Fall for Fruit Flies

Fall means ripe peaches, apples, pears, figs and other fruit…

Weird Locations for Vespula vulgaris’ nests (Wasps)

There were an extraordinary number of wasps' nests in Delta…

Making your Home - Spider Proof

There are some simple approaches you can try to spider-proof…

Late Summer - Spider Season.

It would seem that we are experiencing one of the worst spider…

Fleas ? Try this first

Good old google has hundreds of DIY solutions to get rid…

Mosquito Repellents: lavender and lemongrass  

Many people would prefer to try natural mosquito control…

Not! Attracting Rodents to your house

Rodents are clever animals that love clutter, thrive in unkempt…

Ants Optimized Division of Labor 

Ants work together to dig intricate tunnel systems underground.…

Cockroaches-Prevention is better than cure!

  Just the site of a cockroach in a t.v. show is…

Spider beetles – almost nothing to be afraid of

There is little to fear about spider beetles, they really…

Does your Furniture have Dandruff?

Powderpost beetles leave wood peppered with pinholes when…

Blister beetles and Warts

Blister beetle, sometimes known as oil beetles (Spanish fly),…

How long do Ants live?

Generally, ants have a short life cycle, but some colony…

Coping with Wasps and Hornets

This summer we have seen twice the number of wasp call outs…

What do Barn Owls really eat?

A pair of Barn owls can consume over 2,000 native or invasive…

Earwigs – Ear Wigs !!!

With their pincers or abdomen forceps, earwigs are somewhat…

Mischief – a group of Rats

Your home is your fortress, except when it comes to rats…

Parasitic Love Vine mummifies Parasitic Wasps - all at the expense of the Oak tree

Scientists have discovered the first example of a parasitic…

Auto Companies not responsible for wires attracting Rodents

  Several lawsuits have been dismissed, alleging…

Vineyards using bats as pest control

Wine growers are installing bat roosts around vineyards to…

The Invasive and Aggressive Electric Ants  

Okay, just when you thought that you had heard it all, here…

Ants prefer power napping to regular sleep

It has been proven that power napping can help us be more…

Hybrid Pest Control   

Interested in green or earth-friendly pest controls, well…

Wasps and Hornets are our friends

Well this year’s hot weather has produced wasps and hornets…

Bald Faced Hornets

  AKA - bald hornet, white-faced hornet, white-tailed…

Aug 6th 2018 Tsawwassen SunFest Parade ROXIE the raccoon Go Green Pest Control

Aug 6th 2018 Tsawwassen SunFest Parade ROXIE the raccoon…

August –Bed Bugs!!!

Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite. But…

Tsawwassen Sunfest Parade

Rotary Club of Tsawwassen Parade along 56th street 2018 Aug…

Ants Vs Wasps – and the winner is!

Army ants, known for their aggressive foraging techniques,…

Ticks and Allergies to Steak

As with any tick bite, don’t panic when getting it out…

Japanese Beetles - 3 myths busted

Japanese beetles feed on and destroy nearly everything in…

Yellow Jackets: What not to do!!!

Now is the time of year that Yellow jackets are most aggressive.…

Yellow Jackets - Designed by the Devil

The yellow jacket is one of the most menacing insects known…

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs literally coming out of the wood works to die …

Bald Faced Hornets – Packing a Punch

The bald-faced hornet gets its name from its strikingly white…

Ants!!!! Sugar and Baking Soda mix

http://gogreenpestcontrol.ca/ants-sugar-and-baking-soda-mix/ gogreenpestcontrol.ca…

Drain Flies: Bleach or Plumber?

Summer is the time of year that we start to see fruit flies,…

Delta residents are freaking out – FLYING ANTS

July 4th saw Independence Day for Americans and we saw a…

Carpenter Bees - large and small

Carpenter bees come in two sizes, but the one that does all…

Clover Mites - Parthenogenesis

If you have ever seen somebody's house that has a clover…

Summers Pests are here- what to do

Its official, summer is here!!! Although we seem to be stalling…

Ants, the goliath of all insects

These minuscule segmented bugs are capable of performing…

Do It Yourself Ant repellants

Retail ant repellents and killers are normally considered…

Shoo Fly Shoo

Because flies only have two wings, they land frequently and…

Yellow Mealworms

Yellow mealworm adults look like typical beetles, dark in…

Pests that Sting in Summer

Pests that sting such as wasps, yellow jackets, hornets and…

Dragonfly Infestation

The Dragonflies are out now. Dragonflies thrive around ponds,…

Oh, Pantry Moths !

Realizing a pantry moth swarm in your kitchen can be a bit…

Mosquitos – Bite!

It’s only mid-June, not even summer yet and the mosquitos…

Insects that live in our food

We have all heard about a number of insect pests that are…

Did you Know That ... Ants

1) Most ants live in hierarchical (ants ranked one above…

Spring clean those Moths away

Late spring is when clothes moths begin to appear and they…

Look Out – This summer will be a bumper crop of bugs

Delta will suffer an eruption of insects this summer, according…

Who owns your lawn – Fire Ants?

What can you do about fire ants, as they are really hard…

Another Successful Year at The Ladner Mayday Parade

Established all the way back in 1896, Ladner Pioneer May Days,…

The truth behind the Myths about Ticks

Ticks, like bed bugs, are ectoparasites (blood sucking parasites),…

Skunks, a year around smell in Delta

The odor of your local neighbourhood skunk is more rampant…

Flying Ants – the skies may go black this year

If the weather continues to stays warm, we may see a bumper…

Oh where do the bees go?

So where do these flying stingers go after they have had…

Pest Control – In the Future

Pest control manufactures are always looking for better methods…

Summer Ants - Natural Habit is to Destroy

Ants are like squatters -awful houseguests, unwanted, they…

Bug Spray Time Again

Its bug season again, spiders and mosquitoes and every other…

Going Batty - Bats in your Attic

Similar to all the wild life we have in Delta; our local…

Summer Travel without Bedbugs

Spring and summer brings with it perfect prospects for a…

Fleas and your Pets

The cat flea is the most common flea found here in Delta…

Soil Saving Composting - the good the bad and the ugly

Everybody wants to do it, but most people are unable to do…

Wasps and Victoria Day Long Weekend

  This Victoria Day Long Weekend will be a good time…

Rats and Mice – Do’s and Don’ts

You woke up because there was scratching noises coming from…

Garbage Bees- A new colony begins NOW!

In these warmer days of spring, a queen wasp emerges from…

RCTWCS - Rodent chewed through wire covering Syndrome

The latest generation of rats - Gen Alpha loves soy-based…

Pavement Ants, Again!

Although these little ants live inside, they get their name…

Carpenter Ants - Should you be concerned?

Carpenter ants are well known for their aptitude to destroy…

The Bullet Ant – very nasty

The bullet ant - Paraponera clavata, has the most painful…

The Hummingbird Moth

The hummingbird moth flies and moves just like a real hummingbird.…

Plerergate Honey Pot Ants

The role of honey ants is quite simple, get immense, plump…

Not Your Average Pet

Many species of flower mantis are popular as pets. These…

Asian Giant Hornets – The Killer   

The Asian Giant Hornets is considered the deadliest of all…

Weird Week Continues- The Brazilian Treehopper

  The Treehopper has been around for nearly 40 million…

Ants, the original Tokubetsu Kōgekitai !

The latest addition to the suicide bomber ant species has…

ANTS – With WINGS !  

  If it isn’t bad enough that you may have a couple…

The new Kid on the Block for Ants – Go Green

We have been anticipating the arrive of this new weapon again…

An eye on the prize –Ants of course

  I know, this one is a little different but… ants…

Bunny Ebola

Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) is a highly infectious…

A new Silver Bullet - Temprid SC

In the last several months, a new integrated pest control…

When the Doodlebugs come marching two by two

  If you haven’t seen these little armadillos,…

Is there a safe way to release a skunk?

https://vimeo.com/264269175 Skunks are definitely not…

Squirrels - Nuts about Nuts

https://vimeo.com/264083714 Squirrels are known to find…

April showers bring May pests

https://vimeo.com/264072404 We have seen an increase in…

Fanged Silverfish

Silverfish are true pest insects which are very destructive,…

Rodents – quick maturing / shorter life

  So why are the lifespans of most rodents, mice,…

Grease Ants

  I have officially declared 2018 the year of the…

Impressive, Mr. Fire Ant

  Well it has started up again; the invasive fire ant has continued…

When Raccoon’s give you the Hairy Eyeball

Raccoons might be charming, but like polar bears, African…

Ants Dig Rock ’n’ Roll

Who would have thought that Rock Music would make carpenter…

Spring Cleaning Your Kitchen

https://youtu.be/CHDFgX95RCU Spring is here and it’s…

Spicing Up Bird Control

https://youtu.be/tr7MF14j2K4 Here in Delta, we have to…

Rabbit hemorrhagic disease in DELTA !!!

https://youtu.be/DmecrHX3Fzg Pet rabbits owners are being…

Being Kind To The Animals  

https://youtu.be/CS3k-G507Jw It’s about time that we…

Chicken Pox in Squirrels?

https://youtu.be/I119ZqhJkq0 Squirrel pox (fibromatosis),…

Congratulations on your babies!! Skunks and Raccoons

https://youtu.be/X2-WYtwIfYk Mating season is nearly over…

March 19th Poison Prevention Week

  https://youtu.be/jZj5F_u25-c March 19th begins…

Rat Urine – Yikes

  https://youtu.be/agPtVlVXu3I Often I encounter…

Warning for Home HVAC systems  

https://youtu.be/6PywX6J2i-U Most newer homes have built…

The Odorous Ants Are Here

https://youtu.be/cHzTuLUfXG4 Yes every year we wait for…

The Palmetto Bug a.k.a German Cockroaches

https://youtu.be/zSRFmesjpek The German cockroach is one…

Ant Wars -Royal Guards become Frontline Fodder

https://youtu.be/R89Ji19Em3c Ants attack and defend themselves…

Are Greenhouse Lights creating Ecological Dead Zones?

https://youtu.be/NjrGZk2LigI The introduction of artificial…

The common housefly: did you know…

  https://youtu.be/aDQEea8wPmc The housefly is…

Eviction Notice: All Squirrels Must Leave

https://youtu.be/TZlIpxfSa4c Yes it’s that time of year…

Raccoons: Distemper and Rabies

https://youtu.be/PtsQiGbiq8E The second leading cause…

Leptospirosis: Rats to Dogs to Humans

https://youtu.be/DE7tfW8YqGk Leptospirosis is an infectious…

Silverfish Outbreak

https://youtu.be/rY6nWeHwvXA Delta’s long, harsh winter…

Ants show the true meaning of effective communication

https://youtu.be/C0nJZLoolEU The best result of effective…

The Nutria is coming – 9 kg Rats

https://youtu.be/-eSr2Wn2Jt0 There is a new rat coming…

Call the Ant-Bulance !!

https://youtu.be/GpV8WCYnNr4 When ants go out on food…

Next up - Bed Bug Anti-Histamines   

https://youtu.be/SwEndJRljOQ We all know by now that bed…

The fire ants are coming

https://youtu.be/zXsW_eZJFgc Now that we have fire ants…

Valentines - Love Is In the Air for Skunks

https://youtu.be/Uk_1TjskEFI I’ve had several reports…

Seoul Virus Found in Pet Rats

https://youtu.be/VsQgWZZFWSQ Seoul virus is a type of…

Rodent Fun Facts – For a Change

https://youtu.be/Wb8ys-ohsxU Ok, rodents are smart; believe…

Rodents are taking advantage of our wet temperate weather.

https://youtu.be/MoUSY4-HUyo We all like to get outside…

 Relocating Raccoons

https://youtu.be/6VuUEdhkuE0 These unwelcome guests will…

Vaping damages DNA and more - found in mice!

https://youtu.be/aUGNmWjN_ig Nicotine used in e-cigarette…

Rats - I help you because you helped me

Rats exhibit supportive behaviour just like us humans. It…

Do Groundhogs really have a Crystal Ball?  

https://youtu.be/M5RZ9YGIlm4 Groundhogs a.k.a. woodchucks,…

Naked Mole Rats diss Gompertz law

https://youtu.be/0BIjvK9DSa8 Although we don’t actually…

Super Blue Blood Moon - of the Polecat

https://youtu.be/oGIpyBtJioI This Thursday is the first…

Yes it’s a Thing - Cars and cockroaches 

  https://youtu.be/2_cClSVFugY I’ve heard about…

Winter Vacation? In your home!

https://youtu.be/0C7E2i-WKfY Most resilient species of…

Social media is useful tool to learn about neighbourhood - Go Green Pest Control.ca

Ingrid Abbott / Delta Optimist JANUARY 23, 2018…

Gophers in Delta?

https://youtu.be/CQOpeBLEyN8 Guess who moved into the…

Bird feeders or Rodent feeders?

Bird feeders or Rodent feeders?   https://youtu.be/qqtG-ElaNcg Birds…

When do Bed Bugs Bite

https://youtu.be/omw5ldS4R3Y Bed bugs are attracted to…

Squirrels – the kings of chunking

https://youtu.be/5oH_nfTbFKM Squirrels use different strategies…

Bathroom Ants

  https://youtu.be/8ZAxj7_jSXM Often I hear about…

Lice don’t take Vacations

  https://youtu.be/F2L2qKQgQgU Although we are…

Bugs die in Winter @ -22 Celsius  

https://youtu.be/mgPucZvVDYA When we get a unusually cold…

Squeak squeak, it’s not a mouse but mice!

https://youtu.be/9po3dqpIlJ8 Just like all rodents, when…

Waterfowl and Predators

https://youtu.be/YaWANT1RMbc Here in Delta, the word predator…

Woodlouse, just won’t leave

https://youtu.be/Wk2pEfWb_l8 Yes those little bugs that…

King Tides and the Aftermath

https://youtu.be/mRIkxzJ0QuA With the tide levels being…

Ants – Only the healthy survive

https://youtu.be/dq8-K1QsnLY Ants in a nest work together…

The Dangers of Rodents

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy…

Still Sleeping - Carpenter Ants

https://youtu.be/l4bK3LQC1XM Recently a couple contractors…

Go Green Rodent Control

https://youtu.be/aDObXKYxa38 There are a number of alternative…

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite  

https://youtu.be/nqmq8RQeSVs Good night, sleep tight,…

7 New Year’s Resolutions for a Pest Free 2018

https://youtu.be/tLwWI5f1ANk The wellbeing and cosiness of…

Bed Bugs - Holiday Gift Fail

https://youtu.be/uCP6LLKz5JY Returning from a Christmas…

Predator Pee to Keep Raccoons Away

  So does predator urine or coyote urine actually…

Things I got for Christmas

https://youtu.be/TxZYF_ukkiI Go figure; guess what I got…

Christmas Pet Rodents

https://youtu.be/2xEquWsHIC8 A small group of rodents…

Do giant rats exist?

https://youtu.be/lh2AFCs2jrk So do giant rats exist, well,…

Squirrels don’t feel cold

https://youtu.be/oVVe-rm6wYY Scientists studying hibernating…

Planning your Garden Yet?

https://youtu.be/jxdJS_6i1iY Although there are months…

Vole Damage  

https://youtu.be/E07B1frNsVc Voles are active all day…

The Urban Coyote

https://youtu.be/__x_NYcyNBw The fear of coyotes predates…

Christmas Mice

https://youtu.be/eS6u4K1ZVKk At this time of year, if…

Moles, Why Now?

https://youtu.be/2fWpePNVZiw So it’s mid-December and…

Urban Pests

https://youtu.be/TM_n3wWj1KU Pests are animals that we…

Delta’s Barred Owls population on the rise

https://youtu.be/tHfx56qWtn4 Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation…

Christmas Pharaoh Ants

https://youtu.be/TpOiYqfBq1w Every year around Christmas,…

Casemaking Clothes Moth

https://youtu.be/LtHkYtsTnFw This casemaking clothes moth…

Carpet Beetle Larvae Damage  

https://youtu.be/9018q6ZN0Ds Carpet beetle larvae cause…

Ant colonies have personality

https://youtu.be/Gv9DpRsDtGM A new study has revealed…

Termites and Your House

https://youtu.be/mEa9msGpXmQ Although we in Delta don’t…

Spider Facts -strange but true  

https://youtu.be/XRB7mT1gLVs Winter solstice 2017 in Northern…

Neonicotinoids and Birds

https://youtu.be/da6QHMQzbr4 Having discussed the effect…

Neonicotinoids 101

https://youtu.be/_Zy-s9wFLQk Neonicotinoids, what are…

Home Sweet Home for Your New Christmas tree

https://youtu.be/-yacopZxNwU So further to my last blog…

Christmas Tree Surprises

https://youtu.be/VQIbfmpGmIs The holiday season is almost…

New Pesticides that spare Honey Bees

https://youtu.be/BL4hoXw3QSw Scientists are still researching…

The Smokybrown Cockroach

https://youtu.be/UAgd7k_Ae6s The Smokybrown Cockroaches…

Diamondback Moths

https://youtu.be/GsK7V5GoxLo New to Delta, the Diamondback…

Raccoon - Procyon Lotor – Dumpster Diver

https://youtu.be/ccFg9gKQpFw Procyon lotor or the raccoon…

Head Lice

https://youtu.be/bhmL6a7l5qI Misconceptions, along with…

 Mouse Repellents - Myths?

https://youtu.be/KOflbEs9_Yc There are plenty of myths…

Rodents Long-Term Care Facilities

https://youtu.be/5hcPPWbefQ4 Well now we are locked down…

Where Do All the Ants Go?

https://youtu.be/rAgqevyTtw0 Where do all those ants go…

Fungus in Ants’ Clothing

https://youtu.be/zEoOkl7UYeg Carpenter ants are very active…

Put your foot down on Silverfish

https://youtu.be/qL0MyEdtx0w Silverfish are nocturnal…

Ladybugs Invade Your House!

https://youtu.be/zZE7W5ACakk Half way through fall and…

Rodents Like to Whistle a Tune

https://youtu.be/07egJ4cjcjU Rodents like rats and mice…

Pests, when to except them!

https://youtu.be/2Bn0FPlnVDc Just like the leaves turning…

Ghostly Pests

https://youtu.be/Lu2pqL3sQBM Spiders, bats and other spine-chilling,…

Halloween and Spiders

https://youtu.be/GEQy9yUHb5Q Spiders and Halloween seem…

Polly can make you sick

https://youtu.be/deQZ2KPaYlI The main species of bird…

Those are mice singing in the attic!

https://youtu.be/hi9o7uy0thM Mice are truly the most fascinating…

Slug Remedies

https://youtu.be/xeJ9L7EQM3Y Although summer has passed,…

Double Whammy – Rodents Feast and Sharpen Teeth at the Same Time

https://youtu.be/WPHwmdr3Wus When rodents get into your…

Lights On! Welcome insects!

https://youtu.be/5I9CqNXB578 Turn on a light outside and…

House Dust Mites

https://youtu.be/-qVEIILIHmY Now that everyone is spending…

What are those Teeny Weenie Ants?

https://youtu.be/Ojn1zY_RJWI Fall is the time of year…

Cockroaches, One fine Football Player

https://youtu.be/j7R88QSNmzE Of all the insects, cockroaches…

Planet of the Rats

https://youtu.be/4C_tt8coNy8 There is a theory that a…

Halloween Spiders

https://youtu.be/xlgahrHNDOc Halloween is coming with…

Red Fire Ants - History

https://youtu.be/JKhJ6ovAJi4 Originating from South America,…

Rat Warning

https://youtu.be/Oet0H0dBdS4 Rats-rats-rats. Rats pass…

Mice like Milk Chocolate

https://youtu.be/ceQBjpYXqNU A client that lives in a…

Entomophagy Pestaurant Coming soon

https://youtu.be/ouaLCAlqoYQ Pestaurant is a restaurant…

Climate change and Rodents

https://youtu.be/328-1tfHMKI This last July 2017 was the…

The Most Destructive Pest

https://youtu.be/z06JAZx8pao Out of all of pests we deal…

The mice are coming, the mice are coming

https://youtu.be/wPk3WsJYRJw If there is one thing about…

Rodent Season!!

https://youtu.be/lx7YzC-NF5s Rodent season is upon us…

Bed Bug treatments: Myth or Fact

https://youtu.be/0-hbgl83KaI The first thing most people…

The most troublesome pest around us

https://youtu.be/_P9WMZZOQ_w This year has recorded both…

Where do insects go in the winter?

https://youtu.be/CCtC98BkvsY In the summer, when the air…

Common House Centipedes

https://youtu.be/uoNj0vbxoYU Centipedes are elongated,…

Muskrat Love

https://youtu.be/6ESIdfylNX0 Muskrats are primarily nocturnal,…

Thermal Imaging and Rodent Infestation

https://youtu.be/hYp4pH6UcKE Infrared pest control is…

There are no Lazy Ants

https://youtu.be/r79R8t6TRMs When observing ants, it’s…

Fruit Fly Wars

https://youtu.be/ptAqrKWi3T8 Fruit flies reproduce at…

The Brazilian Treehopper Beetle

https://youtu.be/1BzQHNrAaR0 This year I saw the largest…

Bed Bug Service Preparation Steps

https://youtu.be/kKBPgC14nh0 I have been asked several…

Rat Nightmares

https://youtu.be/OAzR41xSp6g People that have rats in…

Next up - Scorpion Fly aka the Hanging Fly

https://youtu.be/0kqaJa_DEXQ Ever seen a scorpion fly,…

Is your house rat-proof?

https://youtu.be/yF8NBzQovQ4 Let’s forget spiders today…

Spiders 101

https://youtu.be/102ia-dxyZs It’s almost fall and the…

Pantry Beetles - Again

https://youtu.be/9pkygAzyJh8 This summer has been particularly…

Fire Ants -continued

https://youtu.be/372h7FCTeC0 Fire ant populations have…

September – the month of the Hornet

https://youtu.be/9G2Or55SUIc Wasp and hornet numbers are…

Mosquito Slayer

https://youtu.be/T_9A366nqII Mosquitos are not just blood…

Rats and Guinea pigs – great pets

https://youtu.be/_W4g7sdc6do Rats!! Why rats, well they…

The Black and White of Skunks

https://youtu.be/CCcafizVS3I Delta has seen a surge in…

Fire ants and You

https://youtu.be/pZ_LbatOOE4 Most people think of fire…

Beekeepers Rejoice!

https://youtu.be/6h_0lXw8Ag4 This Saturday, August 19th…

The Puget Sound Garter Snake

https://youtu.be/ergTPn9Uhd0 At this time of year our…

The birds and the Queen Bees

https://youtu.be/qeCEBgIrAzQ Queen bumblebees exposed…

Flying Ants – the Nuptial Flight

https://youtu.be/cNrFad6LPXQ There is a lot of different…

The battle of the Ants

https://youtu.be/xRtoeHBaMqk Now that fire ants are showing…

Mice Mice Mice, Why all the Mice

https://youtu.be/OalTsovTREw Why are there so many mice…

Summer Fun – Red Ants, Wasps, Hornets and Bees

https://youtu.be/lwC_6BqCWa0 Sand, surf, sun, swimming,…

Tsawwassen Sun Festival - Go Green Pest Control Float

The 45th annual Tsawwassen Sun Festival Aug 7 2017 The…

Mosquito Season has peaked

https://youtu.be/2shqJ7jo7BU Mosquito season differs from…

Oriental Cockroaches aka water bugs, shade roaches or black beetles

https://youtu.be/DDnK825lB8k A shiny black color, oriental…

Burrowing Bees

https://youtu.be/7qHaE0Y-OLc Bees that burrow into the…

Fire Ant stings and what you need to know

https://youtu.be/5AIVjuR-EVk Now that the fire ants have…

Lawn Ants and You

https://youtu.be/bqH4aP0XnIM Lawn ants are a nuisance…

Fruit Fly Season Is Here

https://youtu.be/X7HHh0hMcSs Well the population of fruit…


    https://youtu.be/ITSkzRgDB-M Although horntails…

Bat Damage

https://youtu.be/N0FGOx5NdHA Bats are one of the best…

Tapeworms on the comeback

https://youtu.be/ovRrXJwNwNU Echinococcus multilocularis,…

What the big deal about a Wasp Sting?

https://youtu.be/YiQgQKBVuWY This time of year wasp nest…

Bed bugs and you

https://youtu.be/KXCc7ufPDr4 Bed bugs are tiny pests that…

Bristletails:  Silverfish or Firebrats

https://youtu.be/_pcKfy__hZ4 There are 10 different species…

Getting Rid of Aphids

https://youtu.be/CSPPdaucedM These tiny pests have hundreds…

No more peanut butter for rats

  https://youtu.be/O9FumZ2Hh7U Foods like peanut butter,…

Kudzu Bugs

https://youtu.be/9WCwDohb1R4 Kudzu bugs, mistake them…

The Dampwood Termite

https://youtu.be/mZ2XSWRMW5k These termites get their…

Mosquito Bites

https://youtu.be/tDr29wCT_Sw Yes we all know now that…

Spiders and Flesh Eating Diseases

https://youtu.be/k8XNJeyrqFc Spider bites have been associated…

Are raccoon’s vermin and or rodents?

https://youtu.be/uLn9DNhiEQs Our community must share…

Do you know your wasps?  

https://youtu.be/Fnh9FFoK4PM There are nearly 200 species…

White flies  

https://youtu.be/U-dwTvOHsmI Whiteflies are not actually…

The Darwin’s Bark Spider

  https://youtu.be/A68upXSJ824 The Darwin’s Bark…

The Tiger Beetle

https://youtu.be/_S2Z870b2c0 Adult tiger beetles have…

North Delta Family Day Go Green Pest Control.ca

51 years of North Delta Family Day The beloved annual tradition…

Kissing Bugs

https://youtu.be/qDyKirpppgY Kissing bugs feed on animals…

Dobson flies aka hellgrammites

https://youtu.be/Dt5ft5ynDso This insect has a terrifying…

The Engelmann spruce weevil

https://youtu.be/iXu4ljct778 The Engelmann spruce weevil…

Are we losing the battle to rats in Delta?

https://youtu.be/C2OfbUx92xA Rats are difficult to control…

11 Pest Control Myths Deflated

https://youtu.be/eDEt6RkVUm0 1) If you don’t see pests…

North Delta Reporter Delta’s soap box derby a second-annual success

Delta’s soap box derby a second-annual success 45 kids…

The dangerous trifecta of mice, ticks and Lyme disease 

https://youtu.be/sBvO6Lk2ymE Over the past three years…

Plant Hopping Flea Beetles

https://youtu.be/28wrHuEy-dc Flea beetles are small jumping…

Scratching Sounds in the Night?

https://youtu.be/z4gts1ZMqos One night, all of a sudden,…

I Thought I Saw A Wabbit !

https://youtu.be/vMGFP6VRUDY It’s that time of year…

Racers roll down 6th Avenue in Tsawwassen at Soap Box Derby - Delta Optimist June 12, 2017

Delta Optimist June 12, 2017 11:38 AM Racers line up at the…

Wildlife and your back 40

https://youtu.be/pSzX17BkXio Wild animals rely on three…

Where have all the Butterflies gone?

https://youtu.be/IIpN0vZxb6I Go organic, use less pesticide…

The Bombardier Beetle

https://youtu.be/NoWJDPQX35Y Meet the bombardier beetles…

What the Cicadas

https://youtu.be/c52nWN9STbI Cicadas produce exceptionally…

Out of my pest control truck and up in a plane


The Globe Skinner a.k.a. the Dragonfly

https://youtu.be/JQ1JtUSs-PI Dragonflies are considered…

Cottontail Rabbits

https://youtu.be/pwP-OcQHsTw The most commonly encountered…

New - European Cherry Fruit Fly 

  https://youtu.be/_FSUiWHGM0U There's a new fruit fly in…

The Black Gnat

https://youtu.be/3F5KcbXrlDU Black gnats are small pests…

Could our potted plants be killing bees?

https://youtu.be/0rdtKBERBD0 I read a report from the…

Wasps and Male Stuffing

https://youtu.be/7cIj0AnXorg As a male wasp, their duties…

What you need to know about Wasps

https://youtu.be/YIjxqjj7X4A We have dozens of different…

Pocket Gophers

https://youtu.be/weEY17-ncbY Pocket gophers are medium-sized…

Do Squirrels actually cause damage?

https://youtu.be/qxiLIUNHkBQ Is a squirrel, a fuzzy tailed…

Pavement Ants

https://youtu.be/9KWQNTWHHxI Pavement ants can sting and…

The ants are coming 2 x 2

https://youtu.be/f3D-7b7RcDo The time of year, ant control…

They Are Batty

https://youtu.be/IoOr9Q8JQRw Bats are flying creatures…

Humans can sniff-out truffles

https://youtu.be/cPnm-aMPqFc Our social and emotional…

Parasitic Wasps Sniffs with Its Butt

https://youtu.be/K58vScTlLoY The parasitic wasp uses its…

Sowbugs aka woodlouse or pill bugs

https://youtu.be/JYVpac2Ygxc Sowbugs are not actually…

The Gollynipper or Mosquitoes

https://youtu.be/RJc5fct2nZ4 What has antlers and sucks…

Blurring the lines for male insects

https://youtu.be/DYSHH6cM3dk Sex chemicals blur male insects…

  Larder Beetles

https://youtu.be/Zm9codZP85I The Larder beetle, apply…

Clustering Flies

https://youtu.be/jT9JqfLeLFo These sluggish flies appear…

The Spider Web

https://youtu.be/mSRsUHvxM5o Spiders are excellent pest…

White Grubs

https://youtu.be/Zqq7qGfnMXY One of the hardest lawn pests…

Ladybugs a.k.a lady beetles or lady birds

https://youtu.be/14CcSXCJ4lA Ladybugs are insatiable and…

Ants Ants Ants

https://youtu.be/OqckogwPkdE Ants most commonly found…

Sitka spruce weevils

https://youtu.be/jyP5o94HgBY The Sitka spruce weevil causes…

The B.C. Asian Gypsy moths

https://youtu.be/f85wiKKGBwA The Asian Gypsy moths are…

Should you be concerned about Cockroaches?

https://youtu.be/nrAiwlt8OKY Cockroaches have been a pest…

Tent caterpillars

https://youtu.be/JIo4jpvRZ9M Tent caterpillars are social…

Snails and Slugs

https://youtu.be/FYLqQabg1Bs So what are slugs and snails,…

Is it a Silverfish or Firebat or Bristletail

https://youtu.be/MePnQ9j6XY8  This…

The Pacific Dampwood Termite

https://youtu.be/HIGA1LqfUxI It's almost that time again…

Sawtoothed Grain Beetle

https://youtu.be/VQWvQtvJ-Wo   The…

The Indian meal Moth

https://youtu.be/WQfqWvQv48c The Indian meal moth is also…

The Hispid Cotton Rats

https://youtu.be/vy-6c0AYNjc Cotton rats are mainly agricultural…

Mason bees, the garden pets

https://youtu.be/wp6_TfRUO-Q Mason bees are our native…

Earwigs not ear worms

https://youtu.be/_XFYa2LJ_Io There is a fallacy that earwigs…

Blue Bottle Flies  

https://youtu.be/veG_oQrv9Y0 Blue bottle flies look similar…

The Bald-faced Hornet

https://youtu.be/xkfCSG_k6Ic The general name hornet is…

Fruit Flies, already?

https://youtu.be/oufEJG4Qc4o Fruit flies can appear to be…

Caddisflies – the periwinkle

https://youtu.be/dOrZf9MB5AU Caddisflies are not actually…

Millipedes- the insect with a lot of kickers

  https://youtu.be/JSVkRGDvwVA Millipedes are long, slim…

Daddy Longlegs the Harvestmen

https://youtu.be/OMRHBCdUbLo Daddy longlegs also go by…

All Hail the Yellow Jacket Queen

https://youtu.be/bb4rxEDPaxQ It’s that time again when…

Spring has Sprung Insects

https://youtu.be/lOLMOqTObU8 During March, I’ve been…

Nit-picking Biting Insects

https://youtu.be/iW9BUB9orK0 I’m often asked which insects…

Chinese Tetrastichus wasps used against the Emerald Ash Borers

https://youtu.be/_hlY64Pk5ZA In the battle against the…

Spring Cleaning Against Pests

  https://youtu.be/DEJ1dzMh7Oo Mid-march is a busy time…

Spring has sprung and so have the Carpenter Ants

  https://youtu.be/ZJ0PwD7phbY Carpenter ants are plentiful…

Feral Cat Program

https://youtu.be/z8z9Cf1UzKY A new program, south of the…

Gigantic Rodents the Nutria or Coypu

https://youtu.be/1tdEcUAZBMk   The Nutria is a large…

Randy Bilesky - Tsawwassen Rotary for Fundraiser

Rotarians set to jump out of airplane Four members of…

Ants brewing Antibiotic 

https://youtu.be/YovXibb3dbA Wood ants protect their ant…

Turkey Vultures  

https://youtu.be/dSw3Vtsb9vg The turkey vulture is a scavenger;…

Less Rodents more Zebrafish

https://youtu.be/vIPE1eeY2wE The zebrafish is a tropical…

Raze rules mandatory in Delta Rat problem  

https://youtu.be/hEUrPmw8lGA Starting January the Corporation…

Deadly Raccoon Roundworm 

  https://youtu.be/1lfYoAt5b_A A fatal raccoon parasite…

Mice and Lyme disease

https://youtu.be/-zvc1s_4aYk Since the early '90s, reported…

Barn Swallow Season

https://youtu.be/5M07s5e4qUU Barn Swallows build mud nests…

Oh Canada - Goose

https://youtu.be/7uOiExCeLrs Our majestic goose can pose…

What are Box Elder Bugs?

https://youtu.be/a0EIPimtEdk The box elder bug is a North…

The year of the Rat 2017

https://youtu.be/cOikmf9HsWI There's no end in sight to…

Winter Rodents in your yard.

https://youtu.be/zj6oatplh5g Are you prepared for signs…

The Great Blue Heron

https://youtu.be/xt5H4YcRsVs Blue Herons spend nearly…

Local Bird Diseases

https://youtu.be/VE8uAbzwBEk Birds, bird droppings…

Ants with social supergenes

https://youtu.be/qyiuy3NYkfM Scientists have discovered…

Tap-dancing Woodpeckers

  https://youtu.be/Fg5IyRn5tbw Woodpeckers peck at houses…

Ants in Parabiosis

https://youtu.be/sg3OwaGRhFg Parabiosis is the cooperation…

The Northwestern Crow  

https://youtu.be/DKS5BdS6RO8 Among the most intelligent…

Skinny mice and Cancer drugs

https://youtu.be/j2m230CGrD0 While conducting a cancer…

The Common Garter Snake

https://youtu.be/KMxwSMs4pDQ Common Garter Snakes spend…

Coyotes – the American Jackal

https://youtu.be/BpUBNFrFeMA Coyotes are crepuscular,…