Entries by Randy

Carabid Beetles a.k.a. the ground beetle

There are over 800 species of ground beetles in Canada. They can be found on the ground under logs, rocks, wood, leaves, boards, and other debris preying on ants, aphids, caterpillars, maggots, slugs, and worms. Although beneficial to the environment, these beetles can infest buildings in large numbers yet only reproduce outdoors.  When these nocturnal […]

The Near Eastern Wildcat

Several thousand years ago in China, cats were attracted to ancient farming villages by small animals, such as rodents that were living on the grain that the farmers grew, ate, and stored. Since then the relationship between humans and cats was started. Not yet domesticated, these cats lived close to farmers, and the relationship was […]

Pepe Le Pew Skunk

Skunks don’t actually hibernate but remain inactive in their dens for days to weeks during extreme cold as we are experiencing. Skunks typically mate around this time of the year, and the kits are born in mid spring. They are mostly nocturnal carnivores and feed on rodents like moles, voles, squirrels, rats, mice and other […]

Skin Beetles a.k.a. carpet

  Carpet beetles (Dermestid Beetles, Skin Beetles, Larder Beetles), this time of year, yes and they are hungry.  Measuring up to 4 mm they have oval-shaped black, white and yellow patterned bodies. The larval stage is this beetle’s damaging stage. Although the adult beetles feed on seeds, plants and flowers, the larvae consume fabric, fur […]

Mice show that Sleep is “rebooting the brain”  

Scientists studying mice have discovered that a key purpose of sleep is to recalibrate the brain cells responsible for learning and they have discovered several important molecules that govern the recalibration process. Now there is more evidence that sleep deprivation, sleep disorders and sleeping pills can interfere with the process. The mouse brain can only […]

Aphids the Plant Killer

Aphids or plant lice, cause more damage to cultivated plants than any other insect. There are over 1,350 species of aphids damaging garden plants, houseplants, coniferous and deciduous trees, and decorative shrubs. Aphids feed on plant sap and prefer new plant growth. They often feed in large numbers and can quickly destroy gardens and flowerbeds. […]

 Ticklish Giggling Rats  

Scientists do not know why tickling results in happiness or why certain body parts are more susceptible to the sensation than others, or why the best tickles occur at the hands of others. So rats were selected because young rats not only feel the sensation, but are also most ticklish on the belly and the […]

Female Wasps get the better deals

  According to scientists, wasps have exchange buddies and compete for the best trade agreements. Female wasps have the first choice of cooperative partners. Dominant wasps even negotiate hours with the workers to guarantee they can spend time in their nests. A study looked at wasps across multiple nests monitoring how they apply the economic […]

Bed Bug Smack-down

Bedbugs are small, nocturnal, wingless, parasitic insects that feed on humans and other warm blooded animals. They can travel over 6 meters from their hiding place to you. They hide in small places such as baseboards, cracks in floors, under carpets, behind loose wallpaper, bed frames, sofas and behind picture frames.  There are no health […]

Mice help Healing and Anxiety

A study used two strains of mice, and set them up as roommates in different combinations. They studied the effects by measuring difference traits such as wound healing, body weight, anxiety and depressed mood in both mice. They found that each mouse affected the outcome of its roommates in healing, weight, anxiety and depression. The […]

The Pocket Gopher

Gophers are small rodents that burrow tunnels and seldom appear above ground, when it does, it rarely ventures more than a few feet. Gophers are active during the day and are fossorial (live most of their lives underground). Gophers are herbivores (vegetation) eating tops of plants, roots and tubers of the plant. They eat, forage, sleep […]

Fancy Rats spreading Seoul virus

  There has been an outbreak of the dangerous Seoul virus, after contact with infected fancy-pet rats. Seoul virus is carried by rats and is a species of hantavirus that can cause a form of hemorrhagic fever. Symptoms can include fever, headache, back and abdominal pain, chills, impaired vision, redness of the eyes, or rash. […]

Ants don’t need compasses

  Ants are outstanding navigators that keep a straight path, plot the sun’s position and memorize their environment to guide their activities. Ants get their bearings correct regardless of the body’s direction and can find their way home under any condition. Ants may have tiny brains but their cognitive skills are outstanding in circumnavigating their […]

Tips on how to be owl friendly

The unique appearance of the owl makes it very distinguishable with its large head and enormous eyes. The owl is a ferocious and powerful hunter and will only consume live animals. Owls are independent birds and do have predators to worry about. They are considered to be top food chain elements. Here are a few […]

Silverfish Explosion

  In the last several weeks we have received several calls on silverfish infestations. Silverfish are unable to survive in low relative humidity so finding the source of the extra humidity is a start. Because we live in such a wet climate, many homes have silverfish inherently in the walls and ceiling do to captured […]

Catatonic Opossum

  In the face of danger, opossums go into a catatonic state or playing dead, in self-defense. A nocturnal marsupial, they can recognizable by their pointed snout and rodent like tail. They are solitary creatures living in areas near bogs and marshes. Opossums are omnivores and change their diets as the season’s changes. They eat […]

Ants understand work-life balance

Humans have a constant dilemma, how do we allocate resources based on responsibilities and energy. It poses a problem for ants as well. It has been determined that ants understand work-life balance better than we do. In a colony of ants only a percentage of them actually work while the balance is inactive conserving food, […]

Cottontails and Hares

The rabbits most commonly found in Delta are cottontails and hares. Being herbivores, rabbits eat grasses, clover, herbs, lettuce, peats, dandelions, and the leaves of saplings. But in the winter, their food includes the bark of birch, oak, maple, and dogwood trees, along with twigs, stems, and buds. They are mostly nuisance pests and can […]

Delta’s flittermouse, the Bat

Our bats, the only mammals capable of flight, eat great numbers of insects but are considered nuisances, when they choose to roost in homes attics. The little brown bat and big brown bat, roost together in large colonies and can spread diseases and damage your home. The bats droppings are called guano and they make […]

Caterwauling Feral Cats

Feral cats are the offspring of domestic cats that have never actually belonged to a person or had any socialization with people. Feral cats are mostly fearful and have trouble acclimatizing to humans. They readily adapt to their environments and prefer to live in colonies. Feral cats can live on garbage, pet food, rodents, birds, […]

Pharaoh Ants, the King of Bites

Pharaoh ants are infamous indoor pests, colonizing through a process called budding. Budding allows for the insects to spread infestations rapidly and into nearly any area. With pincer-like jaws, Pharaoh ants will bite leaving a painful welt that can last for hours, similar to a flea bite. While Pharaoh ant bites are not poisonous, they […]

Where have the Raptors Gone

South Delta seems to have lost the birds of prey to land development. Where have they gone and why? Most likely answer would be the reduction of farm lands hence the reduction of rodents. If you travel along highway 17 near highway 99 you now can see thousands of birds milling around, drawn in by […]

The furnace is on and the rodents are coming inside

Now that winters here, you’re not the only one seeking a roof over your head. As temperatures drop, mice, rats and squirrels head indoors in search of nourishment and heat. There isn’t a home in Delta that hasn’t had a mice coming in and out, or living there at one time or another. Mice can […]

Cockroach Infestations up in 2016

The number of cockroach infestations reported in the lower mainland last year rose by nearly 69% according to figures recently released. This is the twelfth year in a row in which pest control companies have seen a rise in the number of complaints received relating to these pests in B.C.  Cockroaches pose a risk to […]

BPS plastics affect Mice

We all now know that BPS, found in baby bottles, drinking bottles and other places, is a replacement chemical for BPA. Now researchers have found that a BPS may have biological effects. Mice were used to examine the effects of BPS on nurturing behavior and related brain regions. Nesting mothers exposed to BPS during pregnancy […]

Honda and Toyota help make rodents happy

 The unintended consequence of car manufactures going green makes them taste way too good! There are several systems in the new vehicles that can be damaged by rodents: electrical wiring harnesses, air conditioning and heating ducts, seat cushions, trunk and storage area carpeting and various fluid containers. Many composition materials that are eaten will contain: […]

The Ground Beetles

Ground beetles are beneficial insects that help to curb populations of pests and weeds. They are infrequent invaders, normally seen in the fall; they enter homes in the middle or end of summer. These beetles are attracted to light and are noticeable when they gather around well-lit buildings. When they infest a building the worse […]

Ever seen a sweaty Mouse?

Mice skin cells are predetermined to be sweaty or hairy, and their fate is determined by competing signals, during the embryonic growth. Mice have different skin cells that develop hair follicles on their back and designated skin cells that develop sweat glands on their paws. The mice skin cells differ from their hairy backs to their […]

What is Pest Exclusion?

Pest exclusion is designed to stop pest issues before they begin and are a part of the IPM integrated pest management protocol. Pests need three things for existence: food, water and shelter, so it maybe your house, business or the garage in the back. Once these pests find a way in, getting them gone can […]

Honey, Bees and Wasps

  As I sit eating my toast with butter and honey, I reflected on those hot summer days this year and how many bees and wasps (hornets) I encountered. When we think of honey bees we think of honey, when we think of wasps or hornets we think about being stung. Of course both will […]

Delta’s dangerous garden rodents

Now the snow is melting and the cold snap has come to an abrupt end, more rodents have been driven out of the wild in search of food and shelter.  Delta’s community is surrounded in vast open farms, bogs, parks and virtually all homes have seen an increase of rodent activities, from mice to raccoons […]

Mice helping man, again

In an experiment, surgeons injected cancerous mice with microscopic probes to locate the tumor. The nanoscale (highly interdisciplinary in nanoscience and nanotechnology) fluorescent probes that turn on when encountering cancer which help remove tumors in mice without harming healthy tissue. The switching on behavior is unique to nanoscale technology, which is measured in billionths of […]

Hibernating Carpenter Ants

A couple weeks ago when I was moving some firewood at the side of my house, I found carpenter ants hibernating inside one of the cut logs. These guys nest in logs, stumps, hollow trees and our homes. They like to tunnel into moist, rotting wood and other soft materials to make satellite nests, in […]

The Masked Bedbug Hunters

Masked Hunters you ask? These insects are true bugs, a collection of bugs with sucking mouthparts. When they make their way into homes, they frequent attics and crawlspaces where they can easily camouflage themselves and hunt for food. Thankfully, bed bugs and carpet beetles are their favorite food sources, although they will also feed on […]

Christmas Insects with a Sweet tooth.

  Are you guilty of having a sweet tooth? I know that I am! But that’s okay, there’s no shame in chowing down on Christmas cookies or candy this season. With the furnaces cranked up now, the insects are coming inside and literally coming alive. But if you are leaving crumbs behind or those seasonal […]

Yes it’s an Organic Christmas Tree

Why not, if you can get an organic tree then you know that the environment is better off because the tree was grown without pesticides. Organic farming makes sense, those people that grow and harvest the trees are not subjected to the harmful side effects of pesticides, be it insecticides or herbicides, and it’s better […]

Is that a smile on your face rat?

Scientists were put to the challenge of determining what a smile on a rat face looks like. Therefore, as scientists do, they experimented with lab rats by photographing their subjects while being exposed to things that might make a rat happy or upset. They looked for facial displays of happy feelings in rats that were […]

Black Widows a.k.a. the tangle-web spider

Rules #1, if you see a chaotic, twisted web, do not stick your finger in it or you may lose it. This spider is one of the most infamous spiders. The female Black Widows are the ones with the plump black abdomen with a red hourglass (or red spot) on the bottom. These widow makers […]

Silverfish, it’s Here it’s Gone

If you have ever had a silverfish infestation than it’s most likely that you’ve seen them in the sink or bathtub, that is because they are falling from the ceiling, electrical and plumbing fixtures and can’t get out. Living as long as 3 years and producing over 1000 eggs a year, these night crawlers can […]

The Mighty Mouse is Rearing Its Head

Once mice have invaded a home, the residences are on high alert for noises and the little messes they leave behind. It’s that time of year again. Rats little brother the mice are infesting homes across Delta and people aren’t happy about it. This fall, I have received countless reports of mice invading homes all […]

ADHD found in Rats.

  A new study found female rats’ exposure to allergens during pregnancy had an effect on their pups. This new study could help explain how allergies effect the development of ADHD and autism in children. They have discovered changes in the rat brains of fetuses and rat pups exposed to allergens during pregnancy. The adult […]

The fountain of a mouse’s youth is really creepy.

Scientists have discovered that injecting young (18 year old teenager) human blood plasma into older mice (12 months old) helps to rejuvenate their bodies. The blood plasma made the old mice perform like young ones, running around in open spaces much like the younger mice. But that’s not it either; their power of memory and […]

 Warehouse Beetles a.k.a. Storeroom Killer

The warehouse beetle is a pest that is truly insatiable feeder and a health hazard to us and animals, because of the long list of foods that it attacks and how it might affect us if we consume it. The beetle’s prime source of protein includes legumes, nuts, animal feed, barley, wheat, pollen, and stored seeds. […]

Winter Rodent Control

Now that our style of winter weather has come, rats and mice often seek shelter in homes and commercial buildings where they can stay warm and well-fed throughout the season. When it comes to rodents, it’s important for home and business owners to remember the importance of year round maintenance. During this colder weather, rodents […]

 Tickled Rats Jump for Joy

 A study on rats identifies the tickle hub of the warm-blooded vertebrate brain, shows that exciting a certain region can provoke an outbreak of ultrasonic happy squeals.  The researchers found that rats are actually enjoying it. The ultrasonic shrills the rats make are expressions of pleasure. The tickling triggers the “neurotransmitter dopamine” in the brains […]

Rodent Pain can be Infectious

There is now convincing evidence that pain can be transmitted socially. Rodents communicate distress and are affected by the distress of others. Pain odor signals may be transferred from one rodent to another by compounds left in the air. Odor may function as a signal that can transmit pain sensitivity from one animal to the […]

The Omnipresent Raccoons  

From a raccoon’s perspective, we humans make outstanding neighbors. When raccoons take advantage of the food and shelter we provide, they often get into trouble. Raccoons are an ever-present sight in Delta evening landscape. They have a malleability that allows them live in the wild, suburban setting too our urban jungles. Raccoons have the natural […]

Pesticides in our Composts

How do pesticides get into our compost? Well, composting of pesticide-treated plants. We have laws that restrict the use of pesticides that should make compost safe from pesticide contamination. But, we still apply synthetic pesticides in our gardens and lawns (although we are not allowed). Many pesticides like herbicides, insecticides and fungicides will break down […]

Another threat to Honey Bees – the Moku Virus

Honey Bees are vital to crop pollination worldwide and to the global food supply. Honey bees are currently facing colony collapse disorder and Varroa mites: a deforming wing virus that renders a bee’s wings useless. And now, a new virus, dubbed Moku, has been found in a species of wasp that has the potential to […]

Monkey Weevils?

Weevils, these small vexations, are one of the most destructive pests across Canada; having a vast influence on our agriculture industry, food supplies, and ornamental plant life. They can defoliate and severely damage entire crop yields. They eat plants, grains and other stored foods and lay their eggs once they have done. They invade our […]

   Pest-free home in 4 steps

 A nice warm dry house is the perfect setting for pests like rats, mice, squirrels, skunks and raccoons to spend fall and winter and conserve energy by escaping the weather. Make time to keep your home pest-free whether you’ve seen signs or heard pest activity or just want serenity at home.    Pest Free step […]

 What the Zika virus does to male mice

                         New study shows that the Zika virus shriveled male mice’s reproductive parts by 90 per cent, severely reducing fertility. Zika virus ravages the testes of male mice, reducing sperm counts and fertility. The virus attacks the body structure where sperm are made and reach maturity. Experiments found output of useful sperm fell by three […]

More GMOs and Pesticide Use

Organisms that have been genetically modified have not led to increases in crop yields and chemical pesticide use has not dropped, reported by the New York Times. A genetically modified organism, is an organism that has had its DNA altered or modified with DNA from another organism, these organisms are referred to as “transgenic” organisms. […]

Black Furniture Carpet Beetles

Adult carpet beetles are often carried into houses on plants and flowers. Black furniture carpet beetles cause the most damage during the larval stage, and the first signs of an infestation are adult beetles on windowsills. Their larvae can be detected by irregular holes found in carpets, fabric, clothing, and furniture. Carpet beetles tend to […]

Pre-Purchase Pest Inspections

If you are looking to buy a new (older) home or investment property, then you need a pest inspection report of the property just for the peace of mind. Here in Delta, properties are at particular risk of carpenter ants, which can be highly damaging to structure of the building.  If any structure is affected […]

Can you flee the flea? 

Cat-scratch fever, typhus and the plague can all be transmitted by fleas. They inflict painful bites that can leave itchy welts that last for days and the scratching can easily lead to open wounds, sores and infection. Fleas are little parasitic hitchhikers that survive on their hosts’ blood.  Flea bites on humans swell up because […]

Pharaoh ant invasions are determined by weather

  The majority of pharaoh ant invasions occur during winter rainstorms and summer droughts. These ants are most likely to enter homes in cold, wet conditions, a typical winter in Delta. A smaller peak in the level of infestation occurs during hot, dry conditions typically in August and September. Ants invade kitchens and dining rooms […]

Delta’s four legged Wildlife

When considering the four legged wildlife we have in the Delta region, the animals (considered to be pests) that I encounter most are raccoons, skunks, squirrels and rats. Each has their distinct territories, life spans and unique social life characteristics.     -Raccoon’s life expectancy in the wild is between 1 to 3 years. Territorial sizes vary […]

What happens when the Queen ant dies?

So what happens when an ant colony with only one queen dies of natural or unnatural causes?  The queen produces a variety of pheromones giving directions to the workers. One of the pheromones suppresses the ovary development of the workers, hence they don’t lay eggs. The main purpose of the queen is to lay eggs […]

Delta’s future looks ratty

Between climate changes, new home construction, old abandoned homes and more people and trash- the rats are getting the upper hand.  Old houses or rundown, abandoned properties are popular rat reservoirs of rats. When those buildings are demolished, there’s a rat exodus. Then they’ll try to colonize other homes in the neighborhood.  Plus, warmer climate […]

Deer Mice might help male fertility in humans

There is a specific gene tied to deer mouse’s sperm speed, which one day might help a possible genetic influence on male fertility in humans. The deer mouse has a gene that makes its sperm faster and more virile then the field mouse. The reason is that there is an expanded midsection in the sperm’s tail […]

Things that crawl in the night

  As Halloween approach, we are seeing more insects invade our homes as they get out of the weather. Some are small and terrible, sending adults and children into a screaming fit or nightmare. Here are a few:  1. Twisted-wing parasite larvae eat their mother. When the babies are ready to come out, they eat […]

Naked mole rats just don’t feel the pain

The naked mole rats, found in African countries has evolved to feel pain differently, and are mainly unaffected by pain from carbonic acid. This troll like rodent is highly resistant to cancer can live 10-30 years longer than mice and rats. They are small, hairless, and virtually blind and live in colonies up to 300, tunneling […]

My house smells like a morgue

Okay, one day you get back from work and there is an off smell in your house. You walk around the house but you can’t identify where the smell is coming from. Then it hits you, literally, the smell is coming from the crawl space and you been fighting rats (or mice) for the last […]

Springtails in the fall ?

Many people confuse Springtails with fleas as they can great heights relative to the size of their bodies. These soil dwelling arthropods reside near food sources of dead, organic materials such as algae, fungi, and decaying matter, which may range from rotting vegetables to animal remains. Their furcula, which looks like a long clasp folding […]

Rats and Mice and Ultrasonic Love Songs

    Rodents use ultrasonic songs to claim territory and attract mates with high-pitched love songs. It has been discovered that mice and rats don’t use vibrating vocal folds in their larynx to make ultrasonic sounds but they do it in an unusually different way. Their singing method is similar to that of a jet […]

The Rats are coming, the Rats are coming

In Delta there are 3 common domestic or farmyard problematic rodents. These include the house mouse, Norway rat and the roof rat (black rat). Rats and mice are easy to detect and leave plenty of evidence. From chewing through a cereal box in your cupboards to feeding on fruit left on the counter, they can […]

Autumn rains bring out the wasps and rats

The combination of fall rains and warmer weather has helped encourage the wasps and rat populations to flourish. The last several summers have been rather warm and dry which has changed the comings and goings of pest. The sudden abundance of food and water this late summer, early fall has meant an increase in many […]

Buying Used Furniture and Bed Bugs

Varage and craigslist are two great ways of buying and selling used furniture, I’ve done it myself many times. If you are the buyer you need to keep in mind that just because it may look nice on the outside, there may be bed bugs lurking inside ready to start a pest infestation. Try to […]

Stoat Sighting

The Stoat is a small mammal in the family which also includes weasels, mink, otters, ferret, badgers, and skunks. The Stoat is also known as the short-tailed weasel and they can live up to 7 years of age. Stoats have a long, tube-shaped body and neck, short legs and a lengthy tail. Stoats prefer lowland […]

Drugstore Beetles

Drugstore beetles are also known as the bread or biscuit beetle and look like the cigarette beetles. Years ago, Drugstore Beetles used to be major pest concern in pharmacies, feeding on herbs used in medicines. Omnivorous eaters, they mainly feeds on cereal, flour, breads, cookies, seeds, grains, pet foods, spices, red pepper, flour, almost any […]

What’s in your Shed – pesticides ?

As the weather cools and days lengthen, your attention may be turning to cleaning up the leaves and re-organizing the shed. It’s time to take inventory of all the pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. You should check the labels for expiry dates (to toss out) and take note of the all the chemicals with multiple formulations […]

Zoonotic Disease

In my travels controlling rodents and wildlife, I am often asked what diseases the particular animal I’m dealing with can harbor. In fact, the spread of a disease between animals and humans is called a zoonotic disease. Six out of ten diseases in humans are spread from animals. Zoonotic diseases can be caused by viruses, […]

The Super Predator -The Great Horned Owl

The great horned owls are super predators. They are the single most successful predator on the planet Earth and can live as long as 28 years. Their talons are the dangerous thing, with five hundred pounds per square inch of pressure that they can exert on their prey; similar to a golden eagle, or to […]

Mice help shrink oral cancer in half

Recent results show tumors in mice were shrunk to half the size in 2 weeks. There was huge success in mice from anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitors and epidermal growth factor receptors.  Statistically, sixty percent of people are detected in a late stage of the disease with a survival rate below 50 percent. This can change […]

Delta Raccoons heading north and beyond  

Is it global warming, is it more space, is it better food, changing ecosystems, who knows but raccoons are moving north. They are as adaptable as any species of mammal and are very capable of using what’s available. Raccoons greatest strengths is its skill at finding and digesting a wide variety of food, from hunting and […]

Problem solved, rats and dry ice   

As the winters become milder each year and construction continues to boom in Delta, there has been a vast increase in the rat population, some Delta residents say epic proportions and Delta’s dirty little secret. There is now a new(ish) method for getting rid of man’s oldest pest – rats; Dry ice is an apparent […]

Rats’ and their Drinking Habits  

Over the many years of experimenting with lab rats to help cure cancer and thousands of other research projects, rats have been subjected to alcohol. They have learned a lot about the consumption habits of these rodents. It is believed that rats do not get hangovers. It takes almost a thousand genes in rats DNA […]

The dirty underworld lives of Voles

“Voles are unique and best described as being a little bit like all the other rodents they are so commonly thought to be” stated by some wise guy. Voles are active day and night throughout the year, similar to squirrel behavior. Voles eat seeds, nuts, fruit, bark, bulbs, plants, insects and they will eat dead […]

Pot-bellied pigs are out, Capybaras are in

Capybaras are the world’s largest rodents, which can grow to be about 150 pounds, they are friendly and once you get their scent glands removed, can be amorous pets. The capybaras kind of look like a gerbil on steroids and are herbivores, so they don’t see us as prey or predator. If you are interested […]

Squirrels are on the compass

How do animals find their direction within their environment? Ground squirrels use information on the position of the sun when they hide and then return to retrieve their stash. The position of the sun serves as a reference point for the animals. Squirrels store their food reserves in several hiding places. Squirrels probably use the […]

Attack of the killer moles

Moles will attack your lawn and tunnel throughout it until it looks like a scene from a battle field in WW I. They are not necessarily dangerous, unless you capture one live then watch out for their teeth, they bite! Their submarine like bodies and potent front claws allow the moles to swim through dirt. […]

Cricket Anyone ?

Although harmless to humans, crickets feed on food of both plants and insects, including other crickets. Crickets are nocturnal and therefore during the day they hide in dark, moist places avoiding predators. They can live in a variety of environments, including fields, trees, tunnels, sheds and even in your garbage.  As the weather turns colder, […]

Ladies and gentlemen – the (Powderpost) Beetles

Maple, ash, oak, and pine you are not safe. Damage wooden furniture and wet or rotting wooden structures are the main target of this species of wood-boring insect. Unlike other wood damaging insects these critter leave behind a trail of fine wood sawdust. Although they are very strong flying pests, they are usually introduced to […]

Goats are the new sheep

In the war against weeds, the battle grounds have been lost and won by man since time started. Herbicides, pesticides, brushcutters and bobcats have been the go to solutions in recent history but now enter the latest weapon: the goat and sheep. Management of farms, woodlots, waterways or in thick vegetation where mechanized equipment cannot […]

The ants come marching

I have received literally hundreds of calls about ants this year. Yards, houses and people’s lives have been attacked by these somewhat beneficial eusocial insects. Some yards have been invaded with not only hundreds but thousands of ants. I have seen driveways, pools, walkways and walls coated with ants. And to add insult to injury […]

Pest Control Ad Nauseam

If you listen to the radio at all, any station it seems, one of my pest control competitors has been advertising ad nauseam about preparing for the rodent invasion. Although we have several weeks of summer left, as the days grow shorter the four legged animals from mice to raccoons know that they need to […]

Superpower abilities of rats

Rats can follow wind and other airflows with just a sniff and a tic of their whiskers. New research helps explain how the rodents can do everything from find food to predict weather. The term whisking is a phenomenon used with regards to tracking wind flow. Whisking is when whiskered animal moves its facial whiskers […]

Use caution before using the insecticide Malathion

Health Canada is advising Canadians to not use malathion products older than one year due to chemical changes in the product over time. Malathion kills insects by preventing their nervous system from working properly. Malathion is effective in killing mosquitoes, aphids, loopers, moths, beetles, leaf bugs and other pests. Alarmingly, when stored at elevated temperatures […]

Leaf-footed Bugs

These insects have leaf-like enlargements found on their hind legs. The pests feed on tomatoes, numerous nuts, citrus fruits, and ornamental trees and shrubs. Leaf-footed bugs can also damage crops as they feed. If you are a gardener, may notice withered, warped, or emaciated seeds where the Leaf-footed bugs feed. These insects can also damage […]

Meet the Hump-backed fly

Like other flies, hump-backed (Phorid) flies have the capacity to transport diseases. The adult females lay their eggs in or on decaying organic materials, such as animal feces or carcasses, sewage, rotting food and plants, and the layers of scum that build up on the sides of drains. Because they breed in corpses (from rats […]

Rat contraceptive!!

Two rat mating couples can, over an 8 to 12 month life span, generate 15 million descendants. The mating couple guards their territory from neighboring tribes who would invade if there were a sudden drop in population, the cause of poison’s rebound effect. A new birth control for rodents, particularly rats, could soon be available. […]

What’s that smell?? Odorous Ants!

Why do they call them odorous ants? Crush one and you can smell an off citrus smell. Ladner and Tsawwassen seem to be pledged by these very opportunistic ants, they can live in a variety of nesting sites, moving constantly to avoid detection and unfavorable habitat. I find them in huge super colonies (100,000 ants) […]

Are Wasps Beneficial?

It is true that wasps are beneficial since they do pollinate, although less than their furry cousins the bees do. Wasps also help gardeners because they capture garden pests, including caterpillars, maggots and larvae of other insects. Their prey is returned to the nest in large or small portions, chewed and fed to the larva, particularly in the […]

The ants come marching one by one

This time of the year, I get a steady stream of people calling about ants in the kitchen, laundry room or just crawling around everywhere in doors and out. Ants are also attracted to an area that offers shelter, water, proteins and carbohydrates and protection for their queen and their colony as a whole. The […]

The season of the polecat – the stinky stunk

. This summer has been very active for skunk families taking up residences under people’s porches, sheds and decks. The young skunks are now becoming quite active and this means: let’s play with our new stinky spray. Of course skunks are notorious for their anal scent glands, which they use as a defensive weapon. Skunks […]

Super Lice – School must be starting soon

https://youtu.be/hnFqOLR5IQo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnFqOLR5IQo&feature=youtu.be The age of the super lice has begun and it’s just in time for a new year of school. A study has found a set of three mutations that allow lice to survive the most treatments used to get rid of them, pyrethroids. This is the same insecticide we use to kill ants, […]

The dog days of summer bring out the wasps.

Depending on the type of wasp, they can sting with little incitement, especially the bald-face hornet, paper wasps and yellow jackets. These pests will sting when they become agitated; be it a soccer ball hitting the nest, cutting the lawn too close, trimming the shrub that their nest is in etc. and they will seek to defend […]

Organic pesticides that work

Here are a few household products that actually work well as organic pesticides. Lemon insecticide: Grated a lemon and add to boiling water. Turn off the heat and allow it to sit overnight before straining the liquid through a coffee filter. Spray on the top and underside of the leaves of the affected plant. Oil spray: To make, just […]

Hoarders and Insects they Harbor

We have all seen or heard about the show hoarders. I’ve now seen several apartments that a hoarder has turned into a major insect infestation. Those people are living in such appalling conditions. There is the mental illness aspect to it, yet they may be hurting their family and pets. These hoarders collect paraphernalia and […]

Baby Skunks

If the baby skunk or skunks are out of their burrow for extended periods of time on their own, it is likely they will be deserted and will become orphaned and worth trying to catch. Orphans that have been without their mother may have become cold and dehydration.  They should be warmed and then offered […]

So here is what is happening to our Bees

The world’s most widely used pesticides, neonicotinoid insecticides, may be acting as birth control for male bees, leaving drones with less sperm for their queen. Neonicotinoids kill pests by messing up their nervous systems. Male honeybees called drones, only purpose is to mate with a queen. Poor mating can tax the productivity of a queen […]

The best organics to buy

The best organics to buy Some scientists say organic produce is more nutritious, helps you build more muscle mass and it burns more fat than conventionally grown food. I don’t believe any of that but one benefit of organic farming is that fewer pesticides go into your body and the environment. Best organic foods are: […]

Bats Nature’s Pest Control

  Most of the bats found in Delta are important for farming because they consume crop pests as a normal part of their diets. Bats are the main nighttime slayer of insects, consuming 100 to 600 bugs per hour. Different species of bats prefer different insects, from mosquitoes to crop insects.  Use these tips to […]

The roof and Norway rat

The difference between roof rats and Norway rats is all about where they like to live, in addition to differences in physical appearance. Scratching, whining, shrieking and bickering, roof rats brashly publicize their existence in the rafters, attics and kitchens they live in. Norway rats circulate in basements and lower levels of buildings, culverts and […]

The Ladybug

The ladybug (Ladybird or Lady beetle or coccinellids) has an average lifespan of 2 to 3 years in the wild and hibernate in the winter? Adult ladybugs are round, semi-circle shaped insects with stumpy legs and antennae. Their dots and the amount can vary from species to species. In some the colouring is reversed making […]

Ants’ nuptial flight

This time yearly, clouds of winged ants arise from their nests for the brief saturnalia known as nuptial flight. The winged ants are the reproductive males and females of a nest, which take flight to mate. The winged ants are the reproductive males and females of the colony, which grow wings for their brief flight. […]

List of fruits and veggies with most to least pesticides

Below are a list of fruits and vegetables, from worst to best, based on the amount of pesticide found on the food. More than 98 percent of strawberry, peaches, nectarines, and apples tested positive for at least one pesticide residue. The average potato has more pesticides by weight than any other produce. A single grape […]

Bee-killing pesticide banned in Vancouver

The Vancouver ban on neonicotinoids will come into effect on July 26. is a group of pesticides that is believed to contribute to bee mortality. Neonicotinoids were developed in the early 1990s as a safer alternative to DDT, but they kill bees by dropping their resistance to infection and waning their ability to reproduce. They are widely used […]

 Booklouse aka Booklice

  Despite what you are thinking, they are not true lice. Their name merely refers to the extraordinary possibility of finding them in old books and paper products. They require sufficient humidity and dampness to survive. Booklice are mostly seen from spring to summer. They are harmless until these pests produce large numbers of offspring, […]

House Dust Mites

House dust mites are related to the spider family. They live on mattresses, bedding, upholstered furniture, carpets and curtains. These miniature pests feed on the flakes of skin that our pets and we shed daily. They thrive in warm and humid environments. No matter how clean a home is dust mites cannot be totally eliminated. […]

Scary Spider Beetles

Spider beetles are unscrupulous vultures of stored products. They tend to feed on old and mouldy stuff. The adult spider beetles are known to remain active in freezing temperatures. Spider beetles often gain access to warehouses, mills, grain storage facilities, and attics with rodent or bird nests. Since the pests feed on feces and like […]

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

IPM is simply balancing pesticide use with natural methods of pest control or maximising the methods supplied by nature to help reduce pesticide use. IPM ensures that pesticides are used with correct understanding for the surrounding biodiversity and land, as well as for the health of the user.  You prepare to keep pests from becoming […]

Amazing Facts About Mice

1) One female mouse can have over 160 babies per year. In a perfect mouse world, females are able to have up to 12 babies every 2-3 weeks beginning when they’re 7-8 weeks old. 2) Tomcats don’t help much. Most cats are too well fed and just don’t care enough about mice, unless they need to […]

The Temple of Rats

The Karni Mata Temple in remote Deshnoke India is infested with more than 20,000 rats and visitors come to worship the rodents; the reincarnated children of celebrated goddess Karni Mata. The rats, called kabbas, are protected by the buildings netting and grills to keep out predators such as raptors. The rodents scamper freely within the temple and eating […]

Is that a Cockroach!

    Cockroaches are among the oldest and most resilient occupants of Delta. They are highly malleable and can live wherever enough food, moisture, and heat exist. These insects enter buildings occupied by us to look for warm, damp environments close to sources of food and water. Cockroach habits range from basements to bathrooms, greenhouses, […]

Insects large “cribs” nests

In the world of insects, mega nests are always possible, yet dealing with competition from other colonies or natural enemies usually limits the size of their nest. Wasps, ants and termites can grow mega mansions if the conditions are just right. The Vespula germanica species of wasps, found in much of the Northern Hemisphere, native to Europe, […]

Leave those baby wild animals alone!  

What do you do when you are in the outdoors and you found, which you think is, an abandoned wild baby animal. Our good-hearted efforts to save a wild animal may actually lessen its chances of survival. Well, it’s best to leave them in their natural habitat, untouched and only watch from a distance to […]

Summer Spiders

Other than the last couple weeks we in Delta have had an unseasonably warm weather, now finally summer is here. The recent weather has been the perfect conditions for spiders to prosper and become a nuisance in your home. Warmer weather escalates breeding for flying insects, which spiders thrive on. So, with spider population increasing […]

Ladies and Gentlemen “The striped flea beetles”

The striped flea beetle, which sounds like a rock band, are coming which means farmers have to change their control methods because this species are different and must be treated as such. They feed most on hot sunny days and attack a wide variety of plants including beans, cabbage, corn, eggplant, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce […]

Voles show signs of empathy

It has long been known that certain animals can show empathy such as dogs, elephants, chimpanzees and dolphins. Now it has been discovered that prairie voles would console one another after experiencing stress. A study team set up an experiment where a pair of voles where isolated from each other and one of them was […]

Cats, Dogs and Fleas

There are cat fleas, dog fleas and human fleas. These pests inflict pain, are a nuisance and are capable of transmitting diseases to us and our pets. They can jump as high as 17 cm and a distance of about 45 cm horizontally. Once these pests enter your home, via your pets or you, they […]

Birds in the Attic?

This is the season where the birds are nesting and if your house looks inviting to new flying tenants then read on. There are many means of getting rid of these attic dwellers. Exclusion is one of the simplest ways of keeping the birds out; this mechanical removal of birds and their nests is a […]

Simple steps for a pest free summer

When watering around your yard, keep in mind that excess water will cause some pests to move into your home and business to avoid the water. Moles, voles, gophers and mice will seek drier locations when they anticipate a lot of rain.  After heavy rain falls get rid of standing water including bird baths, potted […]

Summer Wasps

Summer wasps are right round the corner. A warmer late winter as we experienced this year, causes hibernating queens to appear earlier.  There are signs to be on the lookout for a developing wasp nest: watch for wasps around gutters, roof spaces, wall cavities, eaves, sheds, and garages. If a nest appears under the roof […]

Carpenter Ant Hang-outs

These ants like to nest in moist wood or constructions already damaged by other insects. Most carpenter ant nests are found in decaying wood in areas such as windows, chimneys, doorframes and in hollow spaces such as wall voids. Therefore, with damp wood, appropriate temperatures and protection from predators, carpenter ant colonies can thrive. There […]

Your new lawn, here come the raccoons

In the pest control business, we come across raccoons that think that a newly sodded lawn is open season on worms and grubs, underestimating their abilities can result in extensive damage to client’s property. When sod is laid, regardless of the time of the year, the fresh soil underneath coupled with high levels of moisture attracts worms and grubs to […]

The destructive marmorated stink bug

It’s small, it’s ravenous and if you splosh it, it stinks. This one is one centimetre in size, it’s brown on it top side and brown or grey on its bottom side. The invasive and damaging brown marmorated stink bug poses a risk to fruit and vegetable crops, vineyards, as well as home owners. Biologists […]

Property Managers Top 7 list. Pests

Here is a list of the top 7 things property managers have to deal with. Property managers have a variety of work to do and have to deal with all the residents’ concerns but in the end they want the best possible living situation for all parties involved. Building Maintenance: Property managers are always concerned […]

Ant season is here

  Time to do the two step in your kitchen swearing you’ll send them to that great anthill in the sky. Here in Delta we are really are sitting on an ant hill. There are thousands of ant species, but around here we contend primarily with pavement ants, pharaoh ants, odorous ant and the carpenter […]

Honeybee pollen can be contaminated with pesticides

Pesticides are a long-term stress factor for bees. Honeybees collect their pollen from commercial crops and non-crop plants, which are often laden with pesticides during the growing season. In a 16 week study at 3 locations, pollen was collected comprising of samples from 30 plant families. The results showed that 31 pesticides were found in […]

Rodents should not use cell phones  

Researchers are now using rodents to find out how exactly more exposure to cell phone radiation affects tumor growth. They exposed the mice and rats to radiation that are equivalent to the radiation that people get from cell phones.  They gave the mice high doses of radiation every day for two years. The rats were […]

Save a Bee – read the labels

Hotter temperatures are arriving earlier this year, moving up the schedule for planting gardens and flowerbeds. As we are creeping ever so closer to summer, gardening here in Delta is picking up. You are reminded to be mindful of bee populations. A few simple steps as a homeowner can make us “bee” friendly to pollinators. […]

Bowl of Fruits and Pesticides

Just washing fruits and vegetables is not enough to ensure produce is clean enough to eat. We breathe chemicals, drink them, and we eat them. Food that supposes to be healthy and good for us, in reality, we are also ingesting poisons that can accumulate in our bodies and make us very sick.  Pesticides overall […]

Gnats a.k.a. midges

The gnats you see inside and around buildings are fungus gnats and dark-winged fungus gnats, they are often mistaken for mosquitoes yet they are actually true flies.  They can be an annoyance and harm some ornamental plants and garden crops. Most gnats are delicate looking pests with long wings and spindly legs. Generally they are considered to […]

Tick- Tock It’s Tick Time

Common hard ticks found in B.C are black-legged tick or deer tick, the wood tick and the brown dog tick.  The one tick we are most worried about is the black–legged tick. Blacklegged ticks cannot jump or fly, they climb onto vegetation and wait till an animal comes along and then they catch a ride. […]

Dreaming of Earwigs?

Europeans believed that this insect would crawl into the ear canal of a sleeping person and bore into the brain. Although this is obviously untrue they can bite your skin to defend themselves. The earwig is actually a beneficial insect because it helps in the decomposition organic material and feeds on destructive insects. Earwigs like […]

Unseasonable weather great for wasps and hornets

May’s early hot streak follows the warmest April on record in Delta. May is off to a hot start, with sky-high temperatures shattering records. The warmer weather has created a boom in wasps and hornets. The warmer weather had been “incredible” for wasp breeding.  Wasps have been off the scale this year, already I’ve been called […]

Go Green Natural Pest Control Choices

If you want to go green with only natural pest control products to keep insects, pests and rodents at bay here are a few ways. Diatomaceous earth is made of hard-shelled algae called diatoms. It kills most of the insects such as ants, spiders, silverfish, wasps, slugs and several others. It can be mixed with […]

Are those termites?

I’ve only seen half dozen dampwood termite infestations in Delta over the last couple years. These termite colonies where found in a decaying stumps and where not a threat to the home owners. The presence of these dampwood termites usually indicates an ongoing moisture problem, so unless the foundation of your home is wet these […]

Mice baby daycare

House mice often raise their offspring in a communal nest if they have similar litter sizes yet as soon as the litter sizes differ, there are fewer communal nests. The females want to lower their risk of being exploited. House mice are able to prevent social problems and still collaborate. These mice adjust their enthusiasm […]

Odorous ants a.k.a. stink ant or coconut ant

These ants have a pungent odour similar to lemon-rotting coconut. Odorous ants move their nests around rapidly to avoid other ants, weather conditions or someone trying to kill them. These ants create large supercolony, with many satellite colonies in the immediate area. Other than being a nuisance, they have been known to contaminate food. They […]

Say yes to beneficial insects and no to pesticides

Ideal conditions for creating natural habitat conditions for beneficial insects include plenty of flowers with nectar, weeds and plant shrubs. Happy insects require perennials to give them year-round food and shelter. If you don’t have the conditions for the beneficial insects, the plant-eating ones will make their way in. Beneficial insects come in four categories […]

Pesticides and ALS

Exposure to pesticides may increase the risk for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s disease). ALS, a progressive disease, affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. As the nerve cells that control muscles die, they lose the ability to speak, move, breathe and eat, according to the ALS Association. Three in particular were linked to […]


Bumblebees are large, fuzzy, very hairy insects that look like mini grizzly bears in black and yellow colors. They are considered to be one of the best pollinators. Bumblebees are extremely important foragers.  Unlike honeybees, they are able to forage under cold, rainy and cloudy conditions.  This makes them excellent pollinators of native plants and […]

Pavement Ants

Every year homeowners are alarmed by the number of sand dunes that seem to spring up from cracks in their pavement and between paving bricks. Pavement ants nest under sidewalks, driveways, and buildings. They may enter your home through gaps under garage doors, basement walls, or concrete floors. Pavement ants are one of the most […]

Flying rats a.k.a. house sparrows

House sparrows are considered a pest by gardeners and bird lovers, and such given the nickname flying rats. The sparrow is partly responsible for declining populations of native birds such as the Bluebird, Chickadees, and Tree Swallows among others. House sparrows love pecking seeds and seedlings, buds, flowers, vegetables, and maturing fruits. The English sparrow […]

Hotter days = more bugs

Many people feel it’s possible to control bugs without the help of an expert. However, doing so will require time and money most people wouldn’t want to invest. Few things are worse than unwanted guests that can become a major headache. This warmer weather brings an increase in pest problems and twice as many insects have […]

Pollution and fat rats

A new study suggests that the quality of the air has a role in fat gain. In the study, rats who breathed dirty air weighed significantly more than those that breathed filtered air, and after two weeks they weighed 15 per cent. The weight gain was due to body fat, heavier lungs and livers. The […]

Weevils wobble but rarely fall down

Weevils are one of the most destructive pests in the lower mainland causing damage from the agriculture industry to our kitchens and back yards. Weevils like our warm, moist coastal weather. The main reason why weevils live in our homes is to escape cold weather conditions, and feed and breed within stored cereal grain products. […]

Mosquitoes already?

I looked down yesterday at my arm as I felt a mild sting. A mosquito was extracting my blood for its food. Of course there was a stagnant pond a few feet away which I assumed the mosquito had arisen from.  The most common way to prevent mosquitos is to eliminate breeding sites. Mosquitoes breed […]

Don’t Feed the Raccoons

With Raccoons in the news a lot lately, I thought I’d write a little safety blurb on them. Raccoons can be quite dangerous if they get too close. If a raccoon approaches you, make yourself appear larger: stand up, shout, and wave your arms. If he continues to approach, throw or spray water, or anything […]

3 Pesticides vs All Endangered Species  

3 Pesticides vs All Endangered Species   These three pesticides—chlorpyrifos, diazinon, and malathion—can harm 97 percent of the plants and animals listed under the endangered species act. These three pesticides kill insects by disrupting their brains and nervous systems. They affect animals, including humans, by disturbing the nervous system’s ability to carry signals and are now known carcinogens. […]

Natural Pest Control for your garden

The sun is out, the ground is warm and it’s time to start planting your garden. So here are a few great, all natural, tricks for keeping the bugs off of your plants. Plant basil next to your tomato plant, this is a “natural” remedy for pest control. A lot of companion planting depends on […]

Vegan Flies

Call them what you will; vegan flies, vinegar flies, wine flies, pomace flies or plain old fruit flies, these pesky fly linger around fruit, be it ripe, overripe and rotting fruit. The fruit fly species are considered a domestic species and a general pest. Fruits flies are attracted by the yeast or other fungi from […]

Raccoon Season

As the temperature continues to warm up, we will see more raccoons looking for shelter and increasing their scavenging ways. Raccoons can be a daily annoyance for many Delta residences. They feed on grubs and larvae in lawns and gardens, get into waste and organic garbage bins, and on the constant hunt for pet food.  They […]

Ant hills and what you can do

I took a call from a lady who had ant hills popping up in her backyard. As it turned out, they were fire ants. Fire ants are difficult to exterminate although these ants can be controlled and managed. They can be controlled by following two steps: baiting in April – May and insecticides in September […]

Flying Ants?

This hot wave has brought out the carpenter ants in droves and the skies are swarming. Carpenter ants are social insects that live in large colonies of workers, males and queens. Commonly, the carpenter ants that you encountered in the home are the workers and are wingless foragers of food. Worker ants cannot fly and […]

Spider! Man

It’s that time again when the insects are hatching and the insect police are setting up their road blocks. Spiders, do you fear them or perhaps dread them. Spiders do not transmit diseases to humans when they bite, although some species have highly toxic venom. Spiders are predatory feeding on almost any living creature including […]

Gypsy Moth Time

      The gypsy moth originated in Europe, and was introduced into lower mainland in about 1978. The gypsy moth can cause serious damage to many species of trees and shrubs by feeding on their leaves, flowers, or branches. This can cause trees and shrubs to grow less or cause them to die. Here […]

Midnight Smash-and-Munch Pests

It’s spring and the battle against those pests that turn your yard and landscaping into a war zone has begun in earnest. Let’s take a look at who is capable of damaging your yard and what you can do. Raccoons are out of in numbers now looking for their evening helping of bird seed and […]

Bed Bugs 2+2= 5 factor

Bed bugs are the world’s best hitchhikers invading pristine homes and are not a hygiene-related pest. Now some have developed 15 % thicker outer shells that are able to resist some insecticides. The bugs use enzymes to break down the insecticides called metabolic detoxification. The cuticle slows the insecticide down giving the enzymes more time to […]

The Dirty Dozen – pesticides

Strawberries for the first time in five years are number one in produce group with the most pesticide residue. Apples are number two, then nectarines, peaches, celery, grapes, cherries, spinach, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. Strawberries grown in 2014 showed that 7 percent of the strawberries had levels of pesticide residues considered […]

Re-inventing the rat trap

Rats spread disease, decrease agricultural crop harvests and are a general pest. Scientists at SFU have developed a rat trap that combines synthetic sex pheromones, food scents and baby rat sounds to lure rodents to the bait stations. They say it is 10 times more powerful than traditional traps using the scents of a male […]

Inherited Rat Phobia

A phobia is described as an extreme or irrational fear of or an aversion to something. There are several known phobias; the common ones are fear of rats, mice or spiders. It is now discovered that memories can be transferred to later generations through genetic switches, which turns genes on and off in response to […]

7 beneficial bugs you don’t want to kill

Beneficial bugs are natural predators to the common nuisance bugs that plague particular plants. Of all insect species, 95 percent that are found in lawn and gardens are beneficial or have no effect on the yard. There are two types of beneficial bugs: predatory insects are ones that hunt and kill their prey and parasitoids […]

Squirrels driving you squirrelly?

Some say squirrels are rats with fuzzy tails. Yes they are larger than the average rat and their behavior is not at all like a rat. Squirrels build leaf nests and nests in tree cavities. They may breed twice a year, January and June, and have a 30-45 day gestation. They can have two or […]

Vaccinated your dog against Leptospirosis

A bacterial disease that can infect dogs, raccoons, rats, mice, skunks and squirrels is called Leptospirosis. Signs your dog has this disease are fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, severe muscle pain, stiffness, diarrhea, refusal to eat, lethargy, hemorrhage, jaundice and increased drinking and urination. Younger dogs have more complications than older dogs due to their weakened […]

World Rat Day – APRIL 4

  World Rat Day is a holiday designed to distinguish the fancy rat as a wonderful pet and companion animal for people of all ages. The holiday is to honor and promote pet rats as the wonderful companion animals they are. These pets are sweet animals that deserve greater recognition and admiration. There even an […]

Shoo fly shoo

There are generally four common flies that we encounter here in Delta: the fruit fly, the house fly, the drain fly and flesh fly. Flies frequently come in contact with humans and some have the ability to spread disease-causing germs. There are about 100 pathogens that are connected to the common flies we see in […]

Spring ahead – of those bugs

That fly that has been bugging you means spring is here. From ants and spiders to rodents and birds, once they’re in your home it’s hard to get them out. It’s time to start your pest control now before the season is in full swing. With the right safeguards in place, year-round pest control is […]

Ant antennae are their cell phones

Ants use their antennae to send and receive messages similar to a cell phone. The ants’ antennae are their chief sensory organs. Their antennae are used to communicate to let their family and enemies by using chemical signals on their antennae. The ants’ antennae act as ears designed to send and receive signals.  The bodies […]

Barn owls are efficient and all-natural pest control

The barn owl is a highly effective predator that can easily hunt down and eat over a dozen rodents a night. A nesting pair of owls with say four juvenile owlets in a nest, they can eat anywhere from 36 to 70 rodents every evening. By erecting a barn owl nesting boxes atop 20-foot poles […]

Moths munching your clothes?  

The mildest winter for years has given rise to an epidemic of moths and promises yet more misery for those of us trying to eradicate the tiny pests who munch through our garments. Moth populations have been rising over the years, not just because of warmer winters, we have more clothes than any previous generation, […]

Spring Moles

Spring is here and next to the damage that the raccoons do to your lawn the moles are worst.  Moles tunnel under the lawn and landscaping opening up the soil and allowing air and water to penetrate deeply, promoting plant root development. Of course when they tunnel they create ditches in the lawn and mounds […]

The dose makes the poison

Pesticides, any substance that repels or kills a pest, come in many forms; be it natural or synthesized. The truth is that the skull-and-crossbones emblem should be on your glass of juice or cup of coffee, they all contain naturally occurring pesticides, as do many other foods we consume regularly.  The term pesticides include many […]

Stinky Stink Bugs

Stink bugs product a “stinky” odour when crushed or disturbed. Of the 260 species in North America only one is harmful. Adult stink bugs are shaped like a shield. They thrive in temperatures of 21º C or above. Stink bugs are lively during spring and summer, and live in buildings the rest of the year. […]

Social Bees and Wasps

There are over 50,000 different species of bees and wasps. These black and yellow energetic creatures are actually our friends and a very important part of the earth’s subtle ecology. Honeybees are pollinators and contribute more than 100 million kilograms of commercial honey in North America each year. Wasps play a vital role in regulating […]

Rats or Crime in your Neighborhood?

Okay, here is a question to ponder. Would you prefer to live in a neighborhood that has a lot of rats or crime? There now is a link between rat infestation and the increased risk of depressive symptoms due to concerns the risk of rats spreading disease. Nobody likes living around rats, they are considered […]

Flea infestation increase with warm weather

The warm and wet winter has proved the perfect conditions for fleas and there has been a 50% in call-outs to deal with infestations. Fleas typically live outside but are carried into homes by pets or people, particularly those who have come into contact with wildlife such as foxes, rabbits, rodents or deer. Once they […]

Bumblebees are failing elementary school

Exposure to even small amounts of pesticides is impairing bumblebee’s ability to learn basic skills and preventing bumblebees from removing pollen from flowers. This affects the ability of the bees to both pollinate crops and their own food supply. Bumblebees exposed to a neonicotinoid insecticide can hamper the ability of bumblebees to develop the skills […]

Pet  Raccoon?

It is illegal to keep raccoon’s as pets in B.C. and by feeding them inside or outside the home, people are in fact harming the animals.  A number of people think they are helping raccoon’s by feeding them, sustaining their bad behaviour and inevitably end up killing them with kindness. Others will even attempt to […]

Pharaoh Ant Revisited

The Pharaoh ant is one of the most difficult indoor pests to control.  Pharaoh ants are predominantly aggressive and robust against many store bought control treatments. Pharaoh ants mate in their nests and spread by budding or splitting the colony. They lack nestmate recognition so there is no hostility between colonies. A single colony may […]

Pesticide Action Week

March 20-30 is Pesticide Action Week. The goal is to raise awareness of the pesticides, promote changes and build a pesticide-free world. This international event has been around for 11 years and takes place in the first ten days of spring when agricultural pesticide use resumes. We are all exposed directly or indirectly to pesticides […]

50 Million years later, rodents are vindicated.

Rodents didn’t kill off primeval primates 50 million years ago. Mysterious events led to the extermination of many species of primitive primates in North America, before a rise in carbon dioxide and average temperatures.  A new study of fossilized molars shows that competition with rodents likely wasn’t the cause of these primate losses. Dental clues […]

Pesticide testing on Beagles in Canada is ending

Canada’s Pesticide Management and Regulatory Agency (PMRA) have decided to end the regulation that required testing pesticides on animals. Canada follows the US which made changes that which reduced its year-long testing requirement to 90 days. Health Canada regulations forced the pesticide industry to conduct year-long toxicity tests on beagles. The beagle’s docility makes it […]

Keeping the Pests out of your Compost Bin

Have the local rodents found your compost bin? Here are a collection of tips that will help keep those mice and rats out of your compost. First of all, keep the compost bin in the open, away from walls, ditches, and any other areas that hide rodents. Then… 1 Items to avoid putting into your […]

Spring gardens coming? Keep the rats out!

Here is some handy advice on keeping rats out of your garden this year. And remember if you put out food to encourage wildlife (bird feeder), rats are wildlife and will be looking for things to eat. 1) Clean up any bird food spills before nightfall. 2) By cutting back overgrown hedges, shrubs and bushes […]

Satellite Carpenter Ant Explosion

The black carpenter ant  invade homes in search of food. These ants excavate moist, rotting wood and other soft materials to make satellite nests.  The presence of large, wingless or winged ants inside a home is usually the first sign of an infestation. This does not necessarily mean that a nest is present indoors. The […]

March- Dormant Oil season

Dormant oil can prevent insect damage to your landscape from bugs emerging in spring. Dormant oil needs to be applied when the temperature is above 5 degrees and no chance of freezing usually in March. It needs to be applied when the trees are still dormant, before they open their leaves. The oil works by […]

House Centipedes- 30 Legged Pest Controller

Although centipede means 100 legs house centipedes only have 30. House centipedes are not true insects but relatives of spiders that can live up to seven years. And as we know spiders keep other insects in check, so keep this in mind before you smash that centipede you find scampering across the crawlspace floor. Centipedes […]

Delta Pestaurant Menu Items

What’s the best thing about bugs? Bugs such as ants can taste like lemon, crickets are nutty and grubs can resemble the flavour of bacon. Pestaurants are popping up all over the world serving such mouth-watering delights as Grasshopper Burgers, Chocolate Chirp Cookies and Boston Clorm Chowder. Do appetizers such as panko fried meal worms, […]

It’s Ant Season Again

Ant problems usually remain unseen until the problem has become quite large. Ants make their homes in dark unseen areas, walls, ceilings and floors. Many homeowners may not realize that they have a problem until it’s too late. Ants assault homes and apartments searching for food, warm dry refuge and removing them once they have […]

Long live the barn cat

Barn cats can be a treasured benefit to help control rodents, which keeps your family and farm animals healthy. Rodents have been around since farming began and cats are the first line of defense. Rodent droppings can contain salmonella which can infect the farm animals, then cause illnesses in people when the meat or eggs […]

Trash Pandas scared by landscape of fear.

Why are raccoon’s nicknamed “trash pandas”, well it’s not just their ability to knock over trash bins and crawl their way in, it’s also because they have a scorched-earth approach to all the local wildlife they can fit in their mouths wrecking ecosystems (and your lawn).  Raccoons also consume all kinds of worms, fish (in ponds) […]

Are termites’ terminal?

Termites can cause a lot of devastation which is why you should not delay dealing with them. Of the several different types of termites, subterranean termites are the most destructive. While it may be difficult for a homeowner to know which type of termite they are dealing with, an expert pest control officer will know. […]

Gas analyzer for bed bugs

Gas analyzer for bed bugs Bed bugs remain one of the most infamous and hostile domestic pests. When these miniscule insects have invaded your home, it can take weeks or even months to get rid of them and there’s always a good chance they’ll return. Bed bugs are increasing in number throughout the Lower Mainland […]

The Problem with Poison

What do you do when you have discovered that rats have infested your house? Head off to the hardware store and stock up on all those poisons that hail “success”. But, a few things that you should know about rat poison that may not make it so appealing: rat poison may only exterminate a portion […]

The poor Pigeons a.k.a. Rock Doves

Pigeons often roost on the edges of balconies and ledges giving them plenty of chances to mess up your car or property their “guano”.  Pigeons have become a common sight here in Delta of the last several years. The Rock Dove has pale grey feathers with two black bars on each wing. Now that Fed-x […]

From a Pest Control Officer’s Journal

Silverfish don’t drink: they absorb water from the atmosphere, up their bottoms. Cat’s prefer to play with mice rather than kill them, sometimes. Mice don’t need to drink water A “rat king” is when a group of rats become intertwined by means of their tails getting stuck together by a combination of faeces, blood and general […]

Holy Zika pest control man

With winter still in full grip of Delta, there have been no need to be concerned about mosquito control and there is no reason to panic over the Zika virus. The Zika virus is spread by the same type of mosquito that carries dengue fever and West Nile virus. The Zika virus often produces no […]

Here come the wasps

Wasps are amazing creature that have evolved into simple yet very sophisticated insect. Wasps takes picture of the landscape around it so it can find its way home later. The venom that wasps have has a pheromone in it that causing other wasps to attack the stung individual. So if you do get stung, move […]

Rodent calls increase 65% in January

  In Delta, I experienced an increase of 65% in rodent related calls in January from last year. The onset of winter drives rats and mice into man-made structures to avoid the wet cold night. It really is because of the change in the weather. When the weather was nice out, up until December when […]

Organic Strawberries + Pesticides

Strawberries are one of the dirty dozen, one of the 12 fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide residue. Strawberries are irresistible to pests, especially soil-borne pathogens. Most pesticide comes before the crop is even planted in the form of soil fumigants. These pesticides can drift into schools.  Then in 1987 the first organic strawberry […]

Cuba’s honey exports are pesticide free

Cuba has added organic honey to its list of agricultural exports. Because it is pesticide free, Cuba’s organic bee industry could act as protection from the problems hitting other honey exporters. Organic honey has become Cuba’s fourth most valuable agricultural export.  All of Cuba’s honey is certified as organic and has a very specific, typical […]

If the Government says Pesticides are safe, are they?

The concepts that pesticides are safe based on the claims of laborious scientific assessment are false. And now, Canada’s Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development has found lapses in the strictness of Canada’s pesticide assessment process. Pesticide use is managed by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA). The PMRA is required to reassess the […]

Vancouver Rat Project

The Vancouver Rat Project (VRP) was developed in 2011. The VRP’s goal has been to improve the understanding of populations and the harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites circulating among the rats. Archeologically, city rats have been the source of a number of infectious diseases such as the plague. Very little is known about city rats […]

Gene-targeting weapon against Bed Bugs

Bed bug bites are unpleasant and itchy, and the bugs are tough to eradicate, usually requiring several applications of insecticides. After decades of declining populations, bed bugs have made a resurgence due to resistance to pesticides. Now, researchers have decoded the genome of the bed bug, which could lead to new ways to combat the […]

Staying Ahead of Spring Pests

Now that the winter is almost half gone, different pests will attack your home. More insects and rodents will be trying to make your home their home. These pests will be looking for sources of food, safety from the elements, places to breed, and safe sanctuaries to raise their young. Understanding where pests hide and […]

Don’t poison rats in your home

  Tier 1 Bait Station I’m often asked about putting poison inside ones house to kill vermin. Rats will get into your attic and walls then burrow into the insulation and begin making their nests. Once people hear the scratching sounds many people go straight to their hardware store to get poison to kill them […]

Bed bugs: resistance to pesticides

Bed bug are now 33,333 times more resistant and increasingly immunity to neonicotinoids, or neonics, and pyrethroids. According to a report in the Journal of Medical Entomology, bed bugs have developed a resistance to neonics, the most widely used group of insecticides for controlling them. After testing, researchers have found that it took several thousand […]

Rats, a true health risk  

A report from the Vancouver Rat Project states that rats carry more disease-causing bacteria than was previously known. These bacteria include E coli, the super bug MRSA and a potentially fatal fever called leptospirosis. Rat bites and scratches can result in disease and rat-bite fever. Rat urine is responsible for the spread of leptospirosis, which […]

Fat Bed Bugs can survive insecticides

Researchers have found that bed bugs that were allowed to feed after being treated with insecticides had a greater rate of survival. “Our results indicated that post-treatment feeding significantly reduced or slowed down bed bug mortality,” the researchers wrote. Bed bugs that feed after being sprayed with the same insecticide had a mortality rate of […]

Rodents love soy-based car wiring

In the US, Honda owners are suing Honda for using soy-based wiring that attracts rodents, and then refusing to repair the vehicles. In one case, the owner of a Honda 2014 CrossTour took his vehicle to the dealer, who found a rabbit still chewing away on wiring. After $765 for the repair, the dealer said […]

Turn that wasp nest into paper

Now that its winter, those nasty paper wasps are nowhere to be found. So it is the best time of the year to collect the paper wasps nests. Wasps create their own paper out of wood fibers that they chewed up and build their nests. Believe it or not, you can make handmade paper for […]

Rats pose health threat

Rodents, rats in general, pose grave health threats to the public and farm animals. Rats quickly pick up diseases from one area and transport them to another. Most at risk are humans and poultry. In a recent Canadian study, fecal dropping from rats contained Escherichia coli which are known to be toxic to poultry and […]

Insect Growth Inhibitors

Growth regulators have helped out big time with pests this last year. They successfully control a range of pests including bed bugs, ants, roaches and fleas. They work for battling fleas both indoors and outdoors. Growth regulators work because they disrupt the life cycle of insects. That means that when you kill the parent pests, […]

Oh, That Dead Rodent Smell

Some home pest control procedures can lead to concealed bodies that are only recognized by the smells they discharge as they begin to decompose. Obviously, identify the source of the stench is most important and then disposing of it. Dead rodents are often located within walls or rafters. If this happens, it may be necessary […]

Keeping those Insects out

This cold weather drives insects indoors to seek heat, food and water. Ants, flea, spiders, silverfish, and many others, are making your home their household. Do you want a bug free zone; several procedures can be used to decrease their occurrence. Examination of the outside of your home: remove any piles of leaves, firewood and […]

Mice Invasion

Delta’s human inhabitants aren’t the only ones looking at the thermostat and wishing to hunker down in a warm place for a while — the tri-city’s (Tsawwassen, Ladner N.Delta) rodents are on the hunt for a cozy place to snooze, too. Until last month, Go Green Pest Control in Delta has been fielding on average […]

Those Bed Bug Vampires  

Bed bugs are mostly found in your bedding, the mattress, on the headboard and in the bed frame and box spring. Due to their size and night-time nature bed bugs can easily go unnoticed. Dark spots and small blood stains may show the manifestation of bed bugs. They also give off a sweet mouldy smell […]

Rats can Destroy your Car

The wet weather is creating big problems for some drivers, but it’s rodents that are doing the damage. In the past five years, there’s been an uptick in cars going into have their vehicles inspected due to gnawed parts, and especially when it rains. And it’s partly due to automakers got away from petroleum-based products […]

2016 “Year of the Rat” in Delta

There seems to be no end in sight to the boom in Delta’s rat population. According to the Chinese zodiac, 2016 is the year of the monkey, but there is no monkeying around with the current epidemic of rodents in Ladner and Tsawwassen. In Delta, according to pest control companies, 2015 was the year of […]

Christmas Pharaoh Ants

This last Christmas, I was called out to seven ant issues. All resulted in the discovery of Pharaoh ants in the households. Why are these pesky ants coming out at this time of year? Pharaoh ants can take advantage of artificial heating in buildings to survive the winter. Once the weather became so cold, the […]

Squirrels, the true rodent.

Squirrels in times of food shortage, will choice to gnaw on roots or removing the bark of trees looking for food.  Maples’ winged samaras and acorns keep squirrels from destroying saplings. Planting a variety of seed producing trees ensures if one “crop” fails; another will provide sustenance for hungry squirrels. Those who want to feed […]

Raccoon causes phantom pain

A woman in Ohio had most of her arm amputated this summer after getting bit by a raccoon. Melissa Loomis had groundbreaking surgery after losing most of arm to rabid raccoon bite. After 16 hours, doctors had the challenge of rearranging the nerves in what’s left of Melissa’s right arm. By doing this procedure, they’ll eventually […]

Canadian Raccoon Rabies

Following a skirmish between a rabid raccoon and two bullmastiff dogs inside an Animal Services vehicle on Dec. 2, officials will drop 45,000 vaccine baits by footy and helicopter in a raccoon rabies blitz campaign. The vaccine baits were ordered after a raccoon tested positive for rabies following a skirmish it had with a two […]

Rouse, Mouse-Rat Hybrid

It’s the season: Turducken, piecaken, salaoup, teaffee and now the latest hybrid a Rouse? But this new hybrid is not to be eaten at Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving this is a new super rodent that has been breed to withstand invasive animal testing. Years of genetic engineering, countless misfires and finally a rodent that can […]

Rabid raccoon vs bull mastiff

The first case of raccoon inflicted rabies in Ottawa has struck in almost a decade. Animal services officer picked up two bull mastiffs after they escaped their owner’s yard and placed them in cages in a van with a sick raccoon. Somehow, somehow? the raccoon and one of the dogs got loose from their cages […]

Situational Pest Management

  The keys to successful Situational Pest Management are all about knowledge and experience. Learning how to identify the key pests in your area and learn their habits and preferred living conditions. Teaching ‘SPM’ or Situational Pest Management is a problem-solving process. Professionals are taught the components of the process, and then are taught how […]

Q & A from a Pest Pro

Are the chemicals used in the rat bait boxes warfarin? A. No, warfarin has not been used for years. The newer generation chemical used is called Bromadiolone, at a concentration of 0.05%, and is described as “We got a kinder, gentler, Machine gun hand” Will the poison that the rats eat from the bait boxes […]

Choosing the right Pest Control Company

The recent rain and cooler temperatures tend to drive bugs and rodents into your house. If you seeing traces of those home invaders and have realized that those hardware store insecticides, pesticides and rodenticides can be both dangerous and often useless, then hire someone to handle them, but do your research. As the saying goes, you usually get […]

AHHHHH Skunks!!!!

Does Bowen Island have a skunk or grow-op problem? As many B.C. residents will attest to, it is rather hard to distinguish the difference in smell between exhaust produced by a   marijuana grow-operation and the odorous spray produced by a frighten skunk. Skunks are naturally a slow-moving animal and their only defense is to spray, […]

Threatened Ants turn in Transformers 

When threatened by a predator i.e. your foot, ants instinctively form a single entity by becoming a highly organised superorganism.  Depending on their location, individual ants react very differently yet in a coordinated fashion, if trouble is brewing. Ant colonies are incredibly complex and intensely cooperative, which is why they are often referred to as single superorganisms. […]

Fantasies of Sustainability  

Sustainable living is a myth created by corporate organic trade groups. Statistically, the people most likely to buy organic food and bulk against biology are ignorant of real facts and fight science with the health of themselves and their children. It is a fact that we grow more food than 50 years ago with less than […]

Was that a dog or a rat??

Rats as big as Rottweilers once walked the earth with us, as well as, adorned the rotisserie over a spit fire. Signs of burns and cut marks on the rat bones suggested humans were indeed consuming them for food. The largest rodents once weighed over 5 kgs, about 10 times larger than rats that haunt […]

Build the Delta Bridge like Ants

Unlike human road designs, there is no single ant having the big picture. The striking thing about ants is that they build their networks without any central planning. There are mathematical patterns that trigger their “on-the-fly” behavior, dispersed network-making ants build complex, resource efficient networks with no central planning—that’s definitely something humans can learn a […]

When will these wasps go away!!!!!

By late fall, early winter most average size nests have died but occasionally a large nest found in a warm attic or wall void will survive longer if enough food can be found. As the nest reaches its maximum size in the fall, the queen will lay queen eggs and drone (unfertilized) eggs. Each nest […]

Attack of the Raccoon Drones

Just like the gutters filling with leaves, going to work in the dark and returning home in the dark and loop track Christmas music in the malls, it’s mid fall now and the raccoons are looking for the closest Hotel 6 to get some sleep. Raccoons have a keen eye for houses that need roof […]

Medieval Bubonic plague revival

Bubonic plague is a bacterial disease often carried by mice and rats and their hitch hiking friends the flea. Bubonic plague was widespread in barbaric days and was rare in modern history. In this day and age, there seem to be several cases documented on a yearly basis. Recently, a girl was infected during a […]

Poison-resistant house mice  

It is now feared that super rats have been chatting with their long lost relatives the “mice” and passed along trade secrets. The chemical used to eradicate rats have been changed out over the years as they have become resistant to the poisons used. Now it appears that mice too have breed their way to […]

Rats – Another Penticton Rental House Nightmare

The grandmother of two children moved out of the rental house last week after finding the property infested with rats. Previous tenants had moved out of the house because of rodents. There is a  growing problem around the Thompson-Okanagan over the past five years and municipalities have so far done very little about the problem. Rodents […]

The smaller the creature – the creeper.

Cooler weather is coming and so are critters; the smaller creature the creepier they seem to be. As the temperature drops, rodents and other pests are looking for a meal and cozy place to stay. One rodent can quickly turn into a full-blown infestation and then the household financial plague. Some of your landscaping will […]

Ant control done right

There is not a guide book that describes how to approach carpenter ant problems and therefore each pest control company approaches it differently. Locating the nest, albeit a difficult task, is the key to stopping the ant issues. The nest could be as close as a stump next to the house or a tree three […]

Go Green’s on Jack FM -raccoons !!!

Jack FM morning show DJ’s Kiah & Tara Jean talk to Randy Bilesky, owner of Go Green Pest Control, about happy raccoon’s that act like their just too cute for words until you realize they have canine distemper and a keen desire for human blood. Their producer read the blog in the Delta Optimist that […]

How to prevent a Garter Snake Bite

The Common Garter Snake is the most abundant snake in Canada.  There are three subspecies of the Common Garter Snake are found in British Columbia.  If captured, the snake will try to escape by releasing a smelly mix of musk and feces or flatten their heads and strike aggressively. Common Garter Snakes spend the winter […]

Mulch your leaves – less grubs

It’s that time of year, when we get bombarded by ads for pumpkin-flavored everything, and the unending battle of removing fallen leaves. This fall, consider recycling some of your leaves back into the soil before hauling them all away. The process of shredding the leaves back into the turf causes mycelium or fungi to grow […]

Cute raccoon = Delta ER Department

It’s the time of year you may encounter a raccoon family ordering take-out in your garbage or compost recycling bins. As usual, avoid, retreat and secure your garbage next time. But here is where the advice changes, if one of those raccoons is playing cute; acting like it’s your cat or puppy dog then run […]

Why Hire Go Green Pest Control

“The main advice I have for customers to find a professional is to use a trusted source. They can check licensing status of a perspective business with the Ministry of the Environment. But mainly, they should find a company that has good reviews” With so many pest control companies offering services in the Delta area, […]

Ant control – 7 myths debunked

We all have seen ants marching in the pantry or doing a safari looking for crumbs left under your couch after an Xbox marathon. Well, don’t fret as Reader’s Digest suggests the best common household items that they suggest will rid of your ant problem in your home. This is actually laughable and inadvertently meant as a […]

I said mice -did I Stutter?

Mice, too, can stutter while they are squeaking. Millions of people worldwide stutter when they speak, and it turns out scientists have found that multiple species, including rodents, are susceptible to verbal hiccups too. Stuttering has long been linked to a mutation in the gene Gnptab, which maintains basic levels of cellular function. The verbal impediment […]

Naked blind mole rats – why?

Naked mole rats, they’re neither moles nor rats nor hairless. They live their lives underground and when it gets cold they form a huddle and heat each other. They don’t get cancer, can go without oxygen for a half an hour, never see the sun, almost blind and don’t feel certain kinds of pain. One […]

Spider webs – trick or treat?

Yes, it is almost Halloween and the spider webs are hitting the street lamp posts lights like a graffiti artist sees a newly painted wall. But wait, those webs are real. Thanks to a wet fall, insect activity has increased and brought with it a plethora of araneaes – spiders. Webs can be found adorning […]

Cozy House –Happy Vermin

    Yes, as you turn on your furnace and maintain that comfy 21 degree, your attic becomes a warm safe haven for all vermin. And when I say vermin, I’m talking about mice, voles, rats, squirrels, skunks and raccoon’s. Mice can squeeze into your home through a hole the size of a dime, rats […]

10% of rental homes rodent infested

New study reveals 1 in 10 rented homes infested with rodents. Rodent infestation is a major problem in privately-rented properties, according to new report. A study done by Housing charity Shelter said that rodent (rats and mice) issues where reported that was the equivalent of one in ten privately rented properties. The same study also […]

Pesticides go Nano small

Nano technology has come up again in the world of pest control and pesticides. In Iran scientists have designed an eco-friendly nano-pesticide. The new nano-pesticide can be applied to such crops as decorative plants, tobacco, pistachios and cotton. This photodegradable and biocompatible pesticide supposable uses nanotechnology to enhancement performance killing pests and hopefully decreasing the […]

Craigslist: Now recruiting Bumblebees to deliver pesticides

Bumblebees are now being recruited for the position of pest control techie. A new system uses the bees to help deliver pesticides and fungi directly to plants with pin point accuracy. As opposed to broadcast spraying, the bees deliver product every single day, to every single bloom. A tray filled with a patented mix of […]

Obsessed farmer kills 160,000 rats

As part of a nationwide campaign to stop grain being devoured by rodents; Bangladeshi farmer, wins $250 and named national hero for killing 161,220 rats in one year. Mirbohor hired mostly women volunteers to kill the rats in paddy and wheat fields then submitted the tails of the dead animals to the regional agriculture office […]

Beware, Cockroach crossing

Cockroaches are adaptable and hardy insects, remaining active for a month without feeding and surviving being submerged under water for 30 minutes. Most species of cockroaches are nocturnal and avoid light. They will feed on almost anything in your house.  Bacteria, protozoa and viruses are commonly found on cockroach bodies and legs which in turn can […]

Giant Hero Rats sniff out TNT

  In Cambodia, Gambian giant rats are being used to find the nearly two million land mines spread out across the country. African giant pouched rodent, cat sized have bad vision but an extraordinary sense of smell, especially TNT.  These rodents are light enough to walk over the mines without setting them off, and use […]

The Big Headed Ant

A new ant discovered in Western Kenya, species Carebara Lilith, has an enormous head. Most ant species have only two castes: reproductive and the worker ants. The workers of some ants are built for defense, a subcaste known as soldiers. Soldier ants are usually larger and more muscular than the workers. The Phragmotic ants have soldiers […]

One injection and one infertile mouse Oct 7/15

Researchers found they were able to bring infertility to mice by giving one shot of a very specific antibody. Both males and females become infertile by the antibody; males stopped making sperm and females halted egg production. Within two months after the mice received their injection, they were unable to reproduce with zero side effects. […]

Ants in your…. Car? Oct 6 2015

  Yes, ants can invade your car. Twice this past summer I have sprayed customer’s vehicles because carpenter ants have set-up shop. When ants get into your vehicle, they become a nuisance and become dangerous. The distraction of ants crawling across your gas petal foot can drive you to stomp – the gas petal – […]

Rats!! – Meet the hog-nosed rat Oct 6 2015

Scientists have discovered a new mammal that they have named the hog-nosed rat. This rat is different from any species, or even genus found in a high-altitude jungle of Sulawesi, Indonesia. What makes the rat different are its very small mouth, large white front teeth, big ears and noticeably long pubic hairs. It also has […]

How to keep a rodent free home

Rodents are everywhere this time of year, all looking for the same things: food, water, heat and shelter. Don’t kid yourself; my house is bullet proof against mice and rats. They are lined up to get in. Arboreal rats have no problem jumping on to the house, moving in, and finding their way to your […]

Silverfish use children to hitch-hike

Where are all the silverfish coming from? You may live in an older house or a brand new building and the silverfish are climbing the walls any time of the year. Latest data points to local schools that harbor the insects and use your children as transportation. Schools and school boards do not want pest […]

Avoiding Wasps Hornets & Bees

Yes it’s fall but there are a few stinging bugs hoovering around. Approximately 1 percent of children and 3 percent of adults will develop a severe reaction when stung. Here are my tips: Wasps can crawl inside; do not drink directly out of open cans. Keep your food covered. Barefoot on grass is a no […]

Bedbug bombs

Bedbug foggers can be hazardous if used incorrectly. The most common side effects are headaches, nausea, and coughing – tended to be minor and short-lived. Tests on three popular commercially available foggers: Hot Shot, Spectracide, and Eliminator showed that these three products were virtually useless at fighting bed bug infestations. The mist of chemicals doesn’t […]

The Lab Rodent

  http://gogreenpestcontrol.ca/bug-blog/ The majority of pre-clinical studies involving laboratory animals require the animals physically restrained causing stress. A new handling technique used on rodents which avoids the use of physical restraint. The new handling method resulted in the rodents being in a more positive affective state, lowering their stress hormone levels by around 50 per […]

Warning: Pesticides cause cancer

      Children’s cancer rates are on the rise, leaving parents wondering what’s behind the trend. A new report sheds light into one avoidable risk: household pesticides. Children exposed to insecticides have a 50 percent higher risk of developing certain cancers in childhood. Indoor exposure to insecticides was associated with higher rates of leukemia […]

Once there was a Ladybug

Ladybugs are useful in controlling unwanted pests in home gardens and the agriculture industry. Predator and parasitoid insects, including the ladybug, play a major role in reducing pest damage by suppressing insect pests. Native species of predators and parasitoids, like the ladybug, contribute at least $4.5 billion annually to crop pest control. Farmers include native […]

The Draize test

The Draize test was developed in 1940s, used by the cosmetic industry, is the procedure where a test substance is applied to the eye or skin of a restrained, conscious animal, and then leaving it for set amount of time before rinsing it out and recording its effects. The test is still used in India […]

We are all lab rats

We humans have been test mice to the many unregulated chemicals that are part of our everyday life. In today’s society, chemicals are deemed safe until there not, with sometimes grime results. In North America, 80,000 chemicals are available for manufacturing but only a couple hundred are tested for safety. One example is BPA or Bisphenol […]

38 things about Mice

The name mouse comes from “mus”, a Sanskrit word that means thief They can give birth when they are 2 months old and are able to have 12 pinkies every 3 weeks up to 10 times per year Will nurse babies that are not their own Sexual cycle occurs every four to five days A […]

Wasps eat flies that eat Horse…

One way to restriction pesticide use is to find suitable biological control agents to take their place. Parasitic wasps can be used by ranches, farmers and horse owners instead of pesticides to control fly populations.  Filth flies, like house and stable flies, disturb horses and spread disease. Parasitoids have been proven an effective fly-management tool. […]

Our finest fungicidal wine?

Which countries produce wines with the least amount of fungicides? Pesticides are used on grape plants to kill fungus because grapes are vulnerable to rot from powdery and downy mildew. Humid places like Bordeaux and Champagne rely heavily on chemical spraying with wines from around France showing a trace of pesticides traces in every bottle. […]

Fall is the time to fire your ants

September is the best time of the year to treat fire ant issues. By handling fire ant issues in the autumn you can help eliminate those furious insect biting ants and have fun in your yard next spring.  Control programs use IPM or integrated pest management approach that use a combination of prevention and pesticide […]

Probiotics for honeybees

Students at the University of British Columbia are developing a probiotic designed for honeybees’ digestive system. Suitably named pro-bee-otic, the ground-breaking microorganism mixture could demonstrate a prevailing defense against the negative effects of pesticides. These probiotics for honeybees protect honeybees from neonicotinoids and the current colony collapse disorder. The UBC students have designed this scheme […]

No milkweed – no Monarch butterfly

An important food source and breeding ground for monarch butterflies is the milkweed plant, which has been diminished do to pesticide use. These butterflies are pollinator which we require, as we do bees. The milkweed is the only place female monarch butterflies lay their eggs and the caterpillars feed off it. In February and March, […]

 A Greener Pesticide – alkaloids

In the 1940s and ’50s, farmers had been spraying DDT and heavy metals like lead and arsenic on their orchards. Since these sprays have been banned, there has been a trend towards an ever-greener pest management. It is thought that pure alkaloids have the power to defend against bugs and a few herbivores yet is […]

Erik the Red – the cat – the legand

Erik the Red, a.k.a. the cat, is put to retirement after years of being a rodent control officer.  In 1999 Eric the cat was rescued off the streets in 1999 and has been patrolling the harbour ever since. He was the official rodent control officer aboard CSS Acadia at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. […]

Trash pandas: raccoons

In early 2014, Redditor had a brief comment on a photo of a raccoon: “Raccoons = trash pandas.” The description stuck, and now the term “trash pandas” has permeated across Reddit, Imgur, and Instagram alike. There is now a subreddit devoted entirely to “trash pandas.” The online community members include owners of domesticated raccoons as well as obsessed fans of the new word for raccoon. Let’s dive into […]

Hideous Invasive Species: Rabbits

Summer officially ends on September 23 but many rabbits think it here now. Rabbits eat the bark of trees and shrubs primarily during the fall and winter months. New research shows that rabbits are some of the world’s worst invasive species causing changes for the biodiversity of any land they frequent. Invasive species of rabbits are […]

Say hello to my little friend(s) – rodents

Once they start to invade your home, property destruction and disease will follow. If you think you have mice or rats in your property, then it’s likely you are right. Rodents are prolific breeders that thrive in indoor surroundings. Besides disease, rodents can also carry germs and parasites that can be hazardous to anybody, but […]

The Beaver – a good rodent

The second-largest rodents in the world, the beaver is only just smaller the guinea pig. The world’s largest beaver dam, located in Alberta, is 2,790 feet long was started around 1975. Although the dams can cause extreme flooding situations the net result also create fertile soils, mitigate the effects of drought, reduce evaporation, and filter […]

Is that a bug in your hair?  

The fear of bugs or fear of insects is known as Entomophobia. Insects and bugs often appear disgusting, due to their shape or colors. Flies, mosquitoes and fleas are also associated with the spread of diseases and infections.  In some cases this fear becomes   a mental illness where the patient feels constant ‘prickling, tingling, creeping, […]

The mighty ant

There are now over 12,000 different species of ants, they lived in the Jurassic period and have been evolving and adapting to their environment. It is estimated that ants may withstand forces up to 1000 times their body weight. The ants’ necks ruptured at forces 3,400 to 5,000 times their weight. Their neck tissue structures […]

New Pest Research; nothing has changed

A research company, the Centre for Economics and Business Research, released research showing the pressures posed by pests. The study found that upwards of 90 percent of all businesses surveyed suffered at least one pest infestation in the several years or one infestation every 20 months. Businesses suffering a pest infestation incurred increased maintenance, repair […]

The Pointer mice Sisters   

Mice have been found to sing to each other in a courtship ritual worst then the movie Pretty Lady. Scientists only recently found that female sing back to their perspective suitor. We can’t hear the mice singing sweet nothing as their voices register in a range beyond our ability to hear. A mouse registers at […]

It’s Bat-ty pest control

Bats provide a service worth an estimated $1.33 billion globally by controlling pests on corn crops. Yet, bat populations are under pressure as a result of habitat loss and the spread of diseases. One disease, the white-nose syndrome cause visible symptom of white fungus on the animal’s nose, but it can also appear on its […]

“What’s all the buzz about over here?

Every autumn, wasps bold as brass, suddenly seem to be everywhere. They are one of the most successful types of animal on the planet.  All wasps have a narrow constriction between the chest and abdomen and a stinger. The stinger is used to paralyse other insects and is taken as living food for the wasp’s […]

Pesticide from Caterpillar Poop ? 

The relationship between plants and pests can give us clues as to how to create new pesticides. Case in point, caterpillar poop could be used as a pesticide. Plants have sensors that can identify when the plant is in trouble and respond with defense mechanisms: for an example, the relationship between the corn plant and […]

Wasp Exterminator

Having a wasp’s nest in or around your home is an unwanted situation to be in, especially if you have small children or somebody with an allergy to wasp stings. Aside from the fear of being stung, you also have to deal with the constant humming and buzzing and the sight of the stripey winged […]

Three blind Harvest mice

This agile family of harvest mice have acrobatic abilities as they attack fruit crops. Harvest mice are often pictured clinging onto hears of corn, they are one of the smallest rodents, measuring just two inches in length. With prehensile tails used as a flexible fourth limb, the tiny mice are able to swing and hang […]

Nature: self-destruct button.

Pesticides are a necessary evil to guarantee that the tomato seeds you see in your salad are not worms. Pesticides come with many health defects, pollution and overall destruction of non-targeted species. Many scientists have been looking for an alternative or substitute for pesticides; and this maybe in the form of targeting the building blocks […]

  September’s flying bugs?

  Until the first frost hits, people are going to see a lot of wasps and don’t mistake them for bees. At this time of the year, they are going to become more of a nuisance, but from an ecological perspective, wasps and hornets actually also are good pollinators. They also attack some of the […]

Grab a spoon… BEDBUGS

  One of the worst pest control problems are bed bugs. These vampire like creatures bite, spread quickly and when an infestation breaks out it can be difficult to eradicate. Bed bugs are the small insects that live in beds and mattresses but despite of the fact that they are small in size, they are […]


Earwigs are nocturnal and often hide in small, crevices during the day, and are active at night, feeding on a wide variety of insects and plants. Damage to foliage, flowers, and various crops is commonly blamed on earwigs. Adult earwigs are 14-23mm long, dark brown in color and have forceps at their hind end. The […]

 Bees can’t catch a break

As if bees need another reason to look over their shoulders to see what wants to kill them next. Researchers have discovered another reason why the honey bee population are diminishing. Argentine ants carry a virus that attacks bees.  The virus is identified to be actively reproducing in Argentine ants is a known threat to honeybees. […]

You can’t flee the flea

  Yes, the fleas have been terrible this summer. Though the most fleas will likely do is leave your pets, fleas can pick up plague from infected rodents and pass on the bacterial infection to people. Fleas infected with tapeworm larvae can pass this on to dogs or cats that ingest such fleas — something […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of pesticide use

  1 Always read the label first and follow the directions to the letter, including all precautions and restrictions. 2 Only use the pesticide on pests indicated on the label and don’t use more pesticide than directed by the label. 3 Use protective measures, such as wearing impermeable gloves, long pants, and long-sleeve shirts. Change […]

How much should pest control cost?

  Should you consider hiring the company that offers the lowest price and cut out the highest priced? Should you consider hiring the company that is locally owned and operated? Pests are present everywhere and when they invade your home; the outcome can be pretty dangerous for those who are living in it. Ants, wasps, […]

Fall season: Rats and Mice

Mice are harder to control than rats, therefore complete control may take a longer period. Rodent-proofing your home: Look for droppings both rats and mice inside and outside of your home. Remove sources of water, food and housing from your closets, attics and gardens. Keep trash bins covered. Remove wood piles, junk and garden debris […]

Red Hot Chili Peppers & Mice

  Scientists compared ordinary lab mice with mice genetically engineered to lack capsaicin receptors. The guts of ordinary mice responded noticeably to a capsaicin-like drug. Those on a high-fat diet did not. In mice without capsaicin receptors, diet made no difference in these gut-level responses. Capsaicin – the chemical that gives chili peppers their kick […]

Marathon mice get runners high

A certain hormone called leptin, nicknamed the “satiety” hormone, has been found in mice as another ingredient to a runner’s happiness. It is called “fat hormone” as this is generated by fat cells. Increased leptin level sends a signal to the brain indicating you are “full” thus resulting in increasing the metabolic rate. However, when […]

Rats – ‘superorganism’

  Rats like penguins, huddle for warmth and when they do, the collection of bodies acts like a self-organizing “super-organism.” The members of huddling mass rotate, so that outer rodants are brought into the warmth of the center before rotating back out. Rotation helps to regulate the group’s temperature so none become too hot or […]

Plague infected fleas  

Yes, fleas can carry the bubonic plague. Fleas have tested positive for plague in Pueblo County, Colorado.  This plague, caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis, is transmitted from rodent to rodent by infected fleas. Infected fleas pass plague to animals or people through bites. Plague is characterized by periodic disease outbreaks in rodent populations, some of […]

Wasp drinks to self-medicate

Wasps can tell when a parasite infiltrates their body, and to get rid of the unwelcome organism they seek out a type of nectar that’s not only a sweet source of food, but a pretty potent anti-parasite medicine, says Discover magazine. The collection of compounds responsible for the decline in parasites (including nicotine) can cut the infection by 50%. […]

The Awesome Opossum

Adult opossums are about the size of a large cat. They prefer to establish a home in hollow logs, garages, under buildings, inside burrows and squirrels’ nests. The opossum is an omnivore, so it will eat anything. They reproduce one time per year and the partially developed babies live in the mothers pouch for three […]

  Ants the “panacea for pest control”?

Ants are efficient, sustainable, safe and pest controllers says British Ecological Society’s Journal of Applied Ecology. Here is why they say that ants are special Ants exist on every continent, other than Antarctica, with 12,000 species of ants worldwide. Ants are really good predators. They can lift up to 20 times its’ own body weight. […]

Mice mimic the malnutrition model

Mice that are fed a poor diet along with E. coli and bacteroidetes bacteria, develop malnutrition and symptoms of environmental enteropathy; a disease of the intestine, especially the small intestine. Researchers at UBC, using complex science such as; the hypot-imechular sub-division of the manifold, have produced the first mice model with symptoms of gut bacterial […]

Selfish larvae manipulate ants

Butterfly larvae manipulate their ant attendants by secreting a nutritious and mind altering nectar to keep attendant ants close by for protection. Butterfly larvae can control dopamine secretion in ants by supplying them with nectar. Lycaenid butterflies and ants are representative examples of mutualism, in which different species benefit from the activities of the other. […]

Pests that destroy themselves

 Scientists are genetically engineering moths to self-destruct.  To this end let us discuss an invasive species, the diamondback moth that was once a minor nuisance. It became an agricultural headache in the late 1940s as chemical pesticide use exploded. The moth, the first crop pest to evolve resistance to DDT, multiplied as feebler competitors died off. […]

Bats Man

There are over 900 species of bats worldwide with approximately 40 of these residing north of Mexico. Most bats are insectivores, feeding on insects at night yet some species that prefer other foods such as fruits. Bats can either live in colonies or live alone. Bats emerge in the early days of spring and leave their overwintering […]

Sleeping Beauty and her bed bugs

Although sleeping beauty maybe fictional, bed bugs are as real as the day is long. Even back in the day when white knights were saving damsels in distress, they too carried bed bugs with them. They easily hitch a ride home as full sized bed bugs or eggs. So next time you are traveling by […]

Home sweet home

Pest control companies are reporting a 50% rise in call-outs, here are some of the housemates you could be sharing your home with… Vermin Often found in attics (causing fire hazards by chewing electric cables) and kitchens (where they’ll eat virtually anything that’s on offer, but are especially fond of cereal), telltale signs include droppings, […]

What is a pest-i-cide?

Latin roots, pest=pest and cide=killer or act of killing so the name literally means pest killer. Pesticides include herbicides (weed killers), insecticides (insect killers), fungicides (fungus killers), and even bactericides (bacteria killers), antimicrobials (household disinfectants). A class of insecticides that are derived from plants, the most common being manufactured today are Pyrethroids. These products are […]

PHD in Fire Ant control

The red imported fire ant arrived from South America in the port of Mobile in the 1930s. Early attempts of extermination efforts failed due to the ant’s ability to rapidly reproduce and their biology. Imported fire ants disrupt native habitats and our homeland, and have created an enormous impact on our economy. Autumn is the […]

Rats, the greater scourge

The city council of Coquitlam is finally going to put their collective foot down on rats and try to shed the nick name “Compton”. Coming soon, anyone wanting a demolition permit in Coquitlam will have to prove buildings on the site are free of pests, most especially rats.  Metro Vancouver rats are becoming a greater […]

The cost of neglecting pest Inspections

Buying a home is an exciting and stressful time for home buyers with hundreds of things to do. Go Green Pest Control warns people looking at buying new home that neglecting to have a professional pest inspection on properties is a potentially costly error, sometimes costing thousands of dollars to fix a new property. “We understand […]

Anti-insect gadgets

Fall is on it’s way yet the bugs are still out in force. Earlier this week, I reported that matters could get even worse with the drunk worker wasps, who have wrapped up their daily duties for the year and have nothing better to do than ruin the rest of our summer.  The biggest way insects tend […]

Ants self-medicate  

There is a species of ant which can self-medicate on poisonous hydrogen peroxide. Colonies of collective insects like ants and bees are vulnerable to disease. One way to accomplish this is toingest otherwise harmful substances to fight infection.  At a University in Finland, have now shown that Formica fuscaants choose to eat hydrogen peroxide if they have a […]

Syngenta pesticides and kills Monsanto’s bid

Monsanto’s, the biotech seed giant, tried unsuccessfully for the fourth time to buy Syngenta for $47 million.  Monsanto claim to fame is making transformational solutions for agriculture. Syngenta’s massive range of pesticides would have made Monsanto into a one-stop shop for farmers. Merging with Syngenta would have moved Monsanto to the U.K., where corporations are […]

Mice are nice, outside!

  Mice may enter your home uninvited and it can be hard to locate where their nest is, it could be somewhere in your home underneath your floorboards, or they may be living close outside. Mice are very intelligent rodents with high levels of communication, both vocally and fervently. They can sense other mice’s feelings […]

Pesticide run-off killing lobsters

Researchers are examining the potential impact of agricultural pesticide run-off on lobsters in the Northumberland Strait. Lobster populations in the Northumberland Strait have been collapsed for a number of years, and no amount of fisheries measures have improved that. The conclusion is that there are other influencing factors that are not coming from the strait […]

Wasps party when work is done

It’s that time of year when worker wasps have finished tending to their queen are now left to fly around aimlessly, eating fermented fruit, which makes them “extra bold” and want to fight. Pest controllers say they have been swamped this summer, as thousands of wasps descend on the lower mainland because of the dry […]

Wasps like pool parties

  A single wasps nest consumers anywhere between 240 to 270 flies per hour and like to eat mosquitoes. Wasps generally forage between 200-400 metres within their nests and tend to build their nests in protected areas. A favourite location is under an eaves trough and close to a water source such as a pond […]

Delta the “great havens” for mosquitoes

MOSQUITOES B.C. is home to the mosquito types Aedes and Anopheles, which can transmit diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and chikungunya. But the parasite that causes malaria is not present in B.C. There has been a low population of mosquitoes this year due to the dry weather.  Certain species have found “great havens” in […]

Toad leapfrogs pesticides

  Wood frogs have been able to change certain genes when exposed to environmental pressure, a process known as phenotypic plasticity. They have resorted to different mechanisms to cope with their changing environment. It was discovered that several wood frog populations which lived closer to agricultural lands could quickly switch on genetic resistance to carbaryl […]

Cue the scary music – BEEPOCALYPSE  

  Do we have the real reason for the beepocalypse?  There a new link between pesticide usage and honeybee colony decline. Scientists examined large-scale pesticide usage and yield observations of oilseed rape fields and compared this with data on honeybee losses between 2000 and 2010. The number of seeds treated with imidacloprid rose from less […]

Growing pests to kill pests

Scientists are growing a pest to feed a pest that will spread to kill the original pest. The University of California Intermountain Research and Extension Center is growing a pest called cereal leaf beetle to feed its predator, the parasitic wasp T. Julis, will grow, too. The more beetles you have, the more wasps you […]

Bed Bugs ride the perfect storm

  The recent resurgence of bedbugs can be traced back to the ban on DDT, which had virtually eliminated the pests. After DDT was banned because of the harmful effects on humans and the environment, bedbugs began to reappear, and their comeback was aided by several other factors. The elimination of DDT overlapped with the […]

Hole !! From a vole, mole or troll?

Well, let’s talk about voles. A vole is a small rodent resembling a mouse but with a stouter body, a shorter, hairy tail, a slightly more round head, smaller ears and eyes.. Sometimes known as meadow mice or field mice; there are approximately 155 species of voles in North America. They can have five to […]

Tuff shredding critters want your chafer beetles

The chafer beetle has ravaged lawns throughout Delta this year. Usually its newly seeded lawns or fresh tuff that fall victim to raccoons, skunks and crows searching for beetle larvae to feed on. The life cycle of the chafer beetle is such that from late June until early July they are underground as larvae, and […]

Washing the Pesticides off.

Is washing fruit effective in reducing exposure to pesticides? As it turns out that yes, your standard household tap water will reduce the amount of pesticide on your produce. By washing your produce you are able to rid the surface of most the residual pesticides but not the pesticides that have already been absorbed into […]

Head lice are becoming Super-Bugs

  Now that school is approaching, us parents have one more concern for our children. New research warns head lice are becoming harder to kill because they are becoming resistant to ingredients found in over-the-counter remedies therefore we have a new super-bugs. Whatever reason they’re not dying, they pass that on to their offspring and […]

Rats, another rat in my toilet

  Rats have strong teeth that allow them to chew through glass, cinderblock, wire, aluminum and lead, it’s almost impossible to proof your home from them. Now, National Geographic has shown how a rat can easily slip into grates and manhole covers, leading them through sewage into the residential pipes of homes. Then the rat […]

The fuzzy ant is actually a velvet wasp!!

    A velvet ant is actually a wasp, they look like hairy ants, and though they aren’t considered aggressive, their defense is a formidable sting. The solitary creatures live a few months to a year. These are very neat insects as the velvet ant lays her eggs in the den of ground-nesting wasps or […]

Wasps: the zombie masters

Many wasps paralyse caterpillars or spiders, lay their eggs in them, and seal them alive as ready-to-eat meals for their larvae once they hatch.  The larvae of a wasp known only by its scientific name Reclinervellus nielseni, makes the orb-weaver spider spin a special web for their own cocoons. The wasp climbs up spider’s web […]

Wood Infestation Report (WIR)

Buying a home is the largest single investment for the average Canadian family today. Rising costs of labor and materials make it imperative to protect your investment from structural damage by wood-destroying organisms, especially the carpenter ants. Carpenter ants are among the most costly of all the insect pests affecting structures. The best way to […]

Bubba thinks ants are burrowing animals

Bubba Watson called in a rules official in an attempt to take relief from an ant hill, ants are “burrowing animals.” Bubba (to caddie Ted Scott): “It’s a burrowing animal. It’s digging a hole, so either way you look at it …” Rules official:”It’s not fire ants or anything. There’s no relief from them. That’s a […]

New mice learn to chill-lax

  Scientists have created super-intelligent mice that are less anxious and scared by genetically modifying an enzyme called phosphodiesterase-4B (PDE4B). The researchers say the mice that can chill and relax or chill-lax could provide the basis into new treatments of cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia.  These brainy vermin could learn faster, remember events […]

Fancy Dandy Rats

Fancy rats are specifically bred as pets where your regular street rat that you see in the garbage or a snap trap are considered wild vermin. Domesticated rats are physiologically and psychologically different from their wild relatives. Fancy rats have their origins as the targets for blood sport in 18th- and 19th-century Europe. Specially bred […]

Albino Raccoon

Some people say finding one is less likely than getting hit by lightning. Most folks will go their lives without glimpsing a white raccoon. The odds of spotting one have been estimated at 1 in 500,000, or even 1 in 750,000, making the encounter less likely than getting struck by lightning.    They are secretive creatures […]

Go Green Pest Control and Tsawwassen Sun Festival Parade 2015

  Tsawwassen Sun Festival Parade August 3rd – 2015 This year’s Sun Festival theme is ‘Get Your Kicks on Route 56th’. Our popular festival attracts over 12,000 annually during the BC Day long weekend. Go Green Pest Control has two vehicles entered into the parade this year. Go Green Pest Control’s owner, Randy Bilesky’s is driving his 1966 AC […]

Tulips and crocuses are candy to rodents

Tulips are treats for squirrels, moles, deer and other animals but they avoid daffodils, which contain lycorine, a bitter alkaloid that’s toxic. Lycorine is a toxic crystalline alkaloid found in various Amaryllidaceae species. Other plants such as cultivated bush lily and surprise lilies produce lycorine. It may be highly poisonous or even lethal, when ingested […]

  Stung by bull ant !!!

An Australian news reporter was bitten by a bull ant and could not continue her script as the excruciating pain of the bull ant’s bite takes over.  The clip was filmed a few months ago but never been aired and has now surfaced after being posted on an Instagram account. Australian bull ants, which can […]

What vermin will cost you

Rodents can cause damage to property beginning with attics and crawl space, create unsanitary living conditions and even carry diseases that can make you and your family sick.  Rats can climb pretty much any surface and get wherever they want to go. They can squeeze through amazingly small holes and gaps. Sounds of scratching or […]