apparently millions have embraced this new, alternative source of food. I have to admit the idea of eating insects is unsettling but don’t be too quick to dismiss […]

Climate change and Rodents

This last July 2017 was the 391th consecutive month with average global temperatures higher than the average for the 20th century. Global warming is normally thought of as creating greater numbers of extreme events including droughts, floods and storms damage crops and can cause food shortages. Flooding and other major climatic events are the highly […]

The Most Destructive Pest

Out of all of pests we deal with, rats are the most destructive pest for homes and businesses. It is estimated that almost 50% of electrical damage in homes and businesses are caused by rodents. Rats have a pair of endlessly growing incisor teeth in both their upper and lower jaw that require nonstop gnawing […]

The mice are coming, the mice are coming

If there is one thing about mice in a house, is that they will always end up in the kitchen. And of course what will you find? Mouse droppings, they are one of the most common signs of mice in your kitchen and this will let you know you have a larger problem on your […]

Rodent Season!!

Rodent season is upon us now and like with most pests, the first spotting of rats or mice sends us to the Google to find DIY solutions and home remedies for rodents, but which ones really work? Natural remedies that don’t work include: mothballs and peppermint oil. Rodents are pretty intelligent creatures. By using detailed […]

Bed Bug treatments: Myth or Fact

The first thing most people do when they have a pest problem is first to google the issue and then go out and buy what they need to “do it yourself”. Of course bed bugs are no different so I have accumulated a list of DIY solutions that work and those that don’t. Fact – […]

The most troublesome pest around us

This year has recorded both Vancouver and Surrey among most bedbug-infested cities in B.C. Of course here in Delta we are a hop, skip and a bag full of bed bugs from catching up. Bed bugs are small, but can become such an annoyance in an otherwise joyful home. A normal treatment for bed bugs […]

Where do insects go in the winter?

In the summer, when the air is hot, insects are everywhere. But when temperature drops, the bugs seem to disappear completely until months later, like some kind of enchanted trick they reappear. Where did they go? Some survive as eggs, larvae, or pupae, while others live through the winter as adults. There are three different […]

Common House Centipedes

Centipedes are elongated, with smooth, segmented bodies that have a pair of legs per segment. Centipedes most commonly are brown and reddish orange. Depending on the species, they range in size from 5 to 145 mm. They have small mouths and have big claw like edifices that contain a venom gland. Centipedes are carnivorous and […]

Muskrat Love

Muskrats are primarily nocturnal, but can be active during the day and are very sociable animals. They get their name from their likeness to stocky rats and from the musky odor created by their scent glands. Muskrats are aquodic animals that prefer marshes, where the water level stays constant. They find shelter in bank burrows […]

Thermal Imaging and Rodent Infestation

Infrared pest control is fast becoming a large necessity for battling infestation from unwelcome ants, rodents and other insects. For quick detection of ant activities and other pest infestations on your property, Go Green Pest Control uses a superior approach and the latest technologies. Over the past year, one of the most-used equipment in the […]

There are no Lazy Ants

When observing ants, it’s easy to see that it wouldn’t take much to change the population of ants in a colony with a can of raid or the bottom of your foot. So which ants step up and take over duties of the ants you just killed. While we all know that ants have a […]

Fruit Fly Wars

Fruit flies reproduce at amazing rates. Female fruit flies can lay over 500 eggs within their short life spans. Eggs are usually laid on damp, rotting or overripe fruit and vegetables. In one day, fruit fly eggs hatch into larvae known as maggots. Maggots then molt and less than a week the larvae change into […]

The Brazilian Treehopper Beetle

This year I saw the largest variety of beetles that I would rarely see outdoors, making their way indoors for moisture. In fact, I couldn’t identify several. Beetles belong to the insect order that is the largest of all insects. There are more than a quarter million species of beetles in the world and over […]

Bed Bug Service Preparation Steps

I have been asked several times to write down the steps to which a home needs to be prepared for a bed bug inspection and control. Be prepared to leave the home during treatment and for 4 hours afterward. Remove all pets from the home during the time of treatment except for fish tanks. Fish […]

Rat Nightmares

People that have rats in their ceilings or walls can be kept awake for hours with the insistent scratching and fighting. Worse yet, when those people finally fall asleep those rats may just end up in their dreams as nightmares. But, new research points at rats experiencing their own dreams that maybe nightmares about us. […]

Next up – Scorpion Fly aka the Hanging Fly

Ever seen a scorpion fly, they are nasty looking insects. They have engorged abdomen and reproductive organs, which resemble a scorpion’s tail and stinger. They sometimes hang suspended from a plant branch in order to blend into their surroundings before attacking smaller insects. Scorpion flies generally fly slowly and in irregular patterns although they have […]

Is your house rat-proof?

Let’s forget spiders today and talk about your house and how it could be at risk for a rat infestation as fall sets in. As Delta rain starts to fall, professionals have warned that the rodents could seek shelter and warmth in houses in over welling numbers this year. Although not common, rats can chew […]

Spiders 101

It’s almost fall and the spiders are heading indoors. Different spiders like moisture and are found in basements, crawl spaces and other damp parts of your house and the others like drier warm areas. Spiders come inside looking for prey and they all like to hide in dark areas. Almost all spider species are predators […]

Pantry Beetles – Again

This summer has been particularly bad for pantry beetles. Perhaps because of the hot weather a lot of doors and windows have let them in. Infestations of pantry beetles are not particularly seasonal, but can occur anytime throughout the year. When dealing with these beetles, quick action is very important because they not only damage […]

Fire Ants -continued

Fire ant populations have increased this year and now people are asking about control methods. The first method is a broadcast method. Fire Ant baits consist of insecticides on processed corn coated with oil. These baits are best used as a broadcast treatment because they are less expensive and control colonies even when mounds are […]

September – the month of the Hornet

Wasp and hornet numbers are now beginning to rise after a slow start this summer due to the cold winter that led to some confusion among the stinging pests. A delay of about a month changed their usual pattern of appearance and now they are on the search for sugary indulgences. We are now seeing […]

Mosquito Slayer

Mosquitos are not just blood sucking beasts but flower loving doves. They rely on plant nectar to survive. Researchers have produced a sweet smelling potion called Vectrax that contains lethal doses of insecticide that is so seductive that mosquitoes will feed on it almost exclusively and die. Conventional chemical insecticides blanket spray areas where mosquitos […]

Rats and Guinea pigs – great pets

Rats!! Why rats, well they are extremely sociable and clever if they grow up being affectionately touched by their owners. Similar to cats, you pick them up and hold them, place them on your shoulders, and they respond willingly to fondling and care. They also like to play games, learn tricks, and they’re easy to […]

The Black and White of Skunks

Delta has seen a surge in the skunk population this last year like no one has seen before. Why, climate change or just too much food and lodging available. As we know, skunks like digging under foundations to set up their homes, be it your deck or shed. But how many people know that, skunks […]

Fire ants and You

Most people think of fire ants as a mere annoyance but there is so much more to them. They can use their bodies to build rafts and bridges, fly hundreds of meters in the air to mate, and dig massive tunnels for the colony. Fire ants use their jaws to bite or latch onto your […]

Beekeepers Rejoice!

This Saturday, August 19th is World Honey Bee Day (previously known as Honey Bee Awareness Day), bee keepers across the country join in a national effort to help safeguard declining honey bee population. Bee enthusiasts are celebrating honey bees but also promoting their involvement in sustainable farming. Bees play a vast role in our everyday […]

The Puget Sound Garter Snake

At this time of year our garter snakes can be found along streams, rivers, and lakes, marshes, and wet meadows. They spend their days basking in sun yet always prepared to dive under water to avoid predators.  They use the position of the sun to orient themselves, and to be able to find their way back […]

The birds and the Queen Bees

Queen bumblebees exposed to thiamethoxam, a commonly used insecticide, are less likely to lay eggs or build colonies, which according to researchers could lead to extinction. Thiamethoxam or the name brand Syngenta is a broad-spectrum insecticide, which means it is absorbed quickly by plants and transported to all of its parts, including pollen, where it […]

Flying Ants – the Nuptial Flight

There is a lot of different ant species in Delta but the best known is the carpenter ant. Most people think flying ants are a unique species, but almost all species of ants send out winged breeders in mating season. This is what they call the nuptial flight, when the ants take to the skies […]

The battle of the Ants

Now that fire ants are showing up in Delta’s lawns and gardens, it won’t be long before they show up inside homes. Ants outside are an irritation, but if they get inside your home, that can become quite the problem. Since we have had a long string of hot and dry weeks, all insects are […]

Mice Mice Mice, Why all the Mice

Why are there so many mice out there now? I don’t know, but this summer should be called “the summer of the mice”.  Usually, the house mouse makes its home in farmers’ fields, grassy fields and forests. They usually build nests in areas that are dark and protected with available food around i.e. your kitchen. […]

Summer Fun – Red Ants, Wasps, Hornets and Bees

Sand, surf, sun, swimming, picnics, camping and little pesky stinging pests! Who can take the fun out of a beautiful summer day faster than a sting from a bee, wasps, hornet or a red ant? Almost everyone has been stung by one of these insects at least once in their lives and almost 1% of […]

Tsawwassen Sun Festival – Go Green Pest Control Float

The 45th annual Tsawwassen Sun Festival Aug 7 2017 The B.C. Day long weekend festival, Rotary Parade ran down 56th Street at 11 a.m. Go Green Pest Control entered with one of their vehicles and the award winning 2017 soapbox derby cart, the RAT ROD gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/tsawwassen-sun-festival-randy-bilesky?published=t

Mosquito Season has peaked

Mosquito season differs from year to year dependent on temperature, moisture and other conditions. Mosquito season starts slowly in late spring, when warm weather brings out the first of the insects, peaks in summer, and slows down in the fall.  Mosquitoes don’t go away for good until the first freeze, followed by temperatures consistently below […]

Oriental Cockroaches aka water bugs, shade roaches or black beetles

A shiny black color, oriental cockroaches are a flightless insect intruders that gain entrance underneath doors, open doors or following utility lines, pipes, open drains or sewers. Although an outdoors species found living beneath mulch, leaf piles, storm drains, sewers or beneath stones, they can prosper in wall voids and crawlspaces. They are known for their […]

Burrowing Bees

Bees that burrow into the ground make up 75% of all the solitary bee population. Ground-nesting bees in your garden are very beneficial because they aerate the soil, pollinate the plants and are predators to damaging garden insects. In fact, they are very efficient and effective pollinators to all flowering plants.  Usually, this bee is […]

Fire Ant stings and what you need to know

Now that the fire ants have made their way to Delta, I thought I would put together some tips on how to deal with fire ant stings. If you are sure that it was a fire ant that stung you, as you may have stood on top of one of their nests, the first thing […]

Lawn Ants and You

Lawn ants are a nuisance to people who want to walk and play on their lawn. They are a bit of horror when their ant hills begin to pop up and someone’s foot is bitten. There are a few types of ants that are common in our lawns, nesting in spaces that have appropriate soil […]

Fruit Fly Season Is Here

Well the population of fruit flies are beginning to build here in my pest control office. Yes, I can’t seem to eliminate them either. Fruit flies eat fruit (fresh or ripened) and vegetables and fermenting products. Their entire life cycle only lasts about 25 days. These flies hang out around the kitchens, garbage cans and […]


    Although horntails look like wasps with their projection on the back of their abdomen they neither bite nor sting. They usually hitch a ride into people’s homes in structural lumber, wood products or inside of firewood that is stored in the home. Female horntails deposit their eggs into the trunks of coniferous and […]

Bat Damage

Bats are one of the best at controlling insect populations by consuming hundreds of insects each night, but when they come into contact with humans, and then the problems may begin. Bats that live in social groups are probably the most troublesome type of bat infestation since there can be well over 25 bats in […]

Tapeworms on the comeback

Echinococcus multilocularis, this tapeworm had only been seen once in Manitoba has headed west and is now in Alberta. The tapeworm is a rare and potentially fatal, seen in coyotes and has spread to humans, according to infectious disease experts. In fact there have been four people infected in as many years. Individuals with low […]

What the big deal about a Wasp Sting?

This time of year wasp nest call-outs is steady. So why are people so concerned about wasps, especially when the nest is high up on the roof? Wasp stings are common, uncomfortable or significant pain and irritation, and most people recover quickly.  The initial sensations can include sharp pain or burning at the sting site […]

Bed bugs and you

Bed bugs are tiny pests that live by nurturing on human blood, typically at night. They are cagey, hiding in cracks and crevices during day light, and coming out when the lights are out to feed. Because of their size and painless bite, bed bugs may go unnoticed for some time. Tell tail signs that you […]

Bristletails:  Silverfish or Firebrats

There are 10 different species of silverfish and only one species of firebrat and both are commonly referred to as bristletails (long appendages attached to the tip of the abdomen). Both silverfish and firebrats appear similar. Firebrats have longer antennae and tend to be a mottled gray color with patches of dark gray and lighter […]

Getting Rid of Aphids

These tiny pests have hundreds of species and their see-through bodies are usually green, red, black, yellow, or white. Aphids damage plants by sucking the sap from leaves, twigs, stems, or roots and sometimes spread plant diseases in the process. Aphid colonies can usually be found on the underside of leaves, the tips of branches […]

No more peanut butter for rats

  Foods like peanut butter, chocolate and cinnamon have been used as a bait to lure rats and other rodents. Rats and mice are a problem for agriculture, food storage and processing, and human and animal wellbeing. Now a collection of compounds found in foods is being used to create a long-life rat lures that […]

Kudzu Bugs

Kudzu bugs, mistake them for beetles, are a true bug because of their wing type and beak like piercing sucking mouth parts. Kudzu bugs like to feed on kudzu (climbing, coiling, and trailing perennial vines). They use their penetrating mouthparts to draw juices from the plant.   They are considered pests because they have a […]

The Dampwood Termite

These termites get their name from the decaying, wet wood that they build their nests in. They rarely nest in the soil but prefer decaying wood; in fact, they rarely touch the soil as their cousins the subterranean termites do. Dampwood termites are most common termite found in Delta and are considered an economic pest. Damaged […]

Mosquito Bites

Yes we all know now that it’s just the females that are so bothersome. They lock onto their victim using scent, exhaled carbon dioxide, body heat, and chemicals in the person’s sweat. Then she lands on an area of exposed skin and inserts her proboscis to suck your blood. Yes they are mosquitos’ not female […]

Spiders and Flesh Eating Diseases

Spider bites have been associated and blamed for flesh eating disease (necrotising skin infection) in many cases worldwide and now here in our back yard. The Brown recluse spiders also known as fiddleback spiders or violin spiders and the venom from a white-tailed spider are the two spiders believed to transmit the disease. As a […]

Are raccoon’s vermin and or rodents?

Our community must share space with wildlife, including raccoons, which can become aggressive in their hunt of an easy meal and accommodations. I had a client who had a raccoon get into the attic. It damaged the attic and left urine that seeped into the ceiling of the house. The individual put in a claim to […]

Do you know your wasps?  

There are nearly 200 species of wasps known in Delta. Most are considered solitary wasps and most of these have a comparable life history. They capture and paralyze insects, put the insect in a burrow and lay eggs on them. The eggs hatch and then the larvae feed on the paralyzed prey. Next, the larvae […]

White flies  

Whiteflies are not actually a fly, but belong to the order of true bugs. Whiteflies have a couple pairs of chalky, moth like annexes as adults. They have a very quick reproduction phase and can inflict major harm to house plants, potted plants and plants in the garden. They were originally from tropical regions and are becoming […]

The Darwin’s Bark Spider

  The Darwin’s Bark spider is appropriately named, because its body look like tree bark. This particular spider is an orb-weaver those assertions two extraordinary titles: the silk they produce is the strongest organic material ever discovered and its webs are the largest in the world. In fact, the silk is twice as tough as […]

The Tiger Beetle

Adult tiger beetles have big eyes and lengthy, sinewy legs. They have hostile hunting strategies and unbelievable speed. To catch its prey it can run over 100 times its length per second. The tiger beetle’s hunting procedure is imposing and violent. They feed other insects such as spiders and other insects larger then themselves. Their […]

North Delta Family Day Go Green Pest Control.ca

51 years of North Delta Family Day The beloved annual tradition began as a parade to celebrate Canada’s centennial https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/51-years-north-delta-family-day-randy-bilesky?published=t  

Kissing Bugs

Kissing bugs feed on animals like raccoons, opossums, squirrels and rats. Two of the most common are the bloodsucking conenose bug,   and the western bloodsucking conenose bug. Kissing bugs got their name about 100 years ago because they draw blood from the face of the victim. Conenose bugs will enter homes in suburban and rural areas and […]

Dobson flies aka hellgrammites

This insect has a terrifying appearance with long, thin bodies similar to a stick insect. They are found outdoors near water and not indoors as they are incapable of reproducing indoors. The large pincers of the male dobsonfly are harmless but the female dobsonflies use their jaws for protection and can piercing the skin. Dobsonflies do […]

The Engelmann spruce weevil

The Engelmann spruce weevil causes widespread damage to many kinds of evergreen trees. These weevils are dark brown with a prominent hooked snout of the weevil. The adults overwinter in debris beneath trees, and in the spring they ascend the vertical stem at the top of the trunk to feed and mate. Trees will lose […]

Are we losing the battle to rats in Delta?

Rats are difficult to control and research because they are one of nature’s most impeccably adapted creatures, yet they are one of the least studied wildlife in cities. Rats are considered pests that spread disease, ruin our food, turn our homes into theirs and even mess with our cars. They live closely amongst us, in our […]

11 Pest Control Myths Deflated

1) If you don’t see pests – you don’t have a pest problem. This is also called day dreaming. 2) Out of sight, out of mind. The pests that are hard to see or spot tend to be the toughest to get rid of. 3) Apply bug spray when the sun goes down. When you […]

North Delta Reporter Delta’s soap box derby a second-annual success

Delta’s soap box derby a second-annual success 45 kids competed to be the fastest soap box racer in the municipality Delta’s second annual soap box racing derby saw 45 kids race down 6th Avenue in Tsawwassen on June 10. Go Green Pest Control’s Rat Rod Roxy cart, a blue 1930s Buick-inspired soap box racer, won […]

The dangerous trifecta of mice, ticks and Lyme disease 

Over the past three years our planet has been the hottest on record, and the changing climate helps many pests thrive, consequently negatively affecting our health. Field mice can carry Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterium that causes Lyme disease, and they provide the blood meals for blacklegged ticks, also known as deer ticks, which can transmit […]

Plant Hopping Flea Beetles

Flea beetles are small jumping insects, similar looking to pet fleas, found in home gardens early in the growing season. These pests can cause big problems for many vegetable plants. They damage plants by chewing hundreds of holes in the leaves, which make them look as if they have been shot by fine pellets. When […]

Scratching Sounds in the Night?

One night, all of a sudden, you hear scratching above your head in the ceiling. Your house is infested with rodents. Is it rats, mice, squirrels, skunks or raccoons? Rodent infestation is more common then you may think here in Delta, in fact one in four houses have or have had rodent activity. Here is […]

I Thought I Saw A Wabbit !

It’s that time of year where most of our furry four legged animals are reproducing. From mice to raccoons, Delta seems to be bursting with new life. A client spotted a patch of brown grass on their lawn and after investigating the dry patch; it turned out to be a rabbit nest foraged underneath the […]

Wildlife and your back 40

Wild animals rely on three main things for survival: water, food, and lodging, which can attract them into suburban neighborhoods. The most contact between wild animals and people is always in the summer. To avoid encounters with wildlife this summer here are a few tips. Clean up the property, close the gaps and sanitize their property. Cleaning around the […]

Where have all the Butterflies gone?

https://youtu.be/IIpN0vZxb6I Go organic, use less pesticide and plant flowers. These are the words used by researchers that have watched the decline of butterflies globally. More than 90 per cent of all plants need a pollinator to set fruit and seeds. Besides bees, butterflies play an important role as pollinator helping agriculture productivity especially in herbs […]

The Bombardier Beetle

Meet the bombardier beetles a super hero insect that can shoot a chemical spray at prey or predator with a tremendous pop. It has two chambers in its abdomen; one contains hydroquinone and the other hydrogen peroxide. When the Bombardier Beetle needs it engage it firing apparatus, the two chambers combine the fluids to create […]

What the Cicadas

Cicadas produce exceptionally loud songs by vibrating drum like tymbals rapidly. They are generally 2-3 cm long and have large, clear wings with many wing veins. Their eyes are large, reddish or black and set apart on each side of the head. Cicadas don’t cause damage by chewing leaves, but do create damage as they […]

The Globe Skinner a.k.a. the Dragonfly

Dragonflies are considered beneficial predators eating countless number of insects such as flies and mosquitoes (hundreds a day). Dragonflies are considered one of the first winged insects, going back 250 million years. There are more than 5,000 known species of dragonflies, all with serrated teeth. Hovering like a helicopter: they only eat prey they catch […]

Cottontail Rabbits

The most commonly encountered species is the cottontail rabbit. A female rabbit is called a doe, a male rabbit is called a buck and a young rabbit is called a kit (or kitten). Rabbit’s lifespan is on average 10 years. Rabbits are small, furry individuals that are ravenous plant eaters and classified as herbivores. They […]

New – European Cherry Fruit Fly 

  There’s a new fruit fly in B.C., the Rhagoletis cerasi. The European cherry fruit fly is a significant pest of European cherries. It was here last summer and its also unclear how it made its way into Canada. The pattern on the wing of this fruit fly can be used to differentiate it from […]

The Black Gnat

Black gnats are small pests with dark coloring, although they are infrequently really black. Differing to general belief, these tiny flying insects are not children, they are adults. There are other tiny flies people think are black gnats but they are black flies, fruit flies, fungus gnats or phorid flies. Gnats typically are small and […]

Could our potted plants be killing bees?

I read a report from the UK that sounds pretty scary and could very well be here but we don’t know it yet. Decorative potted plants from retail nurseries have insecticides levels that could have an impact on beneficial insects and pollinators such as honey bees, mason bees etc. The pesticides included neonicotinoid pesticides in […]

Wasps and Male Stuffing

As a male wasp, their duties are to eat, grow, occasionally help to protect the nest when the females are out shopping for food and finally to mate, then take off to party. But, when males idly hanging around the nest before leaving to do the mating game, female paper wasps seize the males and […]

What you need to know about Wasps

We have dozens of different types of wasps in Delta, some so small, you don’t even see them. Most are both pollinators and predators of pest bugs. Common wasps, including the paper wasp, yellow jackets and bald-faced hornet, yet it’s the yellow jackets that scavenge on our food and garbage. Wasps create a new colony […]

Pocket Gophers

Pocket gophers are medium-sized rodents ranging from about 15 to 35 cm in length. Their fur varies in color from black to brown to nearly white and is very soft. The pocket gopher got their name from the fur-lined pouches outside its mouth used to transport food. They are efficient tunnelers, making their way under […]

Do Squirrels actually cause damage?

Is a squirrel, a fuzzy tailed rat, nobody knows. Squirrels cause the most damage in commercial tree seed and seedling orchards by debarking branches and eating tree cones and seeds. In Delta, they normally cause marginal damage to trees and seeds, but can completely damage destroy electrical wires, short out transformers and chew holes in […]

Pavement Ants

Pavement ants can sting and during the spring, are highly aggressive against other ants. Ants Pavement or paver ants usually make their nets under the driveway pavement, under patio pavers, indoors in walls and under floors. When they are found in walls, under floors, and in insulation the house usually is a slab-on-grade construction, foragers […]

The ants are coming 2 x 2

The time of year, ant control is an essential when living with food indoors or outdoors. Scientists suggest that there are one million ants for every human on earth. Some ants flourish near moisture, others are enticed to food and water but all ants can enter through small crack or hole in your building’s foundation, […]

They Are Batty

Bats are flying creatures no larger than a mouse that can live up to 10 years. A single brown bat can consume over 500 mosquitoes an hour and a colony of 500 bats can eat millions insects nightly. When bats make their homes in buildings they become a nuisance with their presence and the smells […]

Humans can sniff-out truffles

Our social and emotional states are influenced by our sense of smell. There apparently is no evidence that humans have an inferior sense of smell to that of most animals like rats, mice and dogs. As the human brain developed over time to become larger, the olfactory bulb grew proportionally. The statement that humans can […]

Parasitic Wasps Sniffs with Its Butt

The parasitic wasp uses its ovipositor, located on their abdomen, to locate and then inject its eggs next to the larvae of a preferred another wasp deep within a fig (not a fruit but an inverted bunch of flowers). When the fig gives off a perfume that attracts pollinating wasps, the wasp will lay her […]

Sowbugs aka woodlouse or pill bugs

Sowbugs are not actually bugs but crustaceans like lobsters and shrimp. They are flat, oval, about 1 cm long with 14 legs and two pair of antennae. Sowbugs have gills which need constant moisture, so they spend most of their time in damp places. They are primarily nocturnal, and eat decaying leaf litter and vegetable […]

The Gollynipper or Mosquitoes

What has antlers and sucks blood? A moose-quito! In Delta the risk of getting an illness or serious health effects from mosquito bites is very low, although West Nile virus is still out there. Mosquitoes bites, as we know, cause itchiness and irritation, thankfully only the female mosquitoes feed on blood to produce eggs. They […]

Blurring the lines for male insects

Sex chemicals blur male insects into looking for love in all the erroneous places. Each pheromone only targets a single pest species. That leaves helpful pollinators like bees and slayers such as ladybugs uninjured.  Some farmers are now turning to the green substitute of pheromones, the alluring chemicals female insects use to attract males. By spraying pheromones […]

  Larder Beetles

The Larder beetle, apply named as a pest of cured meats, will invade your home and moves into the shadowed areas to find its food. Historically a pest of cured meats in Europe, the United States, and Canada, refrigeration has decreased the economic importance of this insect; however, these beetles are still common in museums, […]

Clustering Flies

These sluggish flies appear in early spring and are collectively comprised of three flies: the cluster fly (gathering in clusters and give off a sickly, sweetish odour), the face flies (usually found near farm homes or homes located near pastures and finally the blow flies (the loud buzzing pest that is attracted by manure or […]

The Spider Web

Spiders are excellent pest control agents. They do not transmit any diseases and rarely bite humans. Most spiders are nocturnal, shy, and avoid conflict by running away. Their web begins with a single thread, which begins the rest of the structure. The spider climbs to a starting point and releases a thread into the wind. […]

White Grubs

One of the hardest lawn pests to deal with, white grubs are the larvae of certain beetles. These grubs have fleshy, wrinkled, c-shaped physiques with tan or brown heads and six prickly legs. They will grow as long as 4 cm, depending on the species. The most common white grubs overrunning lawns in Delta are […]

Ladybugs a.k.a lady beetles or lady birds

Ladybugs are insatiable and proficient predators of insect pests and are our most beneficial insects. And here is even more good news, they do not sting, carry diseases, or infest our food. Ladybugs can live up to three years if the environment is just right. They hibernate in the winter living on stored fat and […]

Ants Ants Ants

Ants most commonly found in Delta are not hostile, although some can bite and sting. Our ants can range in colour from black to brown, red, yellow, or a mixture of them all. Ants sizes range from the Pharaoh’s ant of 1 mm to as large as the Carpenter ant of 13 mm. The can […]

Sitka spruce weevils

The Sitka spruce weevil causes extensive damage to Sitka, White, and Engelmann spruce, Mugho pine and blue spruce.  In the spring, the adults climb up to the top of the trees to feed and mate. These weevils spread by flying on warm sunny days. Their eggs are laid in small holes made in the bark […]

The B.C. Asian Gypsy moths

The Asian Gypsy moths are damaging insects, specifically the caterpillar feeds on the leaves of mostly conifers (evergreens) trees and some deciduous (leafy) trees, eating an average of one square metre of leaves a day. It gets its name from their talent of traveling by hitchhiking on various objects. The young larvae can be carried […]

Should you be concerned about Cockroaches?

Cockroaches have been a pest for millions of years, now residing in restaurants, food facilities, hotels and maybe your home next. Although they have wings, they can’t fly and that’s a really good thing. Cockroaches don’t cause structural damage but they can contaminate food and spread disease. Like us, they will live anywhere there is […]

Tent caterpillars

Tent caterpillars are social insects and build silk trails while travelling between their nest, feeding areas and other caterpillars on a deciduous (trees that drop their leaves yearly) trees. You can see these silken strands when the sunlight shines through an infested tree. Caterpillar moths lay their eggs in late June or early August. The […]

Snails and Slugs

So what are slugs and snails, well there are mollusks, like clams, mussels and oysters. They are also gastropods, which mean the foot located on the stomach is how they get around. They are rather similar, except that the slug doesn’t have a shell to protect it from dry conditions and the sun. Both have […]

Is it a Silverfish or Firebat or Bristletail

 This flat wingless bugs have two antennas on their head and three bristles at the back of their body. Silverfish have shiny silver scales that give their body a silver sheen. Firebrats bodies are gray or brown with bands of dark scales. They are both scavengers and love to eat crumbs, dead insects, starch, glue, […]

The Pacific Dampwood Termite

It’s almost that time again when the bloom of the termites hits the skies. Yearly, to spread their colony, termites swarm and piles of discarded wings can be seen in the aftermath. There are three casts in these colonies: reproductives, soldiers and workers. The Pacific dampwood termite leaves large oval fecal pellets in the nest, […]

Sawtoothed Grain Beetle

  The sawtoothed grain beetle is a small beetle, with a flat body that has six saw-like teeth on each side of the body, behind the head. This larvae and adult enjoys eating grains, flours, cereals, nuts, sugar, dog and cat food, and just about anything in your pantry that is in a can. Because […]

The Indian meal Moth

The Indian meal moth is also known as the Indianmeal moth, weevil moth, pantry moth, flour moth or grain moth (not to be confused with the meal moth, confused?). Its larvae are a common grain-feeding pest, feeding on grains, flours, dried fruit, cereals, nuts, sugar, dog food, and most other stored products in your cupboards […]

The Hispid Cotton Rats

Cotton rats are mainly agricultural pests living in grassy areas and feed on plants. They nest on the ground or in shallow burrows making trails in the grass where they travel. Although cotton rats are not considered structural pests, they can infest homes, garages, barns and storage sheds. The cotton rat is on our radar […]

Mason bees, the garden pets

Mason bees are our native bee and are named for their use of mud (masonry product) in constructing their nests, which in nature, are made in naturally occurring gaps and holes in wood made by wood-boring insects. They are attracted by spring flowering plants and don’t make honey or even live in hives, but they […]

Earwigs not ear worms

There is a fallacy that earwigs tunnel into your ears while you sleep, well they’re earworms not earwigs that do that. Earwigs have pincers on the back of their abdomens that are pretty scary, but they use them for defense and for fighting with competitor earwigs. Earwigs are active at night eating plants and insects. […]

Blue Bottle Flies  

Blue bottle flies look similar to the house fly but are shiny blue in color. Theses flies are usually found on windows and make brash, energetic sounds. They can spread diseases therefore are considered pests. Blue bottle flies deposit their eggs in decomposing organic matter, so its likely rotting material is close. Examine sewer pipes for […]

The Bald-faced Hornet

The general name hornet is often misrepresented for just about any species of large, ferocious looking and stinging insect. Bald-faced hornets are social insects, although not true hornets. They live in colonies that may contain between 50 and 500 members at their peak. They usually appear in late spring and by mid-summer their populations are […]

Fruit Flies, already?

Fruit flies can appear to be brown or tan or any time of the year. Although populations tend to increase during the summer, indoor fruit flies are frequently active at all times of the year. They are attacked to ripened fruit and vegetables and fermenting products like beer, wine and spirits. The common fruit fly […]

Caddisflies – the periwinkle

Caddisflies are not actually flies, they have two sets of wings and there are over 1,000 types of caddisflies in Canada. Adult caddisflies are land-dwelling near fresh water, while larvae are water born. Adult caddisflies are similar in appearance to moths. They have diminished mouthparts and well-developed complex eyes. Caddisflies feed on fallen leaves and other detritus. […]

Millipedes- the insect with a lot of kickers

  Millipedes are long, slim creatures. They normally live outdoors in damp soil under flowerbeds and gardens eating live and dead leaves, soft roots, decaying wood particles, small insects, earthworms and snails. Homeowners find millipedes that have entered through a garage door and are taking up residence in their basements since many are dark and […]

Daddy Longlegs the Harvestmen

Daddy longlegs also go by the names harvestmen or opilionids. They have one body segment, two eyes, eight legs used to crawl, smell and taste. These original daddies’ are not spiders or even insects and can live as long as two years. They aren’t venomous and don’t create silk webs. Although there is an urban […]

All Hail the Yellow Jacket Queen

It’s that time again when we start seeing bees and wasps, specifically, the yellow jacket queen. The only yellow jacket member to survive the winter is the fertilized queen. The queen over winters in places such as in stumps, under bark, leaf litter, soil cavities, and man-made structures. She will emerge in early spring, select […]

Spring has Sprung Insects

During March, I’ve been telling people to wait to begin many insect control procedures; I spend most of my time telling people to wait or later in the season that it’s too late to do anything for now. When it comes to controlling pests, timing is everything. When a control method is used at the […]

Nit-picking Biting Insects

I’m often asked which insects that we have, that actually bite us. So here are the four main insects that may get into your house and bite you and your pets. 1) Bed Bugs – The adult bed bug are reddish brown, oval, flat and grow to 3 cm long. Bed bugs at night will […]

Chinese Tetrastichus wasps used against the Emerald Ash Borers

In the battle against the invasive emerald ash borer, Chinese parasitic wasps are beginning grown and released. Over the next couple months 10,000 to 12,000 of these tiny insects will be released and this isn’t the first time the wasps have been bred in Canada. The emerald ash borer is an invasive species and is […]

Spring Cleaning Against Pests

  Mid-march is a busy time for pests as they leave their winter hiding spots in search of food and water. In the pest control industry, we use what’s called Integrated Pest Management to be effective and environmentally responsible when dealing with pest control issues because it focuses on eliminating the conditions that attract pests […]

Spring has sprung and so have the Carpenter Ants

  Carpenter ants are plentiful in Delta, and are common pests in homes, sheds and other buildings. In spring carpenter ants are more active at night and by using a flashlight you can find the main nest outdoors. In structures, the presence of sawdust is a key clue in locating ant nests. The most common […]

Feral Cat Program

A new program, south of the border, called Blue Collar Cats takes feral felines that come in to the shelters and pairs them with rodent infested businesses or homes in exchange for food and shelter. The moggies are cleaner and generally less expensive alternative to pesticides. The cats that are brought in, that don’t show a lot of social conduct towards humans […]

Gigantic Rodents the Nutria or Coypu

  The Nutria is a large river rat, weighing over 5 kg’s and around 700 mm long; it is omnivorous, semiaquatic rodent and the only member of the family Myocastoridae. Originally native to subtropical and temperate South America, it has been introduced to North America in recent years. In parts of the Asian community, they […]

Randy Bilesky – Tsawwassen Rotary for Fundraiser

Rotarians set to jump out of airplane Four members of the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen to make the leap in May in fundraiser for the Rotary Foundation Tsawwassen Rotarians Randy Bilesky with Go Green Pest Control, Shane Todhunter and Vicki Paramanathan prepare to take a practice leap off the balcony at the Beach Grove Golf […]

Ants brewing Antibiotic 

Wood ants protect their ant colonies from disease by creating a strong antibiotic concoction made of tree resin and poison from their own bodies. Ants have all sorts of jobs, from guard to queen and forager to chemist. Now we know that there is an ant pharmacology helping ants evade epidemics. Ants live in colonies […]

Turkey Vultures  

The turkey vulture is a scavenger; its main goal is to cleanup animal carcasses. Its head, the colour of exposed flesh, is featherless and tapered perfectly used to tear apart its meals. This bird can detect mercapton, a gas produced by carrion decay, from more than one and a half kilometers away. Turkey vultures have […]

Less Rodents more Zebrafish

The zebrafish is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to the minnow family and is a popular aquarium fish. The zebrafish has a short gestation period, manipulable embryo, can produce a huge number of offspring, a shorter life span and has a transparent embryos allowing for better imaging. This fish has about a quarter of its’ […]

Raze rules mandatory in Delta Rat problem  

Starting January the Corporation of Delta has required anyone seeking a demolition permit to ensure the property is free of mice, rats, squirrels, skunks and raccoons. Frustrated by a growing rodent problem in North and South Delta, the corporation wants to keep rodents at bay because this is a public health and safety issue. Property […]

Deadly Raccoon Roundworm 

  A fatal raccoon parasite that can cause neurological problems has infected several humans in the last two years. Although not all infected with this parasite lead to severe disease. The parasite can spread from raccoons to other wildlife, dogs or humans. Animals can become infected by digging through raccoon feces containing the parasite eggs. […]

Mice and Lyme disease

Since the early ’90s, reported cases of Lyme disease have tripled and 2017 will be a particularly risky year for the disease. Symptoms of Lyme disease include red rashes or a fever. Mice are efficient transmitters of Lyme disease and infect up to 95 percent of the ticks that feed on them. An individual mouse […]

Barn Swallow Season

Barn Swallows build mud nests in eaves and overhangs on buildings. As a protected bird, once an egg is laid in a nest, the nest must remain intact until the hatchlings have left; you are encouraged to take proactive steps to prevent them from settling in and building nests, which can be both unsightly and […]

Oh Canada – Goose

Our majestic goose can pose a costly nuisance for many property owners. Canada Geese are large water birds with a long neck, large body, large webbed feet, flat bill, black head with white cheeks and chinstrap, black neck, tan breast, and brown back. The birds graze on submerged aquatic vegetation by reaching under the water […]

What are Box Elder Bugs?

The box elder bug is a North American species of true bug. The adults are about 12.5 mm, dark brown with red wing. They hibernate in buildings and homes in the winter and in the warmer seasons live in elder, maple and ash trees. Like many overwintering pests, the most startling sign is the bugs […]

The year of the Rat 2017

There’s no end in sight to the boom in Delta’s rat population. So far this year, rat call-outs have outstripped other critter complaints from last year by a large margin and this trend may just continue. Previous mild winters have been fueling Delta’s rat boom. Yet, this year the cold weather has the rats hunkering down, clinging to […]

Winter Rodents in your yard.

Are you prepared for signs of the winter activity of the moles, mice and voles that find our perennials, shrubs and trees to be pleasant eating. All live in sensibly built nests below ground. They all feed on plants, including roots, stems, leaves and seeds. They all will eat earthworms, insects, centipedes and each other. […]

The Great Blue Heron

Blue Herons spend nearly 90 percent of their time stalking for food. These large birds are a common sight along ditches on Delta farmland, where they hunt for moles, voles, mice, rats, amphibians, and fish. Standing about a meter tall, these s-shaped necked birds can bend their necks backwards, coiling onto itself and then extending […]

Local Bird Diseases

Birds, bird droppings and nesting materials can transmit over 59 diseases and ectoparasites (a parasite, such as a flea, that lives on the outside of its host) infectious to us and animals. These pose the most risk to the young, elderly and those living with auto immune diseases. Here is a breakdown of some of […]

Ants with social supergenes

Scientists have discovered that the gene responsible for the social organisation of colonies of the fire ant is likely to have evolved via a single event. Red fire ants can have colonies with a single queen while other colonies contain dozens of queens. There is a supergene version responsible for colonies with a single queen, […]

Tap-dancing Woodpeckers

  Woodpeckers peck at houses for one of three reasons: to attract a mate or proclaim territory, to seek food (insects in the wood), or to try to create a nest in the side of a building. They can be a major problem for many property owners once they settle on a property or structure. […]

Ants in Parabiosis

Parabiosis is the cooperation between two species that is a mutually beneficial relationship, and in this case, sharing a common home where they both gain. One is a massive black ant and the other is a tiny brown ant. But together they form a perfect team to build, guard and keep a healthy shared nest. […]

The Northwestern Crow  

Among the most intelligent of birds, the Northwestern Crows can pose a major problem to property owners. The black birds often gather in enormous flocks, creating noise and leaving their waste behind. They damage roofs and their droppings can eat into and deface a variety of building and vehicle surfaces. Crows often feed in exposed […]

Skinny mice and Cancer drugs

While conducting a cancer study scientists stumbled on a game-changing weight-loss solution in two common cancer-fighting drugs causing a significant weight loss in obese mice, even when the mice continued excessive consumption of a high-fat diet. Two chemotherapy drugs – methotrexate and cyclophosphamide could be used to completely reverse obesity even in mice without cancer. […]

The Common Garter Snake

Common Garter Snakes spend the winter underground in dens. They can travel a few kilometres to reach a good den site, and these dens often are shared with other snakes. It is found along streams, rivers, and lakes, marshes, and wet meadows. Males emerge from the hibernacula (underground in dens) first, followed a short time later […]

Coyotes – the American Jackal

Coyotes are crepuscular, most active at dawn and dusk, although they can be seen during the day as well. They are omnivores so they eat small mammals, pets’ food, insects and fruits and berries. They’ll rid your yard of rodents but coyotes don’t have a bias when it comes to small animals, so smaller dogs […]